Innocent mistake

The morning sun shined on the kingdom of Zayion. A new day had began, the princess was on her way with the man she was set to marry.

The royal family was set to welcome them. All the arrangements were made for her welcome, the king and all his wives made their way to the doors of the castle to greet her on arrival.

Marcus stood on the king's left while Reina stood to his right. They each wore smiles on their faces when in fact none of them were happy. The King was yet to decide if he will side with the queen and reject Marcus or whether he would chose Marcus and turn the prince down.

The prince on the other had was finding it hard to remember every thing he had to do at the ceremony. Not to mention the threat that Reina left in her ear still echoed in his mind.

He was a man, in a line full of women ready to please the king. The only thing that made him special was the mark. It was the only thing that gave him importance and without it he feared he wouldn't matter.

He didn't want to be enemies with Reina but he didn't want to give up and let her win. He was raised as a prince to one day to take over a throne and that gave him a fighting spirit.

It was unnatural for him to give in and act whimpery. So he decided to fight her and show her that being human was his strength and not weakness.

Regina stood by the king's side. On normal occasions it would just be him and the king but today Marcus joined them on the king's request.

But she wasn't so worried, she had a plan that would set everything right once and for all. She would make sure that after today, the king never looks at Marcus ever again.

The princess's entourage arrived. The princess of Zayion stood before the king and his queen's. The queen mother stood right beside her holding her hand to guide her.

As it was custom. She had come of age and had chosen the man she wishes to spend the rest of her life. It was her mother's duty to lead her down the path to the new beginning of her life.

It was custom that her mother was to hold her up until she bathes in the moonlight lake. Only then can she have contact with other people. It was crucial for a girl to go through this stage in their lives.

It was a sign that they had grown up and should be treated as adults. The queen mother held her daughter's hand and helped her move towards the house.

The King moved his hand from his heart and directed it to her as a greeting. Everyone else followed suit. In that they couldn't shake hands with her or give a hug it was the greeting that didn't involve contact.

The princess responded with the same gesture and moved forward. She and the queen mother made their way passed the king, they walked to his left.

As they moved passed Marcus, he moved out of the way but tripped and fell forward. Marcus grabbed the princess's hand to stop himself from falling.

"Huh," gasps could be heard from every direction of the palace.

The princess stood in her spot too shocked to move. She had been caught off guard with Marcus falling over that she wasn't able to avoid him touching her.

For months she had waited for that moment and day and within no second all of it was made to waste. Months of avoiding contact with others except for her mother only to have Marcus ruin it all the last minute.

"Who is this insolent fool?" The queen mother asked angered by Marcus for ruining her daughter's special day.

"He is the new bride of the king," Reina informed to her. She strode over to the princess's side and stood by her. "I am sure he didn't mean that," she added.

Adria glared at her brother. It was evident from her eyes that she blamed him for what had just happened. Morpheus was furious.

There were only three women that he cared for and couldn't stand to see in pain. One was his mother, the second his first queen and then his sister. He could forgive any crime but not someone who hurts those three people.

"How could you bring a bride who is knew to our custom out here on my special day?" Adria asked him.

"I'm sorry," Marcus apologised. "I swear I didn't mean to do that, it was an innocent mistake," he added.