Sudden appearance!

In Lucas's villa,

When he reached at his home, he was completely frustrated with himself. He thought why did he even confessed his feeling to her this early. Couldn't he wait for some more time. If he keeps showing his desperation in this way than he may loose his friendship with her soon and that bastard Daniel may be able to snatch her away from him which he can't afford at any cost. Only the thought of her with Daniel makes him so irritated and frustrated that he wants to kill that man then and there. For the first time he saw Daniel as a competitor to himself. Then he sighed helplessly and then thought what to do. So he decided to send her a message to say her sorry and also wanted to tell her that no need to mind his words. but when he reached for his phone in his pocket he found out that his phone is already switched off. So he decided to message her later after the phone got charged. Then he puts his phone on charging and went to take a refreshing shower to calm down his frustrated mind.

After a long hot shower of about 30 minutes he came out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat and then after that he reached for his mobile. And the moment he turned on his phone he becomes shocked to see her message and then his eyes fall on his nick name given by her 'Luc'... he couldn't believe that it was her. he thought that she may be still mad at him but all his doubt was cleared now and then his eyes fell on the time. This message is delivered to him about 40 min ago. He thought 'Oh no! she send me this a quite while ago. she must be mad at me now again.' and then without any delay he replied to her message instantly, "Hey Rose."

Than instantly from her side the reply came as if she waited for his reply for so long and messeges him,

"Luc are you upset on me?"

"No, Rose why will I upset? don't worry I am fine."

"Um... Luc I wanted to say you something."

"I'm also wanted to say something to you."

"Then first you say than I will."

"No No Rose, you say then after I will say."

"No, Luc gents first."

Lucas then chuckled slightly 'this damn girl' and shakes his head and then send her again,

"Actually Rose I wanted to say sorry to you. "


"Because I shouldn't have confessed that to you."

On the other side Rose was blushing very hardly remembering his confession and send him,

"It's OK luc, no need to say sorry to me. it's completely fine. although I didn't mind that." and sent a smily emoji with that. Now his heart was then come to the peace by knowing that she didn't mind him then messeged her,

"Now your turn. what were you saying to me Rose? "

Now she finally decided to confess him,

"Actually Luc I did also missed you today and sorry for not accepting this fact in front of you. I was very scared of the thought that may be you will start to think me as a easy going girl and also for some unknown reason I don't know what but I was unable to say that to you. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. "

when Lucas saw her message he was now at cloud nine. He couldn't believe that she finally confessed him what he was longing to listen. Then he replied her,

"Are you serious Rose!!!"

"Yes Luc 100% sure."

When he saw this message a big bright smile appeared on his face and also felt very very happy. The girl of his dreams finally confessed him that she really did missed him. What more can he expect and again send her a message,

"Well what can I say Rose... as you know that I was also missed you today so much." and send with a wink emoji to her.

When she saw this message her chicks are now becoming pink slowly slowly with so much blush and then she couldn't decide what to say and then typed a simple "Good night Luc" to him.

Then he also replies to her "Good Night my Queen"

And with this message she is blushing so hard now only the mentioning her as his queen. Now she can't wait anymore to see him again tomorrow and went to a peaceful sleep and also on the other side Lucas did the same as Rose and both are drifted to a peaceful sleep by only the thought of each other to see eachother again tomorrow.


As usual Rose Woke up at 7am then did her morning routine and took a fresh shower then wore a denim skirt which was reaching just above her knees with a red tank top along with a denim jacket.she did her makeup which includes slight blush with cherry lipgloss with some eyeliner.after satisfied with her looks she made a ponytail and wore her new sneakers and went down to do her breakfast with her family. After that her father drops her to the college.

Today she was looking so cute and pretty but she herself is unaware of this fact but looking at her, any one can fall on her knees. After reaching college at 8am she started to looking out for Lucas again. Her class starts at 8.30am. So she decided to wait for him at the nearby bench. But instead of Lucas she again saw that Daniel is approaching her. She couldn't decide weather to talk with him or to ignore him. If she ignores then it will be so rude to him so she decides to talk to him but was silently praying in her mind that, "Please god save me. I don't want Lucas to angry on me again if he saw me with Daniel now."

But Lucas is nowhere to be seen. Now she continues her talk with Daniel but her mind seems to be somewhere else.but it didn't bother Daniel. After talking for sometimes he again tried to shake his hand with her in the name of friendship but in reality he wanted to feel her soft skin against him and also wanted to complete his incomplete task of yesterday which got interrupted only because of Lucas. Now he is nowhere to be seen, so Daniel can use this golden opportunity now.

Rose also couldn't denied him for it and decided to shake her hand with him but the moment he was again going to touch her hand, that time suddenly someone grabbed her hand from him. Rose was very shocked. How can Lucas be able to reach them without any noise and present there out of nowhere.


To Be Continued...