Little romantic moment...

When Lucas was entering the campus today and that time what he saw made his blood boil once again so without wasting any more time he used his superpower to reach them and prevent each other from touching the hands and thankfully there was no one at that time to see that he was using his superpowers.

After separating Rose and Daniel, he didn't spare a single glance at Daniel as his eyes only focusing toward the front, and he tightly grips Rose's wrist and lead them to a secret place of that campus which is behind the building of that University. His eyes are filled with angry, rage, and coldness. When she saw his eyes she again got very scared of him.

When they reached at that secret place of Lucas where no one is allowed except he himself and his other gang members, that time he realized that how tightly he gripped her wrist and instantly released her wrist and turn around to see her, only to found out that fear in her eyes. Be then wondered 'for whom! for me!?' Now he silently started to curse himself for his stupid act. Then slowly slowly he becomes calm because this place was always make him to remain calm. The moment Rose's eyes started to wondering around the secret place she couldn't believe that this kind of place even actually exists in this campus. The place was surrounding with many trees where many birds are chirping and winds are blowing slowly and there is also four benches are lying there and the leaves from the trees are slightly falling down which only makes the atmosphere more romantic.

Then his expression slightly turned soft by seeing her expression. Then he finally decided to start the conversation,

"What the hell was that Rose? didn't I warn you to stay away from that bastard Daniel." He angrily stated but didn't raise his voice at her. He was just showing his displeasure to her at that time.

"I know luc but how can I completely ignore him when he is approaching directly to me. It will be so rude luc.I don't want him to feel bad because of me."

Lucas knew she is right in her point of view, then he said softly, "I know Rose you were helpless at that time but be careful from now onwards. Ignore him as much as you can. I'm saying this only for the sake of you Rose."

"Yes, luc. I understand but plz don't get angry on me. It only scares me a lot because of you." He said with her the most vulnerable voice and it was enough for him to totally get melt for her.

Then Lucas thought of something in his naughty mind and then a cunning smirk started to appear on his face as he told her,

"Do I really only make you scared Rose and nothing else?" He asked her raising his one eyebrow at her. Then all of a sudden her all frightness replaced with the nervousness and the sleeping butterflies in her stomach again started to dance in her stomach. she couldn't decide what to say or how to even react at this type of question!

"What are you talking about? Let's go from here otherwise we will be late for the class." with saying this she was about to turn around for leaving the place but again his hands caught her wrist from behind and pull her towards him and she got collided with his muscular body and again asked her huskily,

"Why are you in rush huh? There is only ten minutes left for the class and you can stay here with me more five minutes and by the way why are you not looking at me Rose? Am I that scary looking? I don't think so!"

At this time her heart begin to drum against her chest so loudly that even Lucas can able to hear that very clearly but she didn't dare to meet his captivating eyes at that time. Now they are so close to each other and he was holding her very close against himself that no space was left in between them at that time. Now it started irritating him that she is not looking at him. Then he pulls her more close to him while his one hand was wrapped around her slim waist and other hand was lifting her chin with his index finger to meet her gaze. And Rose now unable to do anything and without having any other choice finally looked into his eyes. Oh my god! how can someone be this much handsome? she thought. She had never saw him from this much of close proximity. Now she does that and she couldn't help but started to admire his face in her mind and also started to blush so hard that her face had already turned into the crimson red colour.

Lucas seems to be crazy for her as the days passed. He couldn't help but to fall for her deeply day by day. And again when he saw this blush on her face he felt very satisfied at that time and then the next what he did made her slightly gasp and shock.

He frees her hair from her ponytail as he ran his hand on her silky smooth straight hair and leans slightly to smell her sweet smell of her hair. She couldn't recognize what's happening. Then he huskily told her near her ear that "You looks more beautiful with your free hairs Rose."

Now she becomes so red by listening his complement that she wanted to run away from here and will hide at some where from this embarrassing moment. She can't help but felt extremely happy. Then suddenly the word slipped from her mouth subconsciously, "really?"

"Yes, Rose really... you are looking even more preetier with your silky free hairs". Now this is too much for her to digest all this thing. Now she changed the topic again to prevent herself from this embarrassing situation.

"let's go luc." She said shyly all the while looking everywhere but not at him.

Now really the time is 8.25. Only five minutes has passed but it felt like five hours have been passed to Rose. Then he also told her, "OK."

Then thay walk out of that secret place and both headed towards their respective classes saying bye to eachother and will meet eachothers after the school hour.

And then she went to her class with her free silky black hairs.

The class continued. Rose and her friends are already present there when she reached her class. She sat near Bella and after sitting there she observed that her three friends are already eyeing her mischievously. She then annoyingly asked them,

"What guys? why you all are looking at me like this?"

They didn't said anything and only giggled and laughed at her. Then Bella told her,

"During lunch break we all want to ask you about something." Then with that they all again stared at her for sometime mischievously then give their attention to the lecture.

After all the classes the lunch break comes then Rose and her friends went to the cafeteria for grabbing their lunch and settled themselves in the tables. Then she couldn't control her curiosity any more and then asked them,

"Guys, can you please explain me now what was that? why you all were eyeing me in that way?"...


To Be Continued...