
Crossing the magical bridge finally both Lucas and Rose reached at the otherside of the waterfall where the mushroom shaped house was situated. The house was just looking like a real mushroom as if it is naturally grown from the soil itself.

Rose just remained awestruck for some moments. She never had ever seen this type of house and even the whole surrounding in her nineteen years of life.

The house has one door which was looking like it's made up of some kinds of woods and also a window which was looking like the same as the door. Then she saw that Lucas just showed his palm in front of the door and it got opened automatically. He didn't even needed touch that.

"How did you do that Lucas? Are you really possessing some kind of magic huh?" She asked him not believing that he really had done that without even touching the door.

He just chuckled a bit and then replied her, "No Rose, I don't possess anything. If you want you can also do this."

"Really!!!" She asked him getting very shocked as well as excited and he nodded his head at her. Then once again using his palms he closed the door without even touching it.

"Look, you just have to put your palm in front of the door like I did and then you will say the spell I will tell you to say and it will get open automatically. Then he went near her ear and told her the spell and her eyes goes wide in surprise and then asked him, "What kind of language is this Alex?" and he again chuckled at her and then replied, "It's kind of a magical language and these are some kind of spells. Now concentrate on it and try to open it." He said and nodding her head she started to do the exact he had told her. And he was right! The door really got opened and she just couldn't believe it in her eyes.

Ever since her childhood she always wanted to learn magic even though she knew that it's not even existed in this world and because she was just a small child she easily got believed in these things that are told by her parents and untill also she was thinking the same but now she was just feeling incredibly happy.

"Let's get in." He said leaning near her ear snapping her out of her own thinking world and then only she replied. "Yeah..." Flashing him her all time beautiful smile.

After entering into the house what she saw even made her eyes more wide in shock and surprised that they are just ready to bulge out from her eye sockets in anytime.

Inside the house all are looking like a normal thing like there was Chairs, tables, sofas, mirrors and even washroom. But what shocked her the most was the cute and beautiful tiny human butterflies. She saw that two very tiny human butterflies are flying just above their head only to welcome them inside the house.

"Good to see you once again Lucas, and who is this pretty girl with you hmm?" The tiny butterfly on the right side who is not larger than any normal human palm asked Lucas. Then giving her a gentle smile Lucas replied proudly while holding Rose's waist possessively, "She is my girl and her name is Rosaline Campbell."

Rose was once again just lost in her world thinking that how is it even possible that she is seeing these tiny butterfly like humans but his sentence once again made her snapped out of her world and when he addressed her as his girl she just couldn't stopped herself from blushing profusely.

"You are so pretty Rosaline, no doubt that Lucas has choosen you. I have never seen more beautiful women than you in my whole life." The tiny girl named Ashmika complemented her.

"Um... Thanks, by the way you both are also looking like pretty angels. What's your name?" She asked them feeling little shy because Lucas was still holding her waist possessively.

"I'm Ashmika and she is Rashmika and we both are sisters." Ashmika said smiling widely at Rose.

"No doubt you both are looking quite similar." Rose said smiling back at them.

"Now we welcome you both. C'mon we have a very big surprise for you Rosaline." Rashmika said and then gestured both of them to come inside.

When Rose went in and in she found more tiny human butterflies in the whole house even some are including male tiny human butterflies. And like the women those men are also the epitome of beauty in her eyes. Indeed they are the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen in her life.

"Did you liked the surprise Rosaline?" Rashmika asked her and immediately she replied, "Wow, I can't believe what I'm seeing in front of me now! Are they even for real?"

"Yes, Rosaline." Rashmika replied.

She then saw them roaming here and there all over the house but when they noticed both Lucas and her, immediately they all started to gather around both of them and started to looking at Rose like they are seeing someone like her for the first time in their life. But she have no idea that they all are looking at her because like Ashmika said no one have ever seen a true beauty like her in their whole life.

Rose suddenly started to feel uncomfortable by their stares especially those male butterflies's stare. "Don't scare her guys and no need to look at her like this. Let me introduce you all with her. Meet her, she is Rosaline Campbell my girl and I hope you all will treat her well. And special announcement to all the men that don't ever dare to look at her any wrong way. I know no one will ever dare but also I am warning you just for your sake." He said and all the males are just nodded their heads in understanding.

On the other side Rose was really couldn't able to understand that why they are obeying his each and every commands obediently then she thought that he may be their master after all. But still the way he just warned them about her, she couldn't help but started to blush even more than before.

Then Ashmika once again told them to sit on the dining chair and then both sat down on it. Rose remembered that Lucas had told her not to eat anything in the cafeteria so she had thought that he may have planned to take her to any kind of restaurant or hotel but no she was completely wrong. Who thought that he will just bring her to the most amazing place of the earth!

After that all of the tiny human butterflies went busy in their works and that is to serve them the food and to take care of each and every needs of them. It was looking so pleasant to Rose's eyes while watching them flying here and there all over the house. Even some couple butterflies started to dance in the air romantically while other musician butterflies are playing some tiny musical instruments. The music was quite romantic and Rose was fully enjoying the dance, the music and as well as the foods.

All the foods are like the normal foods she used to eat in the human world and also were extremely delicious but the water is not normal at all. It was that same magical water as she had seen before like the waterfall water. When they put the water into her glass she just astonishingly asked one of the human butterflies, "Is it really drinkable?"


To Be Continued...