Please me...

"Yes, Rosaline. It's just like the normal water but only the colour is different. Just try it for once." The human butterfly replied and then Rose started to look at Lucas as if asking him silently that whether she should drink this or not? After receiving an assured smile from him she took the glass towards her mouth and started to drink it nervously.

But when she gulped down that magical water for the first time she really couldn't believe that it's really tasting like the normal water in her world and if possible she just started to feel more energetic and refreshing than before and with that after eating all the delicious foods she literally drank about three glasses of the magical water.

"Wow I can really feel some changes in me like some type of positive changes. I'm even feeling more refreshing and energetic than before. Tell me is there any magic in this water too?" She asked Lucas excitedly but to her dismay he just denied her and then said, "No Rose. It's like the normal water that anyone can drink but that anyone must not possess any sort of negativity, darkness, ill intentions within him/herself. If by any chance they drink it then it will leave a painful yet forever scar on their whole body and eventually they are gonna die in the end."

By hearing out from him she just got surprised even more. But in between that she never seems to observe that he didn't even drank the water for an once.

"Go and prepare the boat and we need some privacy now!" Lucas ordered all those human looking tiny butterflies and bowing their heads in the air all of them fled out of the window aligned themselves in a beautiful triangle shape while their chief was at first and then behind him all of them followed him quickly.

Still admiring them all in her mind Rose asked him, "Lucas... What are they actually?"

"They all are actually fire fairies. You can clearly see their hairs are red in colour, eyes are also slight golden while their wings are golden coloured wings and even their magic wands are golden in colour. They are not actually this much of tiny but are the bigger ones like us but it's because they possesses magic that's why they prefers to stay in this small size. They have their own reasons behind it. But don't worry about them...." He said and then paused suddenly giving her a mischievous smirk and then continued, "Rose, you didn't tell me yet that did you liked my surprise or not?"

She started to blush slightly and then replied, "Of course Lucas! You never fails to amuse me everytime. And you know what, this place is just amazing and it become my one of the favourite places."

"So, what will be my reward then huh?" He asked and she then once again blushed. She knew very well that what actually he wants from her, but she then also decided to play with him for sometime.

"Hmm, tell me what do you want?" She asked and he just again smirked back at her. But what he said next to her, she just didn't expected that to hear from his mouth.

"I just want you to please me tonight."he said smirking cunningly at her and being the naive girl she is, she could not understand that what he is asking her about. She had at least expected him to ask her for a passionate kiss because of which she had already made up her mind, but here he is asking her to please him, but how!

"Alex I couldn't understand what's the meaning behind your words? How can I please you?" She asked him frowning slightly.

Looking at her naiveness Lucas just chuckled at her teasingly and then replied, "You don't have to worry that much about it. Just remember that you have to please me tonight and about the question that how will you do that, then you just only have to do the exact things that I will tell you to do. Understood?"

Finally realising that she has no other choice, she got agreed to his words because she really wanted to please him like he is doing to her now. And she was so pleased by him now that she just wanted to kiss him hard letting him know that how he had just made her feel happy today. But because she thought she will feel embarrased that's why she could not ask him to give him a kiss.

"Yes Lucas, I understood!" She said while already making her mind to do whatever he will tell her to do tonight.

"Good! Now let's go, I have another surprise for you to see." He said and then getting up from his seat he dragged her out of that mushroom shaped house and then lifted her up in his arms suddenly.

"Lucas you..." She was saying something but he just cut off her words and said, "Shhh... Just enjoy the moment ok?" He said and then started to walk somewhere where those fire fairies are supposed to gather.

Rose was busy in admiring the whole nature and she was feeling incredibly good. The wind was also blowing slowly slowly giving her the calmness that she always loved. Subconsciously her gaze again landed on his face and for a moment she got stilled in his arms because he was looking just breathtakingly handsome and one look at him, she knew the women will just die to even get a slight glimpse of his face.

At that time nothing was in her mind and the only thing that mattered to her was him and by looking at his inviting thin pink lips she just wanted to kiss them hard. No not only his kissable lips but also on all over his face.

Then he went to stand on the river shore where a boat was waiting for them. It was a very small boat where only two people can fit properly. Then he went to sit in it still holding her in his hand. After sitting in the boat he just made her sit on his lap because the space was too congested in that boat. But he had no problem with that because it's the exactly what he wanted and he just knowingly gestured at the chief to select the most smallest boat while she was busy in eating.

"Did you sit properly?" He asked her while she was sitting on his lap slightly straddling him, that's why her face was just an inch away from his face and both were keep on looking at eachother.

"Yes Lucas." She whishpered. He then smiled at her and then turning around he again gestured those fairies to leave them alone and bowing their heads at him they complied what he commanded them and left from there.

He then turned around again to face her and while she was busy to stare at his godly face she failed to notice that he just brought out his palm and spell something in his mind and because of that the boat started to moving on the water automatically...


To Be Continued...