Her savage reply!

But now he is regretting doing that with her. Even though he thought that it will be better for him than to that sweet torture but making her this much hurt was never in his plan. He really said more than enough words at that time in the library and he had no idea what he was saying to her. But after she left he realised so many things and what he told her, then just literally cursed himself inside his mind. 

Right now he has no idea that how to persuade her. He can't even touch her because today is not his day, then how?

"Do you really think I will go like this?" He again asked in his cold monotone. 

"I don't care what you do and don't. I'm just telling you. If you wanna stay then go sit there on the sofa. When you think like you should go from here then you can go." She also replied to him in the same voice as him still facing her backside towards him.