
"What the hell are you doing here Lucas?" Rose asked disbelievingly because he was the last man she had expected to be here in her room. Thank god that she has came alone, not with any other person of her family. Otherwise she doesn't want to imagine how her parents would have react if they find Lucas in her room at the night time.

One thing she was always sure and it's even true that no matter how her parents adores him but they will never appreciate the fact that he is spending his whole night with their beloved daughter. 

"I just felt like to see you once again." He replied simply and this simplicity of him as if nothing has happened made her boiled in anger even more.

"Seriously Lucas? Just go before someone see you! I don't want to be embarrassed because of you in front of my parents." 

"For that you can lock your door." He again stated in the same way.