
By looking at his begging expression her heart clenched painfully. It was not so easy for her to act so strong in front of him. The thing which she was doing was so unforgivable that she knew Lucas will always gonna hate her for that. 

"It's all true Lucas. I don't love you! The things which were between us were just fake. Now just let me go before I say you something which I should not be say." She replied calmly void of any emotions and was about to get up from the bed but he once again stopped her by holding her hand in his. 

"No... You can't do this Rose. I know you are lying. It's all not true. Please tell me the reason Rose so that I can able to solve them all but staying away from me is not the solution. You know that how much I love you then why are you doing this. Please Rose come back to me and don't play with my heart anymore. I can't handle it please." He begged and finally another tear drop also started to fall from his eyes.