Coronation ceremony...

Next day arrived within the blink of his eyes but still he felt like he is living in the past. The memories he had created with her in these years are just keep on coming in front of his eyes and that hurts him so much that he can't even able to explain it to anyone. The pain in his heart is just too unbearable that he couldn't able think anything straight. If anyone will look at his broken state right now then no wonder that the person will also start to feel the sympathy for him. 

He got ready for the day masking the real emotions in his eyes and went to his father who was waiting for him in the main hall of the castle with the other important ministers. 

"Son, come have a sit." His father called him with his proud filled voice and he went to sit near him. 

"So what did you decided?" King Marcus asked him.

"I'm ready to be the king father." Lucas replied in his authorative voice so that along with his father everyone can listen to him very clearly.