Ch. 01 A new begining

Do you believe in the afterlife or reincarnation, if you were to ask me this question a few days ago I would have said no but all that changed on the day I died

I was coming home from college late because there was a party for freshmen. Usually, I don't go to parties but this one was important this party could decide where you stand in your college social circle and I didn't want to be an outcast so I went there.

It was your typical college party booze was flowing, girls were dancing and the stoners were sitting in the corner, you know the usual. I was standing at the bar with that plastic red cup with beer in it and enjoying the vibe of the party with some other guys.

I can't dance when I dance it looks like I have seizures. So I refrain from making a fool of myself. It was getting late and everyone was now leaving so I decided to make my exit now.

I was walking down the road I was a bit tipsy. I was at a crossroads now it was red I looked left and right and saw a truck coming I waited for it to go and it passed I then crossed the road and then I fell into a manhole, snapped my leg, fractured my ribs and I died due to blood in my lungs and loss of blood.

I slowly lost my consciousness and there was only darkness and I thought so this is what happens after we die it sucks. I floated in the dark and thought is this it? I might have lived better if I knew the end would suck like this.

But it felt like it didn't really matter because I was an orphan never knew what is like to have a family and to get a scholarship for college I had to study hard so that meant that I didn't really have much friends. I just hoped I could have lived a better life.

As I said that a voice came "So if you have a chance at life again you would do it differently?"

I heard a sound but there was no one. I asked "Who said that? Show yourself?"

The voice said, "I have no form to show you, Edward Jones."

I asked, "How do you know my name who are you? or What are you?"

The voice said, "I go by many names Edward but you can call me God."

I was shocked and said, "So, you do judge people after they die?"

The voice chuckled and said, "My job is not to judge you, I have given you free will, the decision that you made in the conditions that you made them are unique to you and besides it's just a waste."

I asked then "So what are you doing here? and where is here?"

God said, "This is nowhere and everywhere."

I said "Yep, there are those vague answers you give to everyone. So you didn't answer why are you here?"

God said, "I was bored and you looked interesting that is why I came and asked you that question."

I answered, "If I said yes where will you send me?"

God said, "Where is it that you wish to go?"

Even before I said anything God "It's possible, Edward. There are many worlds like that exist with magic and technology."

I said, "Then send me there."

God said, "Okay then Edward Jones entertain me."

As I heard those words I again fell losing my consciousness.

I then woke up in a bed in a room that looked decked out it was filled with toys and books. Unfortunately, God didn't give me the memories of who this kid was so I looked around and found a woman next to me she looked like a maid she was sitting in a chair. I tapped her legs and she "Young master you are awake."

I thought I was rich but I didn't know I was young master rich. I said, "Miss who are you? and who am I?"

She looked mortified and started to cry in a failed attempt to console her I said "Please don't cry, miss." And she cried even more hearing her cry a butler came into the room

The butler said, "Oh, Anna did something happens to the young master?" He looked at Anna who was bawling her eyes out and me trying to console her. He walked quickly towards me and said "Young master thank God you are okay."

Anna said, "Young master is not okay, he lost his memories." The butler looked at me and asked "It is true what she says" I nodded.

He said "I am going to notify the doctors and Master about this situation. Anna, please leave the room you are in no condition to help anyone."

He then took Anna out of the room and I looked around and there was a nightstand I opened it and found a small mirror in it I took a look at myself and I looked quite cute I had blonde hair with green eyes with a bit of purple in them the facial features were sharp for the age by the way. I heard the footsteps of a hoard so I put the mirror back where I found it.

A hoard of people who were wearing white robes with red bands across the body entered with them was a man a tall blonde man with one eye he was wearing an eye patch on the left eye, he was wearing a black suit with a gold pin and he walked up to me and with emotion in his eyes said: "Son is it true that you have lost your memories?"

I nodded he turned to the doctors and said "Do your best possible to recover his memories."

The old-looking doctor with a green band on his arm said "We will try our best president but there is a very real chance that your son might not regain his memories."

Father looked at the man and said "Do whatever you can." He then left the room. I was in the room with the Doctors and they started to use some magic. They would say a word and a circular or sometimes a pentagon or a hexagon-shaped would come out with something written in it.

I looked at the magic in amazement and a young doctor asked "Do you like magic, sir?" I nodded.


I am Remus Knight I am the president of the continent of Cadmus. I hold a few things that are dear to me, the prosperity of my people, loyalty from my soldiers and my precious son Edmund.

My job as the president is to help protect my people, show them a good path to follow, to prevent the ruin of my people, but a few fake and weak terrorists try to take away the peace and order I have brought to my Continent.

They have tried time and time again to hurt me and my people but they have never truly succeeded but today they have gone too far. To try and kidnap my son.

(Remus after the talk with the mc and doctors outside the room)

A man wearing militaristic garb which was red and dull indigo in colour walks up his suit had many medals we walked up to Remus and asked: "Is he, alright President?"

Remus was letting out bloodthirst and his eyes looked like he could kill anyone with a gaze. Remus said, "Has he talked?"

The man said, "No, Mr President."

Remus starts to move and the man follows and Remus asks "Have you brought them?"

The man nods and says "Yes Mr President they are at the Blohton holding site."

They then walk towards a stone gate and Remus touches the gate and it opens up a portal. They move through it.


(In Edmunds Room)

The Doctors left after they did their magic and stuff they have left me with these potions which help in physical recovery. They told me to take the potion after I eat something.

I got up from the bed and walked towards the window and I heard "Get away from the window young master!" I was startled and I quickly moved away I looked for the one who said that and I saw that it was the butler. He was holding a tray with a white bowl and a glass of orange juice.

I asked, "Why did you say to get away from the windows?"

The butler put down the tray on the bed and said: "I am sorry to scare you young master but someone could have harmed you and after what happened today I advise you to stay away from windows."

I asked, "What is your name Mr?"

He did a little bow and said "I am Luis Mack young master I am your Father's Butler."

I asked, "What happened to me today Mr Mack?"

He said, "First young master, you must eat something to get answers for me."

I said, "Okay." He was surprised and I don't know why he was I then sat at the table which was on the right side of the room next to a fireplace.

He brought me the tray I looked into the bowl and it was milk almonds oat and some banana. It was oatmeal. I just ate it and drank the juice and the potion and said "Now answers Mr Mack."

Mack said "Now young master you must address me as Mack or Luis I am your servant young master do not forget it. As to what happened today was simply a very tragic young master.

Your Father is the president of the Continent of Cadmus the second largest Continent in size and the most powerful in military might on this planet."

I was shocked at this revelation. But I was happy that I was the son of a President. Mack continued "Our continent is the best in Potion making, transport technology, and is the largest supplier of mana rocks to the planet." I continued listening and nodded along

He continued "Before your Father Remus Knight was the President this Continent was divided into many countries all of them plagued with war, corruption and Tyranny from their rulers. Your Father Remus Knight united the Continent under one banner."

I was amazed at Remus's accomplishments. To unify an entire continent.

Mack continued "But some people were not happy that their power got taken away from them so they rebel to this day and your father being the generous person he is continued to look away from the atrocities that they committed."

But today they did something terrible they attacked your school killed some poor teachers and students and attempted to kidnap you. It was fortunate that you are not severely hurt Young master."

In my mind, I was 'like Holy Sh!t this is bad. People will try to come after me again.'

Mack looked at me and said, "You are safe here young master no one will dare to come here." I relaxed a bit after I heard him say that.

I then asked him "Mack do I have a mother?"

He was tensed now and gulped down saliva and said "Yes, young master you do have a mother she is out on a diplomatic tour to Atica. She will be coming home soon."

I then said, "I am getting tired now Mack I would like to sleep now." I went to my bed and got cosy.

He said "Understood Young master." He then took the tray with him and snapped his fingers and the light was cut and he closed the door.

Then he thought to himself "What would Madam do when she finds out?"


Hey guys this is my first original work I hope that you guys like it and don't worry I will not stop the other series they both are going to get updates. So let me know if you liked this.