Ch.02 History of Comonoe.

(In Edward's Room)

I have been reading a lot of books to familiarise myself with the world that I am living in. The planet's name is Camonoe. It has five Continents Eipia, Ocath, Trefes, Olas, Cadmus.

Eipia is the Largest Continent and is inhabited mostly by animals and the Beast race called Phune. The Capital city is Pego in the Country Utrela. They work in a Monarchy system in which the King is decided by competition among the people. They are importers of minerals and usually are ex-pats to other Continents as workers.

Ocath is the smallest by land area and is Agricultural oriented Continue and is divided into smaller Countries. The Capital City was Zroln in the Country of Asnistan. They work with a Communistic kind of system but it has worked for them because the people group is Dervunee mostly belive to have content with what you are given. The name of the Party is Free People's Socialist Republic.

Trefes is the fourth largest Continent and Elves and spirits live on this continent. They also work under a monarchy but it is a very small monarch and it is largely controlled by a council of Kings and Queens named The Board of Harmony. The monarch is passed on to the next of kin. They mostly provide the World with Medicinal Herbs that are not found anywhere and the Healers of this Continent are the most sought after.

Olas is the third largest and the imminent neighbour and is the Enemy of Cadmus for Centuries but no one remembers as to why we hate each other. The books say that they said that we are heretics and follow the Wrong God and therefore are wrong.

They have tried to compete with us at every given opportunity possible. They are called Iteran and have a darker skin tone and have sharper canines and have generally white or ash grey hair. They compete with us over the mana rock export and are the second on the Planet. But they specialize in their craftsmanship and engineering.

They work under a Constitution and a Monarchy simultaneously. Their Capital city is Kroucburgh in the country of Satros.

And The Last Continent is the second-largest Cadmus. It is a Democratic and a Monarchy lead Country. The Current President is Reamus Knight. The King is Clark Evans. The First prince is Jacob, Princess Lauren. Their son was the heir to the kingdom called Analon Empire.

The government's name is United Monarchy. The Monarchy was for a show they didn't hold any power in lawmaking to anything they were just a showpiece to the World. But they did enjoy the Castel and income from the Empire.


I was sitting in my room reading up on normal books I also found information on this body. His name is Edmund Knight, father Remus Knight, Mother Sylvie Knight. The boy is about 14 years old and was attending a common school at his request.

"Dumbass trying to interact with normal people. Look what happened now you are dead and I am living in your place." I said in my mind.

For the few days, I have been here I have been reading about magic and found that In Camonoe, magic comes from a force within. All living beings possess magical energies within themselves, many people are able to bend these magical energies to their will.

In the past, these magical energies have caused more destructive warfare, but with more knowledge being gained every day, wars are becoming less common and more destructive.

magical research is at the forefront in order to utilize it better in difficult times.

The magic is generally divided into Elemental and Specialised. The Specialised is learnt after Elemental and the magic training starts at the age of 15 at this point people can control magic relatively safely. The specializations are a subject that is not touched in the books that I had.

I was reading books when I heard a Knock and Anna said "Young master?"

I said, "Come in." She came in with a tray with food and looked at me I was in bed with books and was reading. I then put my books aside and she put the tray in front of me Anna had brought a chicken soup with bread to eat.

I was done eating and she asked: "Young master it is nice to see you trying to study so hard but I don't think it is good for you."

I said "I am doing some light reading nothing else. And can you tell me where is Father?"

She said in a sad manner, "Master has not come home for three days and it is not clear as to when Master will come home."

I then said, "Inform me when Father comes I would like to talk to him."

She then took the tray and went away. I then took out a book that was for beginners in magic to use. It talked about what magic is and how to utilise it.

It said to start with the easiest spell "Help me in illuminating my path 'Illuminate'". And a small ball of light came and brightened the room.

I was in amazement to see the light this was something that I had created. It was an amazing feeling.


(In the interrogation room Blohton holding site.)

Screams could be heard from the Rooms. In holding room 504.

A man was in a chair and didn't speak anything. The man looked bruised. A man who was wearing a military uniform his name was General Preston Dixon. He entered the room and said, "Tell me where is he!"

The man said "I don't know anything. I have told you time and time again."

General said "If you don't tell me anything I swear to god I will make sure you rot in hell and your family will spit in your grave. Tell me where he is."

The man said, "I don't know anything." The general exited the room.

The general said, "We are not getting anywhere with him sir."

Remus said, "Bring them in then."

The general nodded and entered the room and said "Fine you don't want to tell me anything. Maybe you will tell him something."

A man entered the room he was wearing a black cloak and entered the room he was 6'7" had dark brown flowing hair and a scar on his right cheek and had black glasses.

Underneath the cloak was a black military suit with red bands and coat of arms that was On top of the coronet sits a hounskull helm, which itself supports the crest, in this case, a great bicorn.

The coronet and crest are decoratively bound by a roll of fabric, or torse, which carries the main colours used on the shield.

Lastly, tied to the helmet is a large drapery, or mantling, in the shape of small stage curtains and coloured in the main colours, just like the torse.

He smiled and said, "Hello there James, I am Tobias Kaur and I am an interrogation specialist." He removed his cloak and his glasses Under the cloak.

As soon as those words left Tobias's mouth James started to sweat and tried to escape from his seat and started to scream "NO PLEASE NO NOT HIM I WILL TELL YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW!!!"

Tobias laughed and said "It is no help now. They can't help you now." Tobias then put his hands on his skull and James started to scream and blood started to come from his nose and ears.

And in mere moments James stopped breathing. Tobias put on his cloak and put on his glasses. and entered a room walked up to Reamus saluted him and said "I have found the information about a rebel base camp in Ardglass. They were behind the Kidnap attempt."

They all then started to move to the transport nodule and Remus touched it and before he went in he said "Demolish everything. I want their heads. Use excessive force."

And they saluted him and Remus went away.


Hey, guys, this is the first original work I hope that you guys like it and don't worry I will not stop the other series they both are going to get updates. So let me know if you liked this.

Thank you to Dracul91.