

First of all happy new years. I need to talk to you, I need to address something. I have been feeling this for a long time, but wasn't able to say anything because I didn't wanted to let go of this. This was my second ff that I had written and this ff was the one that given me confidence to write.

I loved this ff for a very long time, I loved writing it, I loved the characters that I had created and I am happy that some of you also liked them. But I don't love it anymore, writing this ff doesn't really give me joy anymore, it feels like a chore.

I am sorry for breaking my promise, but I don't think I will be able to continue the story. I will miss you guys a lot. The people I am going to miss a lot are Leonel, SrFiih, Nix Phoenix, Metalloid, Knight wolf, Faibani, AZ, DJOK_DJOK, IDragonXyz, Akagami, Mediumispremium, VL98, Clonos, LastP, NooghtDeNihil, DrakenPhenix, Draconian, Dical, WolfLord, Naginn.

And the rest who voted, commented, reviewed this ff. I am thankful that you read this ff. And I have said it time and time again. I wouldn't have even come this far if it wasn't for the support of you guys. I am truly thankful to you all.

I hope I will see you guys again in some new projects that I do. But for now I think it is a good bye.