Chapter 69 - Nice

"Aim at the face archers! And spearmen when thrusting, thrust at the face and then quickly retract ready to defend against a counter-attack!"

I pick myself up and push my wet hair to the side grabbing my spear with my free hand. I see GomiTwo opposite me holding onto a spear behind the shields. I can see the tip of the spear shaking up and down slightly as well as GomiTwo's terrified expression.

"L-l-leader...I might be w-w-wrong about defeating it."

Through the cracks of GomiTwo's teeth, he squeezes out a message towards me without taking his eyes off the monster. It wasn't just GomiTwo whose eyes were glued to the monster. The four shieldbearers were standing stationary with their shields half covering their face and their eyes shaking back and forth. 

What's happening to them?