Chapter 70 - These feelings...

My legs feel like jelly.

My lips cracked and peeling.

My throat is as dry as a desert.

My eyes wander aimlessly.

My head is spinning.

The pungent smell of blood and urine fill the atmosphere around me. I wade through a thick ocean of blood and flesh as it slowly merges and mixes with the constant flow of the river. From a glistening aquamarine blue to a vivid dark ruby red. 

My knees drop and a small wave of blood splash against me, slapping across my face covering me in this mixture. My eyes void from light blinking slowly unaware of the surroundings. 

Behind me slowly drifting towards me until it bumped into my back as something soft but hard at the same time. It rolls around me with the current and drifts around in front of me.

I hold back the urge to chunder as I see the once helpful and insightful GomiTwo's head drift away from me.