That night, in Tokyo the Ayumi family was having dinner with Eddy and his family. Aida and her brother were also present. Ayumi is helped by Kenji to introduce his biological father and family to his children, including Aida.

The family atmosphere appears even though they are hindered by language and cultural differences. In the middle of a social gathering, Sam received a message. He opened his cellphone. Sam smiled reading it. She approached Eddy.

"Papa, Mitha and Erwin have left tonight. Maybe tomorrow morning they will arrive at the airport," he whispered to Eddy.

Eddy smiled, "Thank goodness. Thank you, Sam."

Eddy asks Ayumi to call Aida. Not long after, he came to see Eddy who was with Sam. In Japanese, Eddy conveyed his request to Aida, "Aida, tomorrow morning, my grandson is coming. You, Kenji and Sam pick him up, don't you?"

Aida thought of Erwin. He was silent for a moment.

"Oh, it's him again! Damn. Why should I, "she thought.

Eddy smiled seeing Aida's reaction. He again expressed his request to Aida, "How is it, my grandson? Are you ready to pick them up?"

Aida frowned. He was actually reluctant, but he couldn't refuse Eddy's request. Plus, Kenji always encouraged him to do it. Reluctantly, she's agreed, "Okay, Gramps. I'm going to pick them up tomorrow."

Kenji smiled at the forced Aida. In Japanese, he said to Aida, "Sometime hate is the beginning of a prolonged love. Enjoy the process, Aida."

Then he whistling and smiling look at her. Aida forced a smile at her uncle, but inside she felt irritated.

"Uncle, how dare you," she said to herself.

The next morning, Mitha, Ellen and Erwin arrived at the Tokyo airport. Mitha hastily contacted Sam to inform her of his arrival. Not long after, Sam, who was with Aida and Kenji, came to pick them up.

Mitha, who is so deep in her longing, can't hold back her emotion when she first meets Sam. He immediately approached her, and hugged her tightly, "Sam, I missed you so much."

Samuel smiled happily, "Yeah, honey, I'm so happy you and Erwin finally came. Alright, let's go straight to the inn."

Meanwhile, Erwin and Aida actually looked indifferent to each other. Aida is still hurt. His memory of Erwin's attitude and words that thought he was playing games made him so hurt. In the middle of the journey, Aida and Erwin were silent. Ellen who saw Erwin who was completely indifferent to Aida teased her.

"Bro, why are you silent? You were so cheerful earlier," he teased Erwin.

"She's so stiff, like a smackdown wrestler," Erwin whispered.

He smiled looking at Erwin, "But she is beautiful, Sis. Bet, one day you'll have a crush on him."

Meanwhile, Erwin was silent with a frown on his face, Kenji who was sitting in front of Erwin could hear Erwin whispering to Ellen. He smirked, and whispered "Ne, naze au~in ni taisuru anata no taido wa totemo katai nodesu ka?" (meaning: Hey, why are you so stiff towards Erwin?)

Aida looked at Erwin through the rearview mirror. With an irritated face, she whispered to Kenji, "Kare wa watashi ga ojīchan, ojisan ni tsuite uso o tsuite iru to omottanode, watashi wa kare ni fungai shita." (meaning: I resented him because he thought I was lying about grandfather, Uncle.)

Kenji smiled. He whispered to Aida again, "Wakarimasen ka? Kare wa anata ga sumakkudaunresurā no yōda to itta." (meaning: You know what? He said you're like a SmackDown wrestler)

Aida glared. "Nani? Kare wa watashi ga sumakkudaun no asurīto no yō ni mieta to itta? Ko nash!" (meaning: What? He said I looked like a SmackDown athlete?! Damn!)

Aida looked back and looked at Erwin with an angry face, but Erwin instead looked away while whistling. Ellen just smiled and shook her head at her sister's behavior.

Kenji calmed Aida down. "Gaman shite, Aida. Sugu ni tōchaku shimasu." (meaning: Aida, be patient. We will arrive soon.)

Finally, they arrived at the inn. Eddy who was in the lobby welcomed the arrival of Mitha, Erwin and Ellen.

"Erwin, my grandson. Glad you finally came," said Eddy.

Erwin hugged his grandfather. "I miss grandpa too. Glad we finally met."

Eddy asked Aida to come closer. He then looked at Erwin and Aida. "Aida, Erwin. Please take grandpa to grandma's grave, okay?" Eddy asked in Indonesian.

Eddy's words were only understood by Aida, Erwin and Mitha. Mitha held back a smile when she saw Erwin scratching his hair, and his facial expression looked like he didn't like it. He and Aida looked at each other. Looks like they don't like each other.

Mitha finally persuaded him, "Erwin, it's done. Follow grandpa's words."

"But, Ma ..." Erwin said with a pitiful face.

"Well, don't complain, Erwin. He is also your relative. Grandpa wants you to get to know your relatives. After all, mama also wants to let go of longing with papa. Come on …." Mitha persuaded Erwin.

Erwin froze. Aida who was irritated by Erwin's attitude approached him. She said with high tone, "Emangnya kenapa? Pikirmu aku suka dekat-dekat kamu? Bukannya kamu bilang aku seperti atlet Smackdown?" (meaning: What's the matter? You think I want to be near you? Didn't you say I looked like a smackdown athlete?)

"Ya! Terus kenapa? Kamu sih, kaku banget!"

(meaning: Yes, why?! You're really stiff!) Erwin replied in a fierce tone.

Aida replied in a fierce tone, "Kau bilang aku bohong. Kamu bilang aku salah lah, cuman akting lah!" (meaning: You said I was a liar. You said I was wrong, just acting!)

Erwin's face looked regretful, but he tried to hide it. Nervously, he replied to Aida's words,

"Yah waktu itu a... aku beneran gak tahu, Aida. Kamu yang justru pergi dan tiba-tiba menghilang."

(meaning: At that time I… I really didn't know, Aida. After all, you didn't even say goodbye. All of a sudden it went away and disappeared.)

Aida wrinkled her forehead while smiling sarcastically, "Oh, jadi kamu cari-cari aku? Terus sekarang nyesel ya?!" (meaning: Oh, so you were looking for me? Go on, regret it?)

Erwin's face reddened. He was getting nervous, but he still insisted on continuing the heated debate. Their debates seemed funny, and no doubt made those there smile. Aida and Erwin had pushed each other, and made fun of each other with funny faces, and not infrequently they stuck their tongues out at each other and put on silly faces.

Eddy and Mitha laughed at Erwin and Aida's expressions. They argued for a long time. Mitha finally broke up their fight.

Eddy laugh when seeing that argue, "Sudahlah. Kalian berdua jangan berdebat."

(meaning: Come on, you guys please don't argue.)

They were both silent. Eddy immediately invited them, "Yuk, kita berangkat sekarang."

(meaning: Come on, let's go now.)

"Baik, Kek" (meaning: Okay, Grandpa), replied Erwin and Aida while still looking at each other.

Sometimes Erwin and Aida seem to tease each other with silly expressions behind Eddy. With Kenji escorted, they immediately boarded the car that Kenji was driving to the Kinarsih cemetery. Arriving there, Eddy could not hold back his tears.

Eddy said to his servant, "Sharon, please help me up."

"Yes sir," replied Sharon.

Sharon helped Eddy up. He guided Eddy to walk with a stick. Aida and Erwin followed behind. In front of Kinarsih's tomb, Eddy took out a photo. A photo of him and Kinarsih.

Eddy looked at him for a moment. The tomb is like most tombs in Japan. On the tomb is written "Michiko Matsumoto" and below it is written "Kinarsih". There is a photo of Kinarsih in her tomb.

With tears in his eyes, Eddy touched Kinarsih's grave, "Kinarsih, I'm coming. I miss you so much. I came with your granddaughter who looks so much like you, as well as mine from another woman."

Eddy sent a prayer to Kinarsih. After praying, he saw the tomb next to Kinarsih's grave. Aida explains that next to her are the graves of Masaru, the person who saved Kinarsih, and the person who raised Ayumi. Eddy stands in front of Masaru's grave.

There, you can see a photo of his youth when he was in the Nippon army. Eddy took off his proud hat that he often used. The hat turned out to be a service cap when he joined the allied army. Somehow Eddy took care of it, the hat still looked good.

He placed the hat on Masaru's grave. "Masaru, World War II has caused hostility and deep wounds. But, what you show is love. Love in a terrible war that made an imprint on the history of the world. I have heard everything from your granddaughter, Aida and my daughter, Ayumi," said Eddy in Japanese.

He sighed, and continued his words, "Masaru, calm down in nature, I pray that you will get a good reward for your services in taking care of Kinarsih, raising Ayumi, my daughter. Also teaches love to Aida, my granddaughter. I'm proud of you, Masaru."

Eddy behaved like a soldier with his frail body. He stood up straight, and saluted in front of Masaru's grave.

"Masaru, thank you for accompanying Kinarsih in her remaining years. You are a true patriot."

For a moment, Eddy was silent. He looked at the two graves with tears in his eyes. He looked back at Sharon.

"All right, Sharon. Help me sit in the wheelchair. We will be goin' home right now."

"Yes sir," Sharon replied curtly.

With his patience Sharon guided Eddy to sit back in his wheelchair. He was about to call Erwin to come back, but his laughter appeared when he saw the two fighting.

"Eddy, look at your two grandchildren. They look so much like tom and jerry," Sharon whispered to Eddy.

Eddy was curious. He saw his two grandchildren arguing. As it turned out, Erwin and Aida both couldn't help but feel sad seeing Eddy's love for Kinarsih, but they both mocked each other.

In Indonesia, Erwin taunted Aida, "Hoo, You're whining just because of that."

"Who said, huh! I just got dust, that's why my eyes are watering," Aida replied while looking at Erwin.

Erwin laughed mockingly. She resumed his words, "You're whining too, Erwin. Ew, how come the boy is so whinny.."

"No! You're wrong, I'm tired just now, come here straight away!" Erwin covered.

"Ah ... Tired doesn't bring tears to your eyes," she mocked Erwin.

"Buu ... don't be prestige. It's a shame that he was caught lying," Erwin replied mockingly.

"You are prestige. Caught that you're pussy and do not confess. It's a shame, here..." Aida replied while stroked her chest.

Eddy who saw Erwin and Aida arguing just smiled. "Aida, Erwin. Alright, how come you guys have been fighting. You guys, apart from being both granddaughters. Come on, let's go home," he said use Indonesian.

Aida and Erwin were silent while looking at each other with angry expressions. Aida pursed her lips, while Erwin imitated a chatty Aida with his hands. Eddy smiled at the ridiculous way they argued.

"Don't fight, please. Grandpa is so sad to see you guys fighting all the time," said Eddy persuading his two grandchildren.