After hearing the words of the grandfather, Erwin and Aida stopped what they were doing, but they both still looked at each other with angry faces.

"Hehehe, why do you two always fight?" asked Eddy.

Aida was silent while looking at Erwin with a disapproving face. Expecting sympathy from his grandfather, Erwin said to Eddy, "Grandpa, Aida and I were just studying acting. We once promised to practice drama together."

Aida glared. Inside her heart she said, "Damn!! Why did he have to lie?"

Eddy smiled slightly at Erwin's words.

"Drama? So you guys are just pretending from earlier? Thankfully, grandpa is happy. Turns out you guys really match."

Erwin frowned at Eddy's words. He was confused. "W—What you mean grandpa?"

Eddy didn't reply. He looked back at Aida and called out to her. "Aida, come here."

Aida was forced to approach. Kenji couldn't help but laugh at Aida's expression looking at Erwin. Holding Erwin and Aida's hands, Eddy said in Indonesian, "Aida, Erwin. At front of grandma's grave, I asked one thing of you."

Eddy brought Aida and Erwin's hands together, then held them with both hands.

"I want you to be united as husband and wife someday. You are very compatible, and I hopes that with your marriage, our kinship will be even closer," he continued with a sweet smile.

Aida and Erwin looked at each other, but neither of them dared to refuse Eddy's request.

"Erwin, Aida, will you two get married, and continue the story of grandfather and Kinarsih?" asked Eddy hopefully.

For a moment, Aida and Erwin looked at each other. Both of them held back their dislike, but they didn't have the heart to refuse Eddy's request.

"Well, I'm regretful for pretended earlier," Erwin complained in his heart.

Aida just silently stared at Erwin with a disgusted face.

"Why are you both silent? You want to continue the love story between grandfather and Kinarsih?" asked Eddy reassuringly.

Both of them tried to smile at Eddy. Finally, the two answered at the same time. "Yes, Gramps."

Eddy smiled happily looking at his two grandchildren. "Good, let's go to Ayumi's house, I will also announce your wedding plans in front of your family and relatives."

With forced faces, Erwin and Aida nodded, then they exited the burial area and headed to Ayumi's house. Aida and Erwin were silent on the way to Ayumi's house. Erwin said to himself, "Fuck! My fate … Finally, like it or not, I was forced to accept the smackdown wrestler."

On the way, Aida occasionally looked at Erwin with disapproval. His face looked grumpy.

"Fuck him! Pretending to use all boong actions, in the end, he had to do it. Hhhh!!! Damn!," Aida cursed in her mind.

After a long journey, they arrived at their destination. Ayumi warmly welcomes their arrival. When Erwin went down with Kenji, Ayumi was surprised to see Erwin who was so similar to his father's youth.

"Anata Wa Erwin Reese?" (meaning: Are you Erwin Reese?) Ayumi asked.

For a moment, Erwin looked awkward. He was just trying to smile kindly at Ayumi because he couldn't speak Japanese. Aida, who initially hated Erwin so much, tried not to laugh at his funny expression.

"How, Handsome? Do you understand what my mother said?" Aida asked in Indonesian.

Erwin who felt prestige replied, "Of course you know. Your mother greeted me, right?"

Aida just smiled meaningfully. In his heart he said, "Watch out for you, Erwin. I work for you."

Aida whispered to her mother. Ayumi's face looks so cheerful. He just nodded in agreement with Aida's proposal. Ayumi calls Aida's older brother Takeshi. And, not long after, a big Takeshi appeared. He approached Aida.

"Aida, kore wa anata ga resura to yobu monodesuka?" (meaning: Aida, is she the one you said was a wrestler?) Takeshi asked.

"Hai. Kare wa yujo no shirushi to shite anata o resuringu ni tsurete ikitai to omotte imasu," (Meaning: Yes, he wants to invite you to play wrestling as a sign of friendship,) Aida said holding back a laugh.

For a moment, Takeshi looked surprised by Aida's words, but he smiled again. "Uwa, omoshiroi. Sate, watashi wa kare o shitte ureshīdesu"(meaning: Wow, interesting. Okay, I'm glad to meet him.)

Takeshi smiled at Erwin, and immediately took him somewhere. "Modorimashou, Erwin." (meaning: Let's go back, Erwin)

Erwin, who doesn't understand Japanese, just looked at Aida.

"Come on, Erwin. Just follow my brother. He will cook sushi for you," said Aida in Indonesian.

Hearing things about cooking, Erwin seemed happy. He followed Aida and Takeshi. And when he got there, it turned out that Takeshi had invited him to his Yudo gym.

"Huh?! Yudo gym? Cook sushi at Yudo gym?" said Erwin in surprise.

Takeshi smiled broadly. He patted Erwin's shoulder. "Hai, watashitachiha yūjō no akashi to shite torikumimasu." (Yes, we will wrestle as a token of friendship)

With a look of astonishment and fear, Erwin looked at Aida.

"Aida, he said the kitchen, why is this Yudo's gym?" Erwin asked in Indonesian.

Aida tried to hold back her laughter. "Alright, calm down. The cooking show is still later. You better warm up first."

"But, this is a real Yudo gym. Where can I be Judo?" said Erwin half scared.

Takeshi ordered all his students to stop their practice. He gathered his students around himself and Erwin.

"Everyone, please sit down. I have a guest star. Yudo expert from America. We welcome for Erwin Reese," Takeshi said in Japanese while looking at Erwin.

Erwin looked awkward. He wanted to run away, but Aida held him back.

"Erwin, if you are really a man, accept this challenge," said Aida.

"Challenge? What challenge?" asked Erwin with a deathly pale face.

"Yudo fight with my brother, Takeshi," said Aida while holding back a laugh.

"Hah?! … What? Are you serious, Aida?!" said Erwin with a shocked face.

Aida intimately took Erwin into the gym. Everyone clapped, but Erwin just smiled wryly.

"Ouch, I'm going to die in this polar bear beating," he said to himself, looking at Takeshi with a frightened face.

And, the wrestling began. Because he doesn't know how to do judo, Erwin is repeatedly slammed here and there, and everyone laughs. Aida couldn't help but laugh at the helpless Erwin against Takeshi.

However, in the midst of the satisfaction of repaying his hurt, slowly his love and affection for Erwin emerged. Erwin who felt overwhelmed finally gave up. After giving up, Takeshi massaged his swollen bicep.

"Erwin, I already know you can't Yudo. But, you know what capital to defend yourself? Bravery. Your courage is the main capital. I'm proud of you," Takeshi said in Japanese.

Takeshi put his arm around him, and asked him to shake hands. With a battered face and trying to endure the pain, Erwin still managed to smile and returned Takeshi's outstretched hand.

Then, Takeshi gave a pearl of wisdom to his student. "Okay, everyone. You know, martial arts skills are not for evil, but for exercising courage and maintaining health. You know, he's taught me what courage is. He is not afraid to accept challenges that exceed his abilities for the sake of the people he loves, that is courage. Give a round of applause to Erwin Reese," Takeshi said to his students while looking at Erwin.

They clap. Erwin tried to smile in pain. His face was battered. After that, Aida took him back to the living room. There, he treated the bruises on his face.

"Aida, why do you have the heart to work with me? What was your brother talking about?" Erwin asked in Indonesian.

Aida smiled, "Erwin, Takeshi is nice to know you. He is proud of your bravery. He said, the capital of martial arts is courage.

Erwin nodded. He then asked, "Your brother is a Yudo teacher?"

"Yes. Not only Judo. He is also a Karate, Aikido and Jujitsu teacher," said Aida while compressing the bruises on Erwin's face.

"Ouch. It hurts..." Erwin said when Aida treated the blisters on Erwin's forehead.

"Uh, sorry," said Aida while again compressing the bruises on Erwin's face.

Aida treated the bruises and compressed them gently. In his heart, the seeds of love in his heart grew, he smiled sweetly looking at Erwin's face.

Erwin was surprised to see Aida smiling. "Hey, why are you smiling? It hurts, you know!"

Aida laughed. "You know, you look cute like this, but you also look masculine when you're battered like this."

"Masculine? You want me to be battered to look manly like that?" he replied in a hushed tone.

They don't realize that Mitha and others are coming. Ellen who was looking for her sister saw Aida who was treating her brother's bruises.

Ellen smiled. "Brother, why are you like this? What's your sister doing?" asked Ellen.

"Ellen? Here, my new sister is at SmackDown with a judo teacher," Erwin replied.

Aida looked at Ellen. He got up, and smiled kindly at Ellen even though she didn't understand English.

"Aida, do you know what my sister said?" asked Erwin in surprise.

Aida frowned in surprise. In Indonesian, he replied, "No, I don't understand English."

"Ellen, this is Aida. The person who did my sister," said Erwin introducing Aida.

Ellen smiled sweetly. He invited Aida to shake hands. "Nice to see you, Aida," said Ellen.

Aida just smiled at Erwin.

"He's happy to know you, Aida," Erwin said trying to smile.

Ellen approached her sister. "Brother, I heard from Grandpa that you are going to marry Aida. Brother and him are so good together."

"Suitable? See brother now. Battered," replied Erwin in a sulky tone.

"But, Aida takes care of big brother. He really loves you," replied Ellen with a crisp laugh.

Aida just stared at Erwin and his sister who were conversing in English. Not long after, Eddy Ayumi and Mitha walked into the living room. Mitha was surprised to see Erwin bruised.

"Erwin, what have you been up to?" Mitha asked in Indonesian.

"Here, Mom. Erwin finished his Yudo training," said Erwin while looking at Aida.

"Oh I see. You're okay with Aida right?" Mitha asked.

"Y-Yes, Mom," Erwin said nervously.

Eddy was so happy to see Erwin and Aida getting along well. He invites Mitha and Ayumi to talk elsewhere.