Meanwhile, the event just finished late at night. All the guests have gone home. Goro and Kenji, Richard and Sam help clean the garden, while Aida and Erwin wash the dishes.

"Um, Erwin. Your mother said you are good at cooking. Can you cook Sushi for me?" said Aida in Indonesian.

"Okay, who's scare, huh. Please prepare the ingredients. You asked for it," Erwin said with a sweet smile.

Aida understands. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed the ingredients to make sushi.

"Here it is, Hon. The tools are also available," said Aida, who was getting intimate.

"Ow ow ow ... I'm starting to flirt. But I'm glad you don't look like a smackdown athlete anymore," Erwin said with a smile.

Aida laughed out loud at Erwin's words. He started to put on the apron and started processing the materials. Carefully, he cut the ingredients like a skilled chef.

Aida who can't cook admires Erwin's ability to cut fish meat so neatly. After a while, sushi and even then so. With his patience, he served the sushi to Aida.

"Ini sushi untuk sang putri. Silahkan mencoba," (meaning: This is sushi for the princess. Please taste it), said Erwin while serving his food.

Aida tasted it. She frowned, and smiled happily.

She said while continued to taste, "Uhm, enak sekali sushinya, Erwin," (meaning: Uhm, your sushi is delicious, Erwin).

Erwin said smiling affectionately at Aida, "Apa yang tak bisa aku lakuin buat kamu, Say?" (meaning: What can't I do for you, Hon?)

Ellen who felt curious secretly peeked at her sister who was in the kitchen. He saw Erwin cooking for Aida.

Suddenly, she approached and surprised them. "Ow ow …. Look at you, My Brother. You start being intimate. Oh, so sweet."

Aida was surprised to see the arrival of Ellen who suddenly appeared. She had choked. Luckily Erwin was so quick. He massaged the nape of the neck while helping her to drink water.

"Uhft! Kaget aku. Terima kasih, Sayang,"

(meaning: Uh! I was surprised. Thanks, Hon), said Aida with a sense of relief.

Erwin smiled for a moment. He looked at Ellen.

"Ellen, it's your hobby to surprise people. Look, Aida is choking," Erwin reminded Ellen.

"Oops! Sorry. But you're look very intimate. in fact, at first like tom and jerry. uh, now even like inseparable soul mates," replied Ellen with a sweet smile. 

Erwin just smiled as he looked at Aida. He tenderly embraced Aida.

"Ah, you Ellen. Now, I really really love her," Erwin replied in English.

Ellen laughed at Erwin's answer. However, she was startled by a sound on her cellphone. She opened the message, it turned out that Azka had followed Ellen.

"Brother, I wanna pick up Azka at the airport. He came to Japan," said Ellen as she hurried.

Erwin just nodded. Ellen immediately went to the airport and picked up Azka. At midnight, those who had finished tidying up were resting.

The next morning, Sharon was about to wake Eddy up. He goes into his room, and tries to wake her up. However, Eddy did not budge. Tried repeatedly, Eddy still did not budge.

"Weird! What happened with him?" thought Sharon in amazement. 

Sharon who was feeling worried finally came to Samuel.

"Sam, I repeatedly woke you up your daddy, but he didn't wake up. What happened?" Sharon said. 

Sam went straight to the guest room. He saw Eddy sleeping hugging a small Kinarsih's picture frame.

Sam grabbed his wrist, and brought his finger to his nose. After a while, Sharon met Samuel who looked sad beside Eddy.

"Sam, What's wrong? How about Mister Eddy?" asked Sharon. 

With tears in his eyes, Samuel finally answered Sharon's question.

"Sharon, He's passed away," said Samuel. 

The news of Eddy's death soon spread. Richard and Kenji looked sad. Likewise with Ayumi who was just so happy to meet her biological father.

"Dear, may papa rest in peace," said Mitha trying to calm Samuel. 

Slowly Samuel and Richard regained their composure. He took the small frame and closed the blanket.

When he tidying up, Sam finds a will in the folds of Eddy's blanket. He read it, and kept the will.

"Sharon, according to papa's will, from now on you are a personal assistant in my company. Papa is very happy with the results of your work at the company, and also with your patience in caring for him," Sam said smiling at Sharon.

Sharon was surprised. He did not expect that all this time, Eddy's hard work and cold in the company turned out to be sweet.

"Ah, you must be kidding, Sam. I just a cleaning service. How could?" Sharon said in disbelief.

Sam showed Eddy's will. There was written Eddy's assessment when Sharon helped him patiently to check the financial data.

"Look. You have a skill in financial. So trust me you can do it," said Sam showing Eddy's will.

Sharon finally believed. He smiled and tek incessantly thanked him. 

On that morning, according to Masaru's will, Ayumi bury Eddy in the empty eater's land next to Michiko's (Kinarsih) tomb.

In front of Eddy's grave, and witnessed by Aida and Erwin's family, Erwin grasped Aida's hand, and kissed it.

With an affectionate smile, he asked Aida, "Aida, aku sadar. Aku tak mampu menahannya. Aku, sangat menyayangimu di sela pertengkaran kita. Dan, setelah Kakek tiada, aku ingin memenuhi keinginan terakhir kakek. Apakah kau mau menemaniku di sisa usiaku?

(meaning: Aida, I realized that I can't stand it. I really really love you in between our fights. And, after Grandpa is gone, I want to fulfill Grandpa's last wish. Do you want to accompany me for the rest of my life?)

Aida, who could not contain her love, smiled affectionately replied, "Erwin Reese. Aku sangat menyayangimu, bahkan di sela pertengkaran kita. Aku bersedia menemanimu, dalam suka dan duka. Aku ingin, kita menua bersama, dan nikmati sisa usia kita bersama."

(meaning: Erwin Reese. I love you so much, even in between our fights. I am ready to accompany you, in joy and sorrow. I want us to grow old together, and enjoy the rest of our lives together.)

Erwin smiled. They both hug each other. Erwin hugged Aida tightly as if he didn't want to be separated. Ayumi and Mitha smiled seeing him. That morning, Azka attended Eddy's funeral. Azka captured the moment with her cellphone camera.

"Congrats, My Dear Brother," said Ellen smiling.

"You too, with Azka," replied Erwin, pinching his sister's nose affectionately.

She isn't forget to congratulated Aida. Even though she didn't understand what Ellen was saying, Aida smiled. She hugged his sister-in-law tightly.

Meanwhile, Erwin smiled at Azka. They had a short conversation.

"Thanks, Erwin. Ah, I'm moving to work in California. if you would, please stop to my new residence," said Azka giving her address.

Erwin smiled reading the address. It was a sad morning, but there was also joy.

A year later, Aida and Erwin fell back to Japan. Aida, who is married to Erwin, decides to live in America with Erwin.

They want their honeymoon to Indonesia. Before going to Indonesia, they visited the graves of Eddy, Kinarsih and Masaru.

 It looks like Aida is pregnant. They both sow flowers, and send prayers to all three. 

Before leaving, Erwin said, "Grandpa, now Aida and I are married. Grandpa who's calm in nature over there, huh."

Erwin embraced Aida affectionately.

 "Grandpa, Erwin and I are going to Indonesia. Hopefully Grandpa, Grandma and Grandpa Masaru can find the best place by His side," said Aida later.

On the tomb, there are photos of Eddy and Kinarsih's youth, as well as photos of Masaru's youth.

"Honey, if the three of them were still around, they would definitely be happy to see us," Erwin said gently stroking Aida's long hair.

"Yes dear. Come on, let's go," said Aida.

They immediately went to the airport, and that afternoon, they arrived in Indonesia. That night, they were ordering food at a cafe.

"Erwin, try to remember. How did we get to know each other?" Aida asked.

Erwin laughed. "Honey, you really have the heart to beat me to a pulp when Takeshi, your brother."

"Hahaha… Yeah. But from that moment, I started to love you," said Aida.

Erwin held Aida's hand affectionately. "Honey, sometimes hatred actually makes our love strong. From my dislike for you in the past, now I just want you to be with you for the rest of my life, Aida Masaru."

"Erwin Reese, now there's no reason for me to look away. You will always be in my heart, and beside me, until death do you part." Aida kissed Erwin's cheek.