Chapter 1 - And yet it moves

A spacious and quiet place, in which almost no one was there. Wooden walls covered with various bizarre patterns, as well as high four-meter shelves on which books in colorful covers are lying.

To the side of the bookshelves is a long glass table and chairs, at which an unremarkable young man is sitting. Not too eye-catching, pleasant appearance. Blond hair, broad shoulders, and green eyes that are focused on reading information from the terminal located in front of him.

Finally finishing reading, the young man leaned back in his chair and sighed heavily, "I don't even know if I was more lucky or unlucky ?"

Then the young man again focused his gaze on the terminal, which is not at all similar to anything that he used in his previous life.

A bulky, wide gray box. A lot of different lights and indicators were lit on the bottom panel, and in the center of the box there is a touch screen. The young man read aloud the text that is written on the monitor"The cradle of humanity or just a relic of the past ?"

With a bitter smile, he turned off the terminal and began to think. Think about his past, present and future. After all, the fact is that he is not from this time line, he can even say that he is from a parallel world, if the information in the terminal does not lie.

It is now 2168 AD, or 176 according to the new galactic calendar. Up to this point, the young man was a simple IT specialist, as well as a computer engineer on a half-time basis. He had a stable life, with its ups and downs, but to his great regret, at the age of 43, he completely devoted his life to technology.

Although he had various friends, after he turned 20, he no longer had a single girlfriend. His friends often made fun of him because of this and he laughed with them, but deep down he was sad, looking at the wives and children of his close friends.

His failures on the love front are due to the fact that he never took the initiative, waving off the fact that if someone likes him, they will get to know him themselves, unfortunately, after 23 years, this someone never appeared. And then, on one not very pleasant night shift, he just fell asleep among a lot of cans of energy drinks, and when he woke up, he found himself in a completely unknown place.

It was good that after a while, a throbbing pain appeared in his head, which brought with it information about the body in which he now found himself. Without hesitation, he immediately rushed to the nearest library to get even more information.

After spending a little time trying to figure out this strange terminal, he finally got to what he was very interested in.

The history of this world is very different from his past world.

For example, the Roman Empire lasted a few years longer, and the Templars did not exist at all. However, some historical facts are similar.

Exactly 2 world wars also took place on this Earth, and in 1961, a man was launched into space for the first time. But it was from this moment that the story began to differ greatly from the history of his past world.

After 1961, more and more people on Earth began to show an attraction to space and by 1965, the first man landed on the moon. By 1987, under the auspices of the United Nations, the first transport with people was delivered to Mars, where the first outpost of Earthlings was established.

And in 1992, the Earthlings were finally able to leave their golden cage in the form of a solar system. Due to such an important milestone in the history of mankind, as well as the fact that people have finally begun to explore the depths of the infinite cosmos, it was decided to introduce a new calendar, called the Galactic Calendar.

In 2012, after a long search and research of various systems, people finally found a planet with an ecosystem and their primitive life. The first human colony called Leor was founded.

After the founding of the colony, as well as the discovery of many still unknown materials, galactic trade begins to flourish. Supporting this trend, the UN, as well as many countries, have made the basic technologies for spacecraft and their engines publicly available.

The golden era of colonization and trade has begun. Many consortia and countries have started their own development in the vastness of the galaxy independently of the UN. In addition to Leor, several new colonies appeared, and a constant influx of new technological achievements began.

In 2020, a working prototype of a thermonuclear engine was created by one of the private companies, which already owned several planets and many space mines.

In 2026, people first met a spaceship that did not belong to the human race. Fortunately, although both sides were cautious, they were determined to have a peaceful relationship. This contact gave another impetus to the prosperity of galactic trade.

Following the trends of the colonial era on Earth, people and aliens, caught in the abundance of trade shuttles, as well as people who want to harm their competitors, began to show special activity. In this regard, squads of space pirates began to appear, robbing shuttles with cargo.

The growing friction among countries, consortia, companies, groups, forced them all to build up their own military power, creating various paramilitary ships with huge guns and lasers.

All this led to the fact that already in 2067, the first and last civil war broke out, which completely destroyed the power of the UN and divided humanity's outer space into many independent states.

On Earth and several nearby systems, a new power "Federation of the Solar System" was formed instead of the UN, and although after the defeat, the UN suffered many losses, the Federation of the Solar System still has the strongest power among all human states.

By 2081, the ecology on Earth is rapidly deteriorating. In this regard, the Federation has declared Mars the new capital. People everywhere began to move to Mars.

In 2093, the Earth was officially declared uninhabitable. Now, to walk along the beach in Miami, people must be dressed in a heavy protective suit that would protect them from abnormal heat, radiation and toxicity.

In 2142, the Earth turned into a place for the dregs of society. There were either very poor people or criminals who were sent here to serve their sentences in underground mines.

In this regard, cities are being built underground and only the bravest come to the surface in search of relics of the past to sell them at a higher price to the rich population on Mars.

And so we return to the year 2168, to Gordon Stanfield, a 20-year-old orphan and a cadet of the military space academy, on the planet Krul 2, in the Cez-31 system.

This is one of the relatively young systems under the leadership of the Republic of Hens. This Republic is considered an average state, with its own peculiarities and disadvantages. The main policy of the Republic is free trade between the nearest states, as well as the development of its own mining and manufacturing enterprises.

A large number of planets, asteroids and other space objects rich in various ores ensured the prosperity of the republic. Unfortunately, there are few planets within the borders of the state that are suitable for humans, Krul 2, one of these few planets.

It is also worth noting that the military fleet and the military sphere of activity of the republic is quite mediocre compared to its neighbors, since the republic has very few military technologies, as well as traditions and experience.

But in the last 10 years, the President of the Republic, James Morrow, has implemented several reforms that have gradually improved this situation. For example, it was only 5 years ago that compulsory military training was introduced after reaching the age of 18.

Every citizen of the Republic of Hens, regardless of gender, is obliged to undergo training at the military academy.

Gordon has been honestly paying his debt to the motherland for 2 years and in a few months his graduation from the academy will take place, where he can either continue his service or become an ordinary civilian.

If it had been the Gordon of the past, he would have become a military man with a 100 percent probability, but the current Gordon was not interested in this at all.

As a person from a parallel universe, he noticed such a thing as the fact that even in such a distant future, some things that existed already in 2020, were not invented. Besides, there was something else that gave him confidence that he should not become a military man.

As he concentrated, he suddenly saw a small window in the upper right corner.

[Physics 2 LVL 5720/6000 XP]

[Biology 0 LVL 53/1000 XP]

[Engineering 3 LVL 6500/10000 XP]

[Information Technology 3 LVL 8300/10000 XP]

[Scientific points - 0]

Apparently, in addition to the fact that he moved to another world of the future, he also took some kind of system with him " It seems that I was more lucky than unlucky after all"

After viewing this menu, he turned his gaze to the terminal that stands in front of him. Suddenly the following message appeared



After thinking for a while, Gordon focused on the [Analysis]button


[Conducting a quick diagnosis of the object, obtaining basic information, as well as obtaining a small number of Scientific points. The amount of information, as well as the number of points, depends on the host's level of science and knowledge about the object]

After reading the information, he shifted his gaze to the next button.


[Parsing an object into its components, for a deeper analysis. After Deconstruction, the object cannot be restored. The host gets much more information and Scientific points than from analysis. The amount of information, as well as the number of points, depends on the host's level of science and knowledge about the object]

It would be embarrassing if the terminal in the library was destroyed by him, then the security service would definitely have questions for him. Not wanting such problems, he quickly looked around and, seeing no one, pressed the [Analysis]button

[The analysis has been carried out. Received information about "Terminal, model XEN-12"]

[5 Scientific points received]

After this message, Gordon saw a system window in front of him, as if he had a computer desktop built into his head, on which there is a folder with a single file.

Opening the folder, he saw a document with the name "Terminal, model XEN-12". Mentally hovering the mouse over this document, he opened it.

[Terminal, model XEN-12]

[Material:Polymers, iron, copper.]

[Manufacturer's company XEN]

[1024 KB RAM]


[Standard terminal, for creating, processing, receiving, transmitting information between other terminals.....]

After reading the entire long list, a wide smile appeared on Gordon's face. Although this system did not make him a super immortal cultivator who would slap all sorts of young masters, Gordon still got something that makes him not an ordinary person.

Therefore, without hesitation, he transgressed to analyze all the technical things that were in this library.