Chapter 2 - Studying at the academy

After leaving the library, simultaneously analyzing everything that caught his eye, Gordon headed for his home, if his place of residence can be called home.

Since he was an orphan, he lived in an orphanage with other children until he was 18. After growing up, any student of the academy is obliged to live inside the walls of the academy, that is, in a military dormitory.

There are many different professions in the navy that can be trained, ranging from simple maintenance personnel to officer academies.

That's how Gordon trained to be a fighter pilot. It's a small ship, by space standards. It is 16 meters long and wide. In the standard motherships of the Republic, one squadron of 30 such fighters can be located.

Among his peers, Gordon stood out for his excellent piloting skills and if he had continued his service in the army, he would have had a high chance of becoming a squad leader, where he would have been able to command 9 subordinates.

After a while, Gordon finally got to his room. Going inside, he looked at the empty 4 beds, which were neatly made and cleaned. Surprisingly, there were no smells at all in the room where 4 men live, this is due to strict discipline at the academy and frequent inspections.

Seeing no one in the room, he finally decided to try [Deconstruction]

Rummaging through his belongings and finding an electronic watch he didn't need, he pressed the button.

Suddenly, without any special effects, the watch in his hand just crumbled into gray dust, and a voice sounded in his head and a text appeared.

[Deconstruction has been carried out. Received information about the "Electronic clock"]

[Received 15 Scientific points]

After that, he read the file with the information about this watch. After spending some time on this, he realized that this is really complete information, starting with the description and ending with the slightest defects in the design that appeared here with the time of operation of the watch.

After closing this file, Gordon suddenly found a new shortcut on his interface. Without hesitation, he clicked on it and an endless dark space appeared in his head, as well as a small field with smooth lines and numerical values at the edges.

There were many objects in his vision to the right, which Gordon immediately recognized. These were all the things he had already scanned with his skill. But some percentage was written on all these objects. The only object without interest is the electronic clock that he just destroyed.

Deciding to experiment, Gordon clicked on the clock and the same clock appeared on the marked field in front of him. After a little thought, he touched the surface of the watch and the outer shell instantly disappeared, revealing the insides of the watch, including wires, batteries and so on.

After spending some more time in this place, Gordon concluded that this is something like a 3D editor, only with a more real interface. In addition, he could also view objects that he was just analyzing, but unfortunately, these objects were not with a working schema. Somewhere there was something important missing, and somewhere on the contrary there was something superfluous.

After completing his experiments, he left his personal 3D reactor. Then he noticed one oddity. According to his personal feelings, he spent several hours in the editor, but the neighbor's electronic clock showed that about 10 minutes had passed.

Delighted with the new discoveries, Gordon suddenly remembered that he still had classes today, so without wasting time he headed for the exit, but then stopped, went to his things and took out a holster with a personal combat pistol that every cadet of the military academy is obliged to wear, just after moving, once in the room, he did not think about this weapon at all and immediately ran to the library.

Putting the holster on his belt, analyzing the gun, and putting the gun in the holster, he left the room and headed to his class.

After a while, Gordon finally got to the right audience. Going inside, he saw a large lecture hall, with a floating holographic board, instead of the usual blackboard.

In addition to him, there were many other people of different genders in the audience, who were dressed in the same military uniform, only with their different colors, which reflected the cadet's belonging to a particular field of activity.

Climbing up the stairs, he sat down in an empty seat. Looking around, he saw that some people have writing materials with them, and some do not have them. A typical situation of any educational system.

While Gordon was inspecting the audience, a thin man with glasses, gray hair and the same gray beard entered the room" "Class, silence!"

People who were talking to each other instantly fell silent and sat down in their study seats.

The teacher went to his desktop, which has the same terminal installed as in the library. After a few finger movements, layers of text appeared on a large holographic board.

Gordon also saw that in front of all the cadets on the table there is a screen that simply copies everything that is shown on the board.

The teacher adjusted his glasses and began to teach the lesson "So... Today we will continue where we left off in the last lesson, namely....ah here... Emergency diagnostics of the energy system in cases of emergency"

Gordon leaned on his arm and listened intently to the lecture. According to Gordon's recollections of the past, although he studied to be a fighter pilot, a lot of technical knowledge was still taught here, for example, the basic device of the engine, electronic systems, and so on.

Gordon is lucky that thanks to the assimilation of Gordon's past memories, he can understand all the terms that the teacher uses. In addition, it seems that he has developed an ideal memory thanks to the system.

After a while, Gordon suddenly noticed one interesting thing.

[Physics 2 LVL 5722/6000 XP]

[Biology 0 LVL 53/1000 XP]

[Engineering 3 LVL 6504/10000 XP]

[Information Technology 3 LVL 8300/10000 XP]

[Scientific points - 283]

A few points were added to Physics and Engineering from nowhere. Noticing this oddity, he carefully followed the statistics and also listened attentively to the lecture.

After 15 minutes, Gordon opened his eyes wide, as he saw that while he was listening lecture, another 1 point was added to Engineering. Apparently, by studying information, he could also pump these sciences.

After the end of the lecture, Gordon hurried to his room to finally find out what would happen if his science increased by a level. The plus sign next to the name of science said that he could increase them and Gordon suggested that this is what Scientific glasses are needed for.

Sitting on his bed, he pressed the plus button next to [pHysics]. He noticed that every time he added a point and spent scientific points, some knowledge that he had not previously known at all cleared up in his head.

Considering the level of this branch of science, he did not receive any knowledge that completely surpassed the development of science in this world, no, the knowledge he received is fundamental knowledge that he simply did not know about.

For example, on Earth, he just missed one lesson or simply did not listen to his teacher and did not catch this basic information, but thanks to this simple click on the plus, this knowledge appeared in his head.

Finally, he got to the crucial moment when another click will be made and his physics level will increase.

[Physics 3 LVL 6000/10000 XP]

[Biology 0 LVL 53/1000 XP]

[Engineering 3 LVL 6504/10000 XP]

[Information Technology 3 LVL 8300/10000 XP]

[Scientific points - 5]

[Every 3 levels of science, the host has the right to choose a bonus from 3 randomly generated options related to a particular branch of science]

[Thorough analysis: The analysis provides more detailed information about the analyzed object. Does not affect the number of Scientific points]

[Neat Deconstruction: Deconstruction has a 10% chance of not destroying the object under study]

[Detailed modeling: During object modeling, the host receives more detailed information of the projected object]

According to Gordon, the first option does not sound as interesting as the last two. A 10 percent chance of saving an object is quite useful, but he still doesn't want to risk destroying objects at all yet, so he won't take this option.

The last option remains, so after thinking a little more, he still chose [Detailed modeling]

Entering the design menu, Gordon opened the file with the gun not fully analyzed. And indeed, information appeared next to the gun that had not been there before, such as the firing range, the initial velocity of the bullet, etc.

But he could have found out this information anyway if he carefully read the information from the file, did he really choose the wrong bonus at all?

After a little thought, he slightly lengthened the barrel of the pistol and at the same time, the data on the initial velocity of the bullet, as well as the accuracy of shooting, turned green and an approximate range of numbers appeared, indicating an increase in this attribute.

Meanwhile, the weight of the weapon turned red and also increased slightly, but with a more accurate value.

For a design engineer, such data is very useful. After all, he will not have to spend a lot of time on routine tests, he will be able to learn everything from this menu.

After leaving the menu, he suddenly heard the noise of the door opening. 3 people came inside, who were talking to each other "Michael, we both know that Chris will not go on a date with you, stop cherishing these pathetic dreams"

A young man in a military uniform, but with yellow colors, whose name was Michael, replied" "You're just jealous of me. I am one hundred percent sure that after a couple of dates, she will already be lying naked in an embrace with me. Adam knows I don't waste words, doesn't Adam?"

A broad-shouldered young man in a red uniform rolled his eyes "You only know how to flutter your tongue,, but still Michael is right about one thing, this bastard is constantly lucky with girls, so you Drake shouldn't even start arguing with him on this topic"

Drake, who is dressed in green clothes shrugged his shoulders" "Maybe this time Michael will not be lucky, after all, Christina is constantly in high society. It is unlikely that she will be interested in such a simpleton as you"

Michael pursed his lips "Maybe she is already tired of all these official and business events and she will want to get closer to such a simple guy like me."Noticing Gordon, he added, "Hey Gordon, do you think I can do it or not?"

Gordon rubbed his chin, after being silent for a couple of seconds, he replied" "I do not know if she will like you or not, but I think that you should not even stare at her. Still, considering that her father is really an important person, I don't think he will allow you to get close to her, and considering that she also has fans from equally influential people, you have a great chance of running into trouble."

Adam nodded" "He's right, no matter how proud you are of yourself, her father is unlikely to want to give his daughter to some ordinary ship engineer."

Drake added "I also heard that the Attwood family wants their son Caleb, who will definitely become an officer in the future, to get closer to Christina. Michael, you shouldn't even think about her."