Chapter 10 - Space zombies?

Gordon frowned in thought. He was not a knight in shining armor and would hardly have rushed to save Sianna for nothing. Moreover, although it was pleasant for him to spend time with her, it was not enough to risk his life.

But 700 thousand credits change things. Over the past 3 months, Gordon was able to earn about 1 million loans, plus his past savings and that he has about half and a million.

For him, 700 thousand credits would be quite useful. Now he is no longer worried about his loan. His current problem is the PDA. Gordon really decided to create his own company in this world, and this requires money, a lot of money.

Are 700,000 credits worth going to rescue Sianna? He doesn't know anything about the virus, and it doesn't sound cool. Thinking of all the possibilities, Gordon began looking for news regarding the virus outbreak.

And to his surprise, he found a lot of information, it looks like the Republic didn't even try to block the information. As it turned out, the Republic recently found several strange-looking artifacts and devices in the ruins. According to preliminary analysis, these things should not be particularly dangerous, therefore, to maintain good relations with other states.

The Republic hosted a public conference at which many scientists, mercenaries and common people were invited so that everyone could study these things. Most likely it was because of this that Sianna flew to this planet.

And to everyone's surprise, these artifacts are not all that safe. Something began to drive people crazy, and as Sianna described, they began to turn into insane animals, ruled only by aggression and the desire for violence.

But the most unpleasant thing was that the creatures affected by this virus turn into almost zombies. Any liquid from the bodies of the infected is capable of infecting a healthy person. On top of that, these creatures have no concept of pain, even if their arms and legs are torn off, they still move.

Although they are still dying of profuse hemorrhage. But the best remedy is a headshot.

Gordon sighed heavily. "Well, I didn't think I was going to be in a horror movie. But 700,000 credits are pretty tempting. " Going to the helm, he checked the distance to the Mara system "Ok, destination - zombie apocalypse"

Meanwhile on the planet Kaiti.

The blue-skinned girl sighed with relief, "The message was sent, which means the connection was not blocked. I hope he sees this message as soon as possible. "

A bald, dark man with a thick gray mustache and a rifle in his hands asked, "Is he a reliable man?"

Sianna thought, "I only worked with him once, so I don't know much about him. But he's a great pilot and loves money, so he'll probably agree. "

The man nodded, "Okay, then we should wait in this library. It is good that now almost no one visits this place. "

Sianna replied, "Do we have enough supplies?"

The man smiled sadly "I have some crackers with me, if you stretch them, then we will have enough for about 2 days, there is plenty of water here, so we don't have to worry about it."

Suddenly there was a sound from the terminal. Sianna pressed the keys several times. A slight smile appeared on her face. "He agreed. We are lucky, he is not far away and will be here in 4 days. "

The man said "Well then we just have to wait"

Sianna shook her head. "We should go out now to get supplies. Until the virus completely invaded the city, we still have a chance to get some food. "

The man wiggled his mustache and then replied, "You're right. There is a grocery store nearby, the locals recommended it to me, it is quite large, so there should still be supplies there. "

Sianna nodded, got up from the table, turned off the terminal and headed out with the man.

Gordon, meanwhile, has already entered hyperspace and is now in the cargo hold, carefully examining the spacesuit on the rack.

Most spacecraft carry on board several space suits for spacewalks or for their own protection in the event of a spacecraft depressurization.

There are 4 of these spacesuits on Gordon's ship, all of which are considered general use spacesuits. That is, these suits are better than civilians, but they are far from the military.

The suits are painted in the colors of the spaceship, gray and orange. The main materials are kevlar, nylon. In addition, to protect a person from radiation and various rays, the suit has aluminum and lead threads inside it.

Chest, shoulders, elbows and thighs are reinforced with ceramic and polymer plates that protect against lasers. The helmet at the spacesuit is removable with an extensive sightseeing armored glass, the back of the helmet is made of Kevlar and polymers.

While this suit is good, it is hardly a good defense against the maddened crowd. Therefore, he decided to improve his spacesuit a little during these 4 days.

First of all, he replaced the protective plates with other ones made of a tough alloy, which provide better protection compared to previous plates.

In the forearm of his spacesuit, Gordon has installed a retractable blade, which will be great for helping him to deal with the infected.

But most of the time, Gordon spent several viewing modes on the helmet. Namely: Night vision and thermal imager.

Just as Gordon was doing the finishing touches, his ship arrived in the Mara system. Hearing the beep of arrival, Stanfield hurried to his pilot's seat.

Looking out the window, he saw a huge ring of various warships surrounding the planet. Many small and not only ships take off from the planet, lining up in a long line towards the ring.

Apparently, the military has established a blockade and they are not releasing all of them. But of course there will be those who will try not to follow all procedures.

Gordon just noticed this, but not only Gordon noticed him. As soon as the intruder's ship flew out of the ring, one of the military battleships fired only a single volley from their guns, and the intruder's ship was crushed like a beetle.

Then several fighters flew out of the battleship's hangar, making sure that nothing was left of the intruder, they returned to their ship.

Gordon Received Notice "Planet Kaita is under quarantine, permission must be obtained to visit, and the Republic is not responsible for your safety while you are on the planet."

Stanfield said "Ok. How can I get permission? "

A male voice replied, "All you need to do is to go through the standard procedure for examining the ship and its pilot, after which you will be admitted to the planet."

Gordon replied "I agree. What should I do ?"

A male voice said, "Move closer to the ring."

Gordon cut off the connection, and at a slow speed, his ship headed for the blockade ring. When he got close enough, he received another notification.

"Ship Banova L15, pilot ID 131366. Shut off your engines and await further instructions."

Gordon did as he was ordered and began to wait. A gravitational beam fired from the warship, which began to pull Gordon's ship into the hangar.

After waiting a little, he heard the voice "Go to the entrance to the ship and wait for the arrival of the verification team." Having no other choice, Gordon did as he was told.

The door of the ship opened and 2 soldiers in combat suits with rifles in their hands and a young officer in a long cloak and a red cap entered.

The officer scanned the entire cargo hold with his keen eye. "What is the purpose of your arrival?"

Gordon threw up his hands "Save the beauties?"

The officer chuckled "So you are visiting the planet to evacuate a VIP person?"

Stanfield nodded his head "Stanfield Ltd is doing a good job and will save you even from a hot spot. And it's almost free. "

The officer rolled his eyes. "Enough. I understood your purpose of arrival. We will now examine the ship for contraband and take a blood sample from you, after which you can visit the planet. "

Gordon frowned. "Blood sample? What is this for ?"

"To study the virus on the planet, of course." The officer answered. "You didn't think that when you leave the planet, you will just be released?"

"When you leave the planet, another blood sample will be taken from you, and you will also be quarantined for 7 days. If nothing is found with you, you can safely fly away. "

Gordon nodded "Well, that makes sense." Stretching out his hand towards the other compartments, he said, "Come and inspect the ship. Please don't break anything "

The officer nodded to his subordinates and they began to search the ship with concentration. While Gordon watched the soldiers not break anything, he approached the officer and asked, "Lieutenant, I would like to know if you know a man like Adam Matix? This is a recent graduate of the military academy and as far as I know, he must fight beetles, but I received a message from him that he was transferred to this system "

The officer wondered "Adam Matix? I heard this name somewhere ... oh, exactly, I remembered. He was recently transferred to my subordination, but at the moment he is not here, but on the planet. Do you know him? "

Gordon nodded "Yes, he and I were good friends at the academy and we keep in touch now. I wanted to see an old friend. Too bad."

"Maybe you'll be lucky to meet him on the planet. He was sent to clean up part of the city from the infected. "The officer replied with a smile on his face.

After talking with the officer, Gordon stepped aside and did not interfere with the military. After a couple of hours, the soldiers reported everything to the officer, after which he said "We did not find anything forbidden from you and we took your blood, which means that all the procedures have been passed and you can visit the planet."

Back in the cockpit, Gordon flew out of the warship's hangar and entered the planet's upper atmosphere. Wearing a comlink earpiece over his head, he tried to contact Sianna.

After 5 minutes of waiting, he finally heard Sianna's breathless voice, "Welcome, Gordon, can you hear me?"

Adjusting the microphone volume, Gordon replied, "Hearing good and clear. I'm already on the planet, where are you? "

Sianna paused for a while, then said, "I'm sending you the coordinates. We barricaded ourselves in the library, but during the sortie we attracted a crowd of infected and now they are pounding towards us. We won't last long, hurry up "

Gordon frowned. "We? Wait wait, initially the contract was for you at one price of 700 thousand, we did not discuss other people "

Gordon heard an angry, unnatural voice for Sianna "Argh, Gordon Stanfield. All these people, the brightest minds of the universe, would be the greatest tragedy for the entire intelligent civilization to lose them and .... and well, they will pay for themselves, but only 150 thousand "

Gordon asked "How many are you?"

Sianna replied "Including me, 5 people"

After counting 1,300,000 credits in his head, Gordon replied with a smile, "I'm on my way. Expect "