Chapter 11 - Rescuing the princess

Throwing her earpiece on the table, Sianna grabbed her pistol and ran to the barricades as fast as she could. As she neared the battlefield, the multiple noises of the shots grew louder. Finally turning another corner, Sianna found herself in a large hall.

This is the main entrance of the library, the former doors decorated with various patterns have long turned into splinters and protruding pieces of wood. At the entrance are overturned tables and several heavy cabinets piled on top of each other.

But this barricade did not nearly soothe the people who are inside the library, as many hands are crawling out of the cracks, which are trying to break through the barricades.

Four people who stand on the stairs to the second floor shoot from their automatic rifles at those who manage to get through the barricade. Sianna loudly shouted "Gordon is already on the planet and will be here soon"

A black man fired several shots, hitting one of the infected in the head. He wiggled his thick gray mustache, after which he said, "It is better for him to hurry, we will not last long."

"But you will have to pay 150 thousand credits each" Sianna shouted and began to aim her pistol towards the barricade

A girl with purple hair, with two pistols in her hands snorted, "Damn mercenaries, they have nothing sacred"

A fat man with gray unkempt hair and a bald patch around the edges, adjusted his glasses with one hand, holding a rifle in the other "But for the money, they are ready to do almost any job, they are good as cannon fodder."

Another girl with an artificial limb for an arm, hiding behind the railing, muttered with fear in her voice, "Finally, this hell will end. We will be saved "

The dark-skinned man continued to shoot from the rifle, when suddenly he frowned strongly "There are even more of them, the barricade will not stand, everyone get ready."

Sianna's strained eyes strained even more, she quickly ran to the stairs, where stood a mustachioed man and a man in glasses. After catching her breath, she raised the pistol and began to look at her target.

Finally, the wooden shelves could not stand and with a distinct crack and dull sound, the cabinets fell apart, at the same time opening the way for the infected.

The purple haired girl growled, "Damn it. Your friend should hurry up even more, I don't want to become a mad dog. "

A girl with a prosthesis shouted loudly "AAAA, they will devour us." Standing up from behind her hiding place, she ran off to a room on the second floor, grabbing her gun tightly. "Purple hair shouted" Diana, stop. You will ruin us all "

But it looks like these words flew into the void, since Diana did not even turn around. Mister mustache said "Sianna, go to Margaret, she can't do it alone"

Sianna silently nodded and ran to Margaret's side on the second floor. Meanwhile, the infected, ignoring the many abrasions, injuries and bullet holes, continued to break forward, growling loudly at four people.

More loud shots raced through the library, pieces of lead flying in the direction of the advancing Infected, whose corpses had already formed a small hill.

Suddenly, four people heard a loud rumble that overshadowed even the roar of the infected.

It didn't take long for Gordon to fly his ship to the library. Looking out the window, he saw a crowd of bloodied people, who with all their might burst into the library, from where loud shots were heard.

Without hesitation, he hovered in the air, after which he switched the control of the turrets and began to methodically destroy the crowds of the infected. Unlike the loud ballistic weapons of Sianna's group, Gordon's cannons are much quieter and more effective. Green beams of plasma successfully burned huge holes in the bodies of unprotected creatures, turning them into embers.

Finally, the crowds of the infected were completely wiped out, freeing up the area in front of the library. After making sure that nothing more threatened Sianna, he transmitted his voice through the loudspeaker "Sianna. There is nowhere to land a ship, but I saw a landing pad on a multi-storey building nearby. I will wait for you there "

After speaking, Gordon deftly piloted the ship and landed [Eclipse] on the roof of a tall glass building.

Hearing Gordon's voice, Mr. Mustache shouted out, "You heard him, grab your weapons and ammo and run after me until the new infected arrive."

Everyone in his group silently agreed and ran after him. As soon as they went out into the street, they were immediately struck by the smelly smell of burnt meat. The girl with purple hair almost vomited "Gulp. My God. Huh, now I won't be able to eat meat for a year. "

"Keep up." Sianna shouted and dragged the girl along.

Gordon, meanwhile, left and blocked the ship, after which he carefully examined the roof for the presence of infected. Not seeing anyone here, he decided to go downstairs and help Sianna.

Going down the stairs and finding yourself in a long corridor, where, to the surprise of Gordon, everything was whole and beautiful. The walls are decorated with patterned rims, wooden floors covered with magnificent carpets, sculptures, golden vases and more.

It looks like the main bump of this building spent his time here. Turning on his thermal imager, he did not notice any signatures on this floor, but he still did not lower his vigilance and held the pistol tightly as he continued on his way.

After some time, Gordon arrived at an equally decorated place, but here you can already see traces of a battle, it looks like a defense was being waged here while someone was being evacuated. And finally, having passed this place, he found himself in a standard office for many cities and planets.

It was no longer so splendid and calm as on the top. Papers, pens, dishes and other scattered everywhere made up a scene of chaos, which further emphasized the puddles and splashes of blood on the floors and walls.

Several corpses lay on tables with bitten off body parts and bullet holes in their clothes and bodies. Judging by the temperature of the bodies, they have been dead for at least a day.

Suddenly Gordon heard a noise in the side. Instantly switching his thermal imager, Gordon saw a humanoid silhouette in one of the rooms.

Making sure that no one else was around, he approached the door as quietly as possible, trying not to disturb the infected. Aiming at the head of the infected through the wall, he did not waste much time and fired a couple of shots. Blue rays of energy instantly burned through the thin wall of the office, and then the head of the infected.

When Gordon walked inside, he became very disillusioned with humanity. Inside the office lay a dead man in business attire, but his pants were pulled down, exposing his hairy bottom.

In the head, or rather in the man's eye, the sharp part of black heels sticks out. Looking towards the humanoid he was shooting at, he saw a woman half naked. Her work jacket and shirt were forcibly ripped open, revealing a view of her breasts.

Her hands are handcuffed to the wall, and only a skirt covered in blood somehow protects her dignity. Apparently, some boss wanted to have fun, but a sad fate awaited the two of them.

Sighing heavily, Gordon regained his concentration and continued searching floor by floor, analyzing the equipment that was in these offices along the way.

Sianna and co, also climbed to the top, but due to the lack of thermal imagers, they had to scan every corner, fearing that another infected would suddenly jump out on them.

After some time traveling through an overcrowded and destroyed office, a group of people heard the roar of the infected and the sounds of a struggle. Without wasting time, they quickly reached the desired room and burst in. Inside, they saw a man wearing a gray spacesuit with orange stripes on his chest, who at that moment was fighting with several infected.

While exploring the floors, Gordon encountered several infected with whom he successfully dealt with. And realizing that they almost could not pierce his spacesuit, he became too confident and this time did not look down at his feet.

He accidentally stepped on some clock, which began to make a non-stop noise, attracting several infected on this floor. After cursing several times to himself, Gordon immediately killed two infected who appeared in his field of vision with two well-aimed shots.

Turning to the right, he saw another infected person flitting among the office equipment. After firing 7 quick pistol shots, he finally hit the head, and while he was firing at the infected one, another ran up behind him and grabbed Gordon by the shoulders.

Stanfield, feeling the weight on his shoulders, grabbed the palm of this infected and turned 180 degrees, twisting the arm of his enemy. Just as he was about to shoot a neutralized zombie in the face, Gordon heard another one approaching him from the side.

With a sharp kick, Gordon broke the foot of an approaching zombie, when he began to fall due to the weight of his body, Gordon swung his pistol on the head of the zombie, pushing him away from him.

Then with a quick shot, he killed the zombie whose hand he was holding and then the one that fell to the floor. Noticing another zombie out of the corner of his eye that got close, Gordon raised the pistol to fire, but the zombie was so close that the pistol got stuck at the level of his chest.

With his left fist, he sharply hit the infected in the jaw, pushing him away. And after firing another shot, this infected finally died. Feeling the heat in his hand, Gordon realized that his pistol was discharged and now he did not have time to reload the weapon, since the infected were still on the way, so he would have to wait.

Immediately holstering the pistol, he turned at the noise that reappeared behind him. Two more infected people ran up to him.

Standing in a fighting stance, Gordon grabbed the head of the first infected and threw it to the left, tripping him along the way. The second zombie growled furiously and swung its nails at Gordon.

But for Stanfield, these movements are very slow, so he calmly dodges the blow, after which he firmly grabbed the infected jaw. Pulling a sharp blade from his left hand, he lightly pierced the zombie's skull, and then released the corpse.

The first zombie to fall to the floor knelt down and almost grabbed onto Gordon, but of course he won't allow it. Therefore, with a spartan punch in the face, Stanfield sent the zombies on a small flight.

The infected man slammed the back of his head into some kind of office equipment that looked like a printer, but it still didn't kill him. Gordon ran to the fallen infected person and while he tried to get up, Stanfield, using the full force of his leg, plunged the infected person's head inside the equipment.

And a few more blows to the head and only one immobilized body was left from the infected. Then, turning to the four observers, Gordon said, "There you are, you were in no hurry, were you?"

Sianna heard the voice and asked, "Gordon Stanfield, is that you?"

Gordon was embarrassed "Is my voice so distorted in this suit that you don't recognize me?"

The purple-haired girl glanced at several infected corpses "Looks like your mercenary is really worth something."

Grinning, Gordon said, "Of course, at Stanfield Ltd. the best quality of services provided. " Suddenly he noticed that someone was missing "Wait. And where is one more scientist? "

Black man snorted "This idiot gave up her chance."

"Oh" Gordon replied, and then he was silent for a moment, sad about the lost 150 thousand credits. Sighing, he turned around, "This is a great loss for humanity, but come on. Let's not waste time. My ship is waiting for us "