Chapter 18 - Revenge is a dish that...

Gordon sits in handcuffs in a white interrogation room, a woman in a police uniform sits opposite him "So, tell me again, your version"

Gordon sighed tiredly "I woke up at night due to the noise of the open door, I immediately drew my weapon, after which I neutralized the attackers on me, unfortunately I was 1 against seven and if not for the arrival of the police, I would most likely have been caught"

The girl wrote something down in a notebook, "So you say that one of them destroyed the armed group?"

Gordon nodded.

Suddenly, a man in a dark suit entered the room. "Lieutenant, please leave the interrogation room. This matter is handed over to us."

The girl snorted in annoyance, took her notebook and left. The man approached Gordon with a smile on his face. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Roland, I'm from the Republican Intelligence Agency"

After Gordon inspected the agent's ID, he asked, "Eh, I've already told everything several times to your colleagues."

Roland nodded. "I won't ask you about those tedious things again. Do you know why these people attacked you? Do you have enemies?

Gordon shook his head. "The only enemies I can think of are the pirates I've killed, but I don't think they have that kind of support behind them. So my answer is no."

Roland carefully looked at Gordon's face and without noticing anything out of the ordinary, he said, "Recently, there was a daring attack on the Republican science complex, have you heard anything about it?"

Gordon thought, "Hmm… I kind of saw some news about it, but I didn't pay much attention to it."

Roland placed a small file folder on the table. "Indeed. Some research materials have been stolen, but our department believes a certain alien artifact was the main target."

Gordon looked at the photo of the very plate that was slipped to him, as well as at the description of the item "What is this artifact?"

Roland shook his head. "Secret information."

Gordon rolled his eyes and continued to listen to the man. "We were able to trace some trails that led to the WTO company. Unfortunately, this evidence is not enough to squash these pesky bugs."

"We checked the information about the attackers on you, they turned out to be the same mercenaries as you. All identification numbers on the weapons have been erased and we have not been able to find out the source of these weapons."

Roland put the photo on the table. "But our informants have identified one of the attackers. This trail leads back to the WTO."

The man smiled broadly.

Gordon sighed, "Recently, while I was enjoying the views in this city, some stranger who was running from the police ran into me and slipped me a so-called artifact."

Gordon is ready to swear that after his confession, some kind of spark was lit in Roland's eyes, "Do you still have this thing?"

"Yes. I left this problematic item at my hotel," Stanfield replied with a nod.

Roland couldn't hide the happiness on his face. "Great!"

The man quickly removed the handcuffs from Gordon. "Let's go to your hotel. We urgently need to return this artifact."

After some time, Gordon, accompanied by Roland and several other agents, returned to his hotel and handed over the artifact to Roland.

The man took out some kind of device, scanned the artifact, and then nodded "Yes. It's the same thing"

"Am I free now?" Gordon asked hopefully.

Roland nodded "Given your cooperation with the investigation, as well as other evidence, you are no longer a suspect, and therefore you can be free"

"Give him his things" The man said to one of his colleagues.

After getting his things back, Gordon looked out the window at the departing Roland's "WTO…. Well, you could ask for a good…"

Gordon pressed a few buttons on his PDA and the message was sent, after which he said "Looks like I'll have to stay here a little longer"


In a long metal hangar there is a variety of military planetary equipment: a huge armored vehicle with a twin cannon, several small fighters with folded wings in the shape of the letter [V], transport armored personnel carriers.

Next to one of these machines, a man with a scar is standing and talking on the comlink "I'm sorry Boss, I thought I covered all my tracks."

"Yes Boss, this won't happen again"

"What should we do next?"

"Everything will be done"

Turning off the communication, the man sighed heavily, then looked at his subordinates "The boss is unhappy with our failure, but now we will not deal with this anymore."

His subordinates looked at each other. One of them asked "What to do now?"

The scarred man waved his hand in the direction of the machinery "A buyer will arrive soon, we need to make sure that all the machines are intact, after which a new manager will be sent to you, and I will be transferred to another place."

One of the subordinates asked, "What to do with the guy who destroyed our people?"

"The disk is no longer with him, it is of no use. We can only get more attention if we try to deal with him, so forget about him." The man replied while rubbing his scar.


Gordon, dressed in different clothes and wearing a metal mask, slowly walked among the many warehouses and hangars.

This place is a warehouse district, where most small or medium-sized companies rent warehouses and hangars. Luckily for Gordon, the WTO is one of those companies.

After spending some time searching for information, he found out that there was a warehouse somewhere around here. Therefore, in the hope of profiting from something good, he came here slightly disguised.

Passing the guards and workers, Gordon made his way through the narrow dark streets, consulting the map on his PDA "Looks like this is the right place ... Hangar 34Z12"

Looking around, Gordon unscrewed a few screws from the ventilation grate, and then once again making sure that there was no one around, he got inside.

Crawling through the narrow ventilation shaft, he tried to make as little noise as possible, yet he didn't want anyone to hear him. Finally, when Gordon was sweating a little, he saw a grate that allowed him to see everything that was happening inside the hangar.

He saw more combat vehicles with which to equip a couple of battalions. At the moment, several workers are busy preparing the vehicles for transport, checking small parts for the last time and covering the machines with a thick cloth.

After making sure that no one was looking in his direction, and that there seemed to be no cameras in this place, Gordon carefully removed the grate from the ventilation, and then quietly got out.

According to his observations, there are only 5 people here, and he believes that they do not pose a threat to him…..especially if he attacks unexpectedly.

Hiding behind the boxes, he listened to the steps, waited until one of the workers approached him, and then with a quick movement, grabbing the enemy by the neck, Gordon dragged him by the boxes and began to choke him until the worker stopped moving.

Not far from these crates, two workers were talking to each other when one suddenly frowned, "Did you hear that?"

The second worker looked at him uncomprehendingly "What?"

The first worker waved his hand, "Huh. It, probably the wind."

Having dealt with this opponent, Gordon crouched, moved between boxes and cars, pursuing his next victim.

Gordon quickly identified the other man, who was away from the others, enjoying his vacation, sitting on the boxes and listening to music on an earphone, swaying his legs to the beat.

Creeping up to him, Gordon coolly applied a choke hold and began to choke him, ignoring his futile attempts to break out of his firm grip.

Finally, when this opponent was defeated, Stanfield once again carefully looked around. Moving his gaze between the various machines, he saw the electrical panel, which was so conveniently installed here, as if they knew that someday Gordon would need it.

Two workers are talking to each other when the lights suddenly go out. And although it is still light outside, there are no windows inside the hangar, so the entire environment plunged into pitch darkness "Damn. Looks like a power surge again

Sighing, the man loudly shouted "Hey Shket. Go turn on the electricity."

But in response, only silence, the man frowned, "Kid!"

And again silence ....

Another man smirked, "Apparently kid went to pee"

"The milk on the lips has not yet dried, but has already learned to take a break from work," the first man muttered, and then shouted "Dick, turn on the electricity"

In the darkness, another male voice "OK" was heard.

At the other end of the hangar, near the place where Gordon is, the worker muttered something to himself, and then, turning on the flashlight, went to the electrical panel.

Only, unfortunately, he does not see how in the dark, Gordon pulled out of his raincoat, an object similar to a yo-yo. As soon as the man approached the right place, he suddenly heard strange sounds, as if something was cutting the air very quickly.

*Shk* *Shk* *Shk* *Shk* *Shk*

Frowning, he turned along with the flashlight towards the sound, and then his eyes widened in fright. In the darkness he saw a cloaked figure twirling an object on a string.

Before he could do anything, a round metal ball approached his jaw at great speed.


A deafening blow was heard in the gloomy and dark silence of this hangar, after which the unconscious worker, following inertia, fell onto several metal boxes, which fell right on him with a metallic thud.

The two workers who were talking in the dark suddenly fell silent, after a few seconds, one of them could not stand the "Dick! What was it ? Are you okay ?"

But in response, only silence, which, unexpectedly for these two, began to put a lot of pressure on their nerves "It's not fucking wind, man!"