Chapter 19 - Small Profit

The two men looked around tensely, waving flashlights, and suddenly one of them said, "I…I…I'm going to call for help!"

"Moron. This will only make it easier for the enemy. We need to stick together." Another man said

An epiphany descended on the first man "Exactly, exactly. You are right. We need to stick together"

The second man sighed, and squeezing the flashlight tighter in his hand said, "We need to move towards the exit."

Agreeing with his partner, the other man, looking around, followed him.

In the meantime, Gordon had already arrived at their place and, hiding behind cover, he heard their conversation. Unfortunately, the two have decided not to split up, but still they don't pose a threat to him.

After waiting for the lights to fade, and when the two workers turned their backs on him, Gordon began swinging his yo-yo.

Inspired by some works, Gordon decided to embody the yo-yo in the form of a weapon in this reality.

A solid fiber optic thread is connected at the end to a heavy metal ball, with a recess in the center. On this metal ball, you can already see a few drops of blood from the past neutralized enemy.

While Gordon was aiming, one of the fleeing people suddenly stopped and said, "Wait! Do you hear?

*shk* *shk*

While they were looking around, Gordon launched a metal ball, which, by inertia, made several circles around the legs of one of the workers, thus wrapping him up.

And before they could do anything, Gordon used all his strength to pull on the thread. The man whose legs were bound from such a movement fell to the ground with a dull sound, breaking his nose.

Enduring terrible pain, he tried to cling to the floor with his nails, but unfortunately these futile attempts could not overcome Gordon's strength and his body screaming, leaving a small trail of blood dragged Gordon into darkness.

The remaining man did not even have time to collect his thoughts, as the screams of his partner died away, leaving him alone with the oppressive darkness, his terrifying fear and the loud sound of the beating heart "FUCK!"

Realizing that his only chance is to escape. The man wasted no time, turning around, ran towards the exit, putting maximum effort into saving his insignificant life.

Overwhelmed with fear and adrenaline, as he runs, he plays in his head the scene of how his partner was dragged by someone unknown into the darkness. These scenes made him sweat even more and feel fear of the unknown.

Thus, he practically stopped paying attention to his surroundings and only at the last moment, he heard some movement from above.

Intuitively turning the flashlight in that direction, incredible horror again covered him with a tide.

In the darkness, he saw a man jumping at him from tall boxes. A dark cloak fluttering in a jump, a hood covering the head of an unknown. A metal mask with red bright eyes like the flames of a real devil completely knocked out the spirit of resistance from the man. And the last thing he saw was a hand covered in a leather glove that landed right on his face, causing his body to fall to the ground.


Gordon looked around, made sure that no one else was left, breathed a sigh of relief. It was his first experience in this kind of combat. He can say that he even lost his virginity. But it's pretty vulgar....

But he really liked that last expression on the man's face, when he jumped on him. Now he really knows what despair looks like on the face of others....and he doesn't mind doing it again....maybe in the future.

And now, when no one bothers him, he began his well-deserved fiesta to receive points.

Running between different vehicles, Gordon mentally used [Disintegrate] each time, turning the rows of vehicles into a void.

[Information received about combat vehicle "ARES 12"]

[Received information about the combat vehicle "Grebnik MT"]

[Received information about the combat vehicle…..]

Having earned a decent amount of points, Gordon also looked around for some useful information, but to his regret, apart from various invoices and reports, there was nothing here.

It seems that if he really wants to get some information about the artifact, he will have to break into the company's office, unfortunately this is not included in his plans.

Therefore, once again making sure that he did not leave any traces, he left this empty room, and then carefully bypassing the guards, he returned to his hotel.


It was evening. Husbands and wives returned home to their children in anticipation of a pleasant dinner, and then an equally pleasant evening pastime.

But right now, Hector is not at all thinking about what he will be having dinner in the evening "Boss, I have no idea how this happened…..yes, the police have already arrived… and even the RIA people are here"

"Customers said they don't want to do business with us anymore….."

Turning off his comlink, Hector took a deep breath and massaged the bridge of his nose. Suddenly he saw a man approaching him, Hector wiped the fatigue from his face and greeted with a smile "Hello Roland. I can't say I'm glad to see you, but since you're here, the matter will be resolved quickly, isn't it?"

Roland approached Hector with a grin. "Hector, I can't agree with you. When I learned that you had such an incident, I was very glad that I would see you soon."

Ignoring his taunts, Hector asked, "Is this such an important event that even the RIA got involved?"

Roland shook his head. "Not really. It's just that we recently returned a very important object, so our superiors decided that we could quickly deal with such a trifling matter."

Hector smiled wryly and then thought of something that made his mood slightly better. "Well, I wish you good luck. Maybe it's not such a thing as you think, because even my people didn't find anything"

Roland chuckled "Don't compare your people to our agents, it offends my pride"

Hector rolled his eyes. "Like I said, I wish you good luck. We will cooperate with the investigation as much as possible, we also really want to know who is targeting us, and now, I have to leave you."

When Hector left, the smile on Roland's face disappeared. A man from his department approached him, Roland asked, "Did you find anything?"

The man replied, "Nothing special, sir. According to the information that we have, we can say that a professional worked. Not a single camera caught him. The workers saw only the outline of a silhouette in a raincoat. We don't even know if it's a man or a woman. The only thing we know well is just what the attacker's mask looked like."

Roland frowned, "How could they bring out all the equipment without leaving any traces. Did the cars evaporate ? Search better"

Roland's subordinate nodded and silently left, leaving Roland alone.


The next day, Gordon woke up from a sweet dream at his hotel. After completing his morning routine, he began to have breakfast while listening to the news on TV along the way.

"Today, the governor held a meeting with representatives of the agricultural industry…."

"The gliding championship will be held in three days in…"

"A daring robbery took place last night in the warehouse district. Unknown persons entered the hangar of the WTO company, neutralized five workers, and then stole military equipment. If you have any information about what happened or if you have seen a similar mask, please contact this number."

After these words, a fairly accurate drawing of his mask, which he wore yesterday, appeared on the TV screen.

But this did not worry Gordon much, since neither the government nor the WTO seems to have any idea who did it.

Having consumed all his breakfast, Gordon proceeded to spend the points he had earned. Unfortunately, there were not as many of them as during the looting of the factory, but that's not bad either.

[Physics 7 LVL 28000/368000 XP] (+7000)

[Biology 6 LVL 21000/28000 XP]

[Engineering 6 LVL 27360/28000 XP] (+4300)

[Information technology 6 LVL 21000/28000 XP]

[Science points - 0]

When the balance of his points returned to 0, the pleasant sensation of realizing new knowledge filled Gordon's body.

Many scientific theorems and laws immediately formed in Gordon's head. Now he is no longer a small speck of dust locked on his planet, but a beautiful butterfly that spread its wings towards the vast space.

After spending some time realizing all the information received, Gordon left the halls of his mind and focused on reality.

His business is booming, he has already rented a shop and also hired clerks and movers, but there is still a problem with transporting cargo from the planet [Welmax 6] to the planet [Gelara].


After several days of searching and visiting various transport companies, Gordon, following the prompts on his PDA, arrived in the old city.

Looking around, he saw a two-story white stone building covered with some cracks and mold. A sign [Nexmans Logistic] hangs at the entrance of the building.

Determined that he had arrived at the right place, Gordon went to the entrance to the building. But suddenly two men of strong physique appeared on his way.

One of the men took a cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled the smoke right into Gordon's face. "Kid, this is not the place you should visit."

Gordon frowned. "Why?"

"That should not be of your concerns! We told you to get out of here, so please get your sweet ass out of here before something happens to it," shouted the second man.

At first, Gordon was confused because of such unexpected insults in his direction, and then anger began to boil inside him. Yes, he does not have an ugly face, but you cannot call him a sweet boy either. He has a strong physique, a small stubble, slightly disheveled hair, these two clearly have something wrong with their heads.

Angry, Gordon also did not hold back. "Apparently, as a child, your dad beat you so hard that not only did you grow up stupid, he also knocked out the remnants of the self-preservation instinct from you."

The two did not expect such a reaction from Gordon. Usually, a few words and threats were enough to make all visitors to this place immediately abandon all ideas of returning here.

"Bastard! Haven't your bones been broken in a long time?" Splashing saliva, the man shouted.

Gordon smirked. "You're not even human, you're just a parody of a human, what can you do?!"