
Chapter 6

Sabah POV

          I sat on the couch, munching plantain chips hungrily while contemplating what to do.

I eyed at the wallet on the table warily before taking it and looked at what was inside.

I saw the guy's passport, money, driver license and everything. I checked for his address and decided to pay him a visit so that I could return it.

"Amboo" I called out my sleep head friend.

"What" She groaned, "don't tell me you are in need of a coffee because I'm going to..." I interrupted her from finishing her sentence.

"I've drunk one earlier, I just want to inform you that I want to return the wallet," I told her while adjusting my cape.

"Is it now you know that you should return it" She shook her head, "you are impossible".

"Whatever," I said dismissively, picking the car key.

She stood up abruptly, tangling the duvet with her which nearly fell her down.

"No way, I'm allowed to take the key '' She chirped, putting her hair in a ponytail.

"Why na" I whined, stomping my foot on the floor.

"No, you don't know how to drive very well. I can't let you crash the car" She responded.

"I won't, I promise," I said, giving her my best puppy eyes. "I promise to not run and I shall follow one lane" I muttered slowly so that she could believe me.

She sighed, looking at whether she should allow me or not, "okay" she gave up while I jubilated around. I knew no one could not say no to me with my puppy eyes.

I ran out of the room, "bye" I grinned happily, twirling the key.

"Please come back in peace not in pieces and the car also" She shouted while I saluted her.

I liked driving but driving did not like me.

I drove like a turtle by the time I arrived at his house, the time had gone.

And whose fault is that I thought.

I rang the outside bell before I went to the door and knocked when I realized no one was answering. I took some pebbles on the floor and threw it at the closed windows.

I loved this!

Who doesn't like it?, I smiled.

As I continued to throw it, I heard a car horn behind me which made me freeze.

I was caught, I looked like a child caught stealing a piece of chocolate in the kitchen.

An older woman in her late fifties got down from the car, with the wrinkles on her face, she was still beautiful.

She smiled slightly at me as she auto-locked the car, "What are you doing dear" she said, showing her white pearls teeth. This woman was beautiful with her smile. I hoped when I reached the age of fifty-plus, I would be beautiful like her without any worries. And my chubby cheeks wouldn't have shrunk down.

"emmm, I... I." I stuttered nervously, clattered my teeth together.

"Oh dear, no need to be nervous " she waved her hand dismissively before she motioned for me to follow.

She walked to the door and unlocked it not after saying," Bismillahi walajna wa bismillahi khorojna wallahi rabbina tawakalna assalamualaikum" as she finished the adzkar, she took her right leg in before left.

I entered the cosy house, feeling nostalgic. I missed my parent's house. "Sit down, my child," she said and walked towards a room that I thought was a kitchen. She came back in a minute and handed me a cup of chill water while I collected it and drank it greedily.

"So what were you doing earlier?" She raised her perfect brow which made me take a large gulp of water and choked on it.

She came to me and patted my back softly murmuring 'gently' when I recovered from my choking experience, she picked up the cup and returned it.

"So...?" she tilted her head, urging me to state my reason.

"I'm Sabah by name but you can call me Sabby" I laughed nervously.


" I'm here because of someone named Mr Yusuf " as I finished my statement, she looked surprised.

" What?" she asked, furrowing her brows.

"I hope I'm not in the wrong house because.... ".

" No, you are not ".

"Okay, ma'am".

"Yusuf is my son and I need to know whether he has done something or..." she mumbled the last part to herself.

I smiled softly, reassuring her when I saw her beautiful face wrinkled with worry lines.

"Let me go call him," she said, standing up before I stopped her.

"You mean Mr Yusuf is inside this house" I exclaimed loudly, feeling a wave of anger washing over me.

"Yes," she confirmed.

" As in, he was inside while I was outside knocking on the door and throwing pebbles before been caught?" I clenched my fist not to say anything. I breathed through my nose before smiling at the woman.

"I'm coming dear," she said in her sweet motherly voice.

As she left, I used the opportunity to check the house. The house lacked warmth, the windows and curtains were down. The chandelier was dusty and some cobwebs were hiding at the edge of the four walls. I took my phone out to call amber when some glass breaking noises interrupted me.

"No, I'm not going down" I heard an angry male voice shouted before another sound of something breaking again.

What's wrong, I thought before going back to my phone but stopped when I heard a feminine whimper which I knew belonged to the man's mother.

My feet moved unconsciously to where the sound was coming from. I didn't know when I passed through the zigzaggy* stairs. (PS: I don't know whether this English or spelling is correct but I do hear this word).

There were several doors before I reached the last door, the door was opened widely. I saw the woman knelt on the floor sobbing while he was back facing her. I couldn't decipher the smell of this room, the room looked destructive and abandoned. There were many broken bottles and glasses on the floor, the wooden bed and chairs have been dismantled. I was busy looking around before my eyes met his fury gaze.

"What are you doing here?!" he bellowed angrily, walking towards me, I felt myself flinching from his voice. His mother stood up quickly and wiped her face clean then smiled.

"Hey mister, don't shout at me" I scowled at him.

How dare he think he can shout at me?, I thought angrily.

"Well, whatever, "I said dismissively," I just came to return your wallet and to say sorry for pouring my coffee at you," I said in a breath before smiling stupidly.

"Get out " he yelled pointing to the door.

My mouth practically opened by itself in wonder, "What?" I asked.

"I said get out" he snarled at me, towering my small size.

"Whatever, I can't get out until I receive a thank you as a reward" I smiled sweetly at him.

"What?" it was his turn to mouth agape.

"Should I enunciate it for You?" I asked and answered.

"Say thank you and I would go gently... " he interrupted me.

He turned to his worried mother, "Tell her to get out before I...".

"Before what? Eh?.... Answer me?... " before I could finish my taunting he grabbed me tightly.

He was dragging me out like a sack, I used my heel for resistance but it wasn't working.

"How dare you drag me?" I screeched.

"Hey, you brute. Release me now!" he continued to drag me until we reached the main door. He released and I took some steps back panting loudly.

"You fool! you manhandled me. I'm going to rep...".

"Shut up!" he yelled, which made me swallow my words, "Your noise is disturbing my peace" he screamed, ruffling his dishevelled hair.

"Number one mister, don't dare shout at me!" I scowled, "number two, apologies" I smiled slyly as I put my hands on my small waist, tapping my foot on the floor waiting patiently for an apology.

"Get out".


"Will you get out by yourself or I should drag you outside again" he smirked while my eyes widened in shock. He dared to smirk at me.

"You!" I threw my clutch bag at him in anger before off my shoes and threw it at him also.

I walked barefooted outside with my head high when I was a foot from the door, he banged the door to my face.

"I swear, you'll regret this!" my face had been red with fury as I knocked on the door again...