I believe you

"Qiao Ning Xi pushed Qiao Hua?"

"I thought the two sisters are close to each other."

"Look even her own fiance is defending her sister."

"I guess it was true. Isn't she shameless for hurting her sister?"

The whisphers surrounded the house, people didn't even bother clarifying if it was true or not. They are just interested in gossiping and didn't realize that their insults and criticisms hurts other people.

Qiao Ning Xi watched as the people started increasing and some were complaining, wanting to learn what actually happened. Hearing people insult Qiao Ning Xi, the two wives looked at her worriedly, afraid that she might get hurt afterall how strong can a 12 years old girl be against other people's insults.

Cai Zhenghao and Leng Shaoming was also worried then remembered that the fun she was referring to was this. Their worried expression changed and turned into confucion. Is it considered fun receiving insults?

Qiao Hua saw people gathering around them, asking for confimation and clarification. She looked at them pitifully then hide behind Gui Han, arousing people's pity.

The young men saw her expression, it aroused their will to protect and seek justice for her. People didn't notice that Gui Han and Qiao Hua were holding hands and acting affectionately. These actions were clearly inapproriate between sister-in-law and brother-in-law.

"Mr. Qiao, you need to clarify what happened. I know you're not usually at home but you shouldn't let your eldest daughter bully, no, hurt your younger daughter. " A young man stated and other people also agreed at him. Qiao Ning Xi didn't care much because she had already expected this.

Qiao Hua saw how the guests of the party defend and side with her. She hid her face behind Gui Han acting afraid but actually she was grinning, delighted seeing people defend her then insults Qiao Ning Xi. Gui Han sense her joy, feeling relieved.

Yesterday midnight after they left Qiao Ning Xi, they thought about something and planned this incident. They want Qiao Ning Xi to lose her reputation and that will affect the engagement between Gui Han and Qiao Ning Xi. Then the Qiao family will be left with no choice but to replace Qiao Ning Xi with her. She also planned to use this incident in the future to ruin Qiao Ning Xi's future.

Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao were flustered after hearing the complains. Mr. Qiao immediately called Qiao Ning Xi but he didn't know that she was waiting for him to call her. She walked toward Mr. Qiao and asked, "Father what's wrong?"

She could hear the people quiet down, waiting for the show to begin. "Gui Han said you pushed Hua Hua off the stairs last night, why did you do that?" Mr. Qiao asked her seriously, regretting adopting her.

The side of Qiao Ning Xi's lips couldn't help but to twitch. Instead of asking her if it was true, he was asking her the reason why she did that, indicating he believed them. She was fine with it because she wsn't expecting anything.

"Father I never pushed Hua Hua. I swear, you need to believe me." Qiao Ning Xi looked at him, begging. His heart waver and he began to think that everything was a misunderstanding. Qiao Hua saw him waver and finally spoke.

"Sister, please, I know you don't like me because Brother Han and I are classmates and are close. But please just tell the truth, you need to stop. You can blame me all you want but don't make things hard for mom and dad." Qiao Hua said making other think that the reason Qiao Ning Xi pushed her was because of jealousy.

When Mr. Qiao heard her, he was angered just thinking how much she suffered because of Qiao Ning Xi and he didn't even know about it. "Qiao Ning Xi, I treated you as my daughter and Hua Hua treated you as a sister but is this how you're going to repay us?!"

"Father, I really didn't do it. Qiao Hua is lying, she's framing me. She wants you guys and Brother Han to hate me--" Before Qiao Ning Xi could finish her sentence, Mr. Qiaoslapped her. "I had enough, Butler Sam, call the police."

Mr. Qiao was determined to make her pay, he treated Qiao Hua like his own daughter because she look exactly like the woman who he loves. If it wasn't because he got Su Min (Mrs. Qiao) pregnant and she came from a wealthy family, he wouldn't marry her and he wouldn't leave the woman he loves.

Qiao Ning Xi tried to explain herself, she begged and started crying. "Why? Why wouldn't you believe me?!"

Cai Zhenghao and Leng Shaoming saw her in distress wanting to help her but she signaled them not to. That's when they realized she was still acting, they thought something unexpected happened, and they finally sighed relief.

Grandpa Qiao and Grandma Qiao were on their room in the thord floor resting when they heard noises coming down from the party. They were disturbed and immediately went down. When they arrived there, they saw Qiao Ning Xi kneeling and crying while people were giving her a nasty and hostile glare.

Grandpa Qiao was fuming with anger seeing Qiao Ning Xi being bullied and asked what was happening.

"Dad, we just found out that yesterday night Qiao Ning Xi pushed Qiao Hua off the stairs and Gui Han witnessed it." Mr. Qiao explained. When Grandma Qiao heard him she was shocked and was angry at Qiao Ning Xi. She was scared that she will lose her pride, Qiao Hua. She instantly cursed at Qiao Ning Xi, forgetting about her image, telling how ungrateful and shameless she was. She was basically saying that Qiao Ning Xi was a jinx.

Grandpa Qiao cut her off and asked. "Then what did you do?"

"I called the police." Mr. Qiao answered. Hearing his answer Grandpa Qiao raise his cane wanting to slap him with it. "So you called the police and didn't clear things out? are you sure that you didn't wronged Ning Xi?! "

"But father I'm afraid she might do something to my daughter."

"Qiao Ning Xi is also your daughter!" During the past years, Grandpa Qiao was the only one in the Qiao Family who believed Qiao Ning Xi and he was the only one doubting Qiao Hua's personality

Mr. Qiao was planning to say something when they heard the police siren and several policemen walked in. "Mr. Qiao where's the criminal?" Dan Ren, a policeman asked. He is a police corporal, he usually just lead his team and leave the arresting the person to them but because he knows Mr. Qiao, personally went here.

"Here." He pointed at Qiao Ning Xi and the policemen were planning to touch her when they heard a scream. They turned and saw that Grandpa Qiao was having a hard time breathing and Grandma Qiao and Mrs. Qiao was supporting him. "Qiao Jing, You dare!" He threatened his own son. Mr, Qiao was surprised because everytime his father got angry he will call his full name.

He didn't dare to do neither the policemen, he was scared of his fathers anger and healty. They waited for Grandpa Qiao to calm down, when he finally calmed down, they were planning to persuade him but was stopped by Grandpa Qiao.

"It happened on the second floor's staircase right?" Grandpa asked for confirmation and they said yes.

He went to Qiao Ning Xi then patted her head trying to stop her from crying. When Qiao Ning Xi felt Grandpa Qiao's warm hand, she decided to stop crying and looked at him. "You didn't do it, right?" He asked. Qiao Ning Xi opened her mouth then closed it again. When she saw him waiting for her answer, she opened her mouth again then hesitated but she answered. "I..I didn't push Qiao Hua." She stuttered as she said those words.

Some people are now doubting Qiao Hua and Gui Han's words.

Grandpa Qiao was pleased after hearing her answer and patted her back then said, "I believe you." Qiao Ning Xi frozed and tears are droping from her eyes. This time she wasn't acting or anything, she was just moved and regretted her actions in her past life.

"Grandpa, you believe me?" He nodded immediately. Qiao Ning Xi showed a happy face then was dejected. "You believe me but they don't." She murmured but Grandpa Qiao was able to hear her.

"Don't worry, I'll help you clear your name."

She wanted to ask how but Mr. Qiao outrun her. "How would you do that, Father?" He looked at his son feeling disappointed, he remebered that he raised his son not like this. He knows that his son is also smart but he knew that there's a hidden reason why his son dotes on Qiao Hua that he didn't know.

"There's a hidden camera installed over there."