Broken engagement

"There's a hidden camera over there."

Qiao Hua frozed, trying to absorb what Grandpa Qiao said. When she regain her senses, she freaked out after thinking that there was actually a hidden camera around there. Gui Han saw her changes and nervously gripped her hand.

"Dad, why did I not know about it?" Mr. Qiao suspiciously asked his father.

"You usually cause trouble when you were a child especially everytime Qiao Wen is here so I installed a camera to monitor you when needed. Even your mother didn't know about it." Grandpa Qiao explained as he looked at his wife apologetically for hiding about it.

"Butler Sam, get the video surveillance quickly." Mr. Qiao ordered Butler Sam and Grandpa Qiao told him where the footages are hidden. Qiao Ning Xi was watching Gui Han and Qiao Hua dug their own grave. While she was waiting for the main show to start, Qiao Hua and Gui Han was tense. Qiao Hua subconsciously bit her lips, injuring her own lips. She was numb with the pain and she can clearly taste the blood in her lips. Seeing her hurt herself, Gui Han was distressed and shook her lightly, helping her to regain her composure.

While waiting for the footage, Qiao Hua remembered that last time she also fell down the stairs and people thought Qiao Ning Xi pushed her. If there was actually a camera there before then why didn't Grandpa Qiao reveal it. Before her hope increase, she heard Butler Sam.

"I got the video surveillance tape." Butler Sam was holding a laptop with a usb and a projector. He positioned the projector and connected it to the laptop. He clicked the surveillance video yesterday from the usb drive and the projector to the screen begin.

Seeing the video projecting in the screen, Qiao Hua wanted to hide, her knees got weak that she needed to hold Gui Han to support herself.

Butler Sam dragged the length of the video, an empty hallway and stairs can be seen, but when he got to around 11 pm, he saw Qiao Hua's figure appearing.

Everyone was surprised with the scene in the screen, they saw Qiao Hua knocking on a door and door opened revealing a familiar young man. They turned their heads and stare at Gui Han, Gui Han was that young man. Whispers were heard.

People's whispers grew louder when they saw Qiao Hua hugged Gui Han and he closed the door. Qiao Hua wanted to run away scared about the next scenes, but she was blocked by Cai Zhenghao and Leng Shaoming.

Cai Zhenghao and Leng Shaoming were stunned after seeing the screen but immediately recovered thinking that the possibility of it happening was high. They saw her running away so they blocked her way and smiled. "You better stay here until Qiao Ning Xi's name is clear." Leng Shaoming said, he looked at her unfriendly. Qiao Hua felt Leng Shaoming's aura suppressing her, trying to look for help she looked at Cai Zhenghao but Cai Zhenghao's stare was more terrifying.

Her knees weakened and she fell on her knees. She started to cry, she was scared not only because of them but also because of the footage. Nobody tried to help her, they just stared at her. Criticizing her for hooking up with her sister's fiance.

Gui Han didn't care about the stares he was receiving and immediately helped Qiao Hua. A flash of hatred was seen in her eyes as she stare at Qiao Ning Xi blaming her.

'This is all your fault!'

"Eldest miss, what time did you saw young miss last night?" Butler Sam was surprised at the unexpected event but he still remember his objective.

"Around 2:15-2:30"

The video stop at 2:28, everyone gasp and couldn't help but to stare in the screen full of disbelief.

"What the f*ck?"

"How could they be so shameless?!"

"If I remember it right, they're only 14 years old tenagers!"

"What an adulterous couple."

"She even helped her sister?!"

"Look! He accused her!"

"They lied to us. Qiao Hua falling off the stairs has nothing to do with Qiao Ning Xi but because of her shamelessness!"

The video showed the scene from start, when Qiao Hua left the room, to the end, when Gui Han wronged Qiao Ning Xi and left with Qiao Hua. Everyone clearly understood everything.

The Qiao Family members were shocked. Mr. Qiao knew that Gui Han and Qiao Hua were closed but not this close. Mrs. Qiao and Grandma Qiao knew that Gui Han and Qiao Hua like each other but they never thought that they would cross the line, afterall Gui Han was still Qiao Ning Xi's fiance.

They were shocked, they looked at Qiao Hua stupefied. While, the Gui Family were stunned but they were satisfied.

If ever this accident spread Qiao Ning Xi's and Gui Han's engagement will be broken and for Qiao Hua image, she and Gui Han will have to become official.

There might be rumors but as long as nobody higher than them will purposely spread it, they can conceal it. It might not disappear completely but with their achievements, everybody will forget about this incident.

"Brother Han... and Hua Hua.."

Within silence the grevious cry were heard. People looked at her pitiful but few thought that she was pathetic for crying publically and for letting her own sister snatch her fiance.

Qiao Ning Xi knew what they were thinking and ignored it. Her focus were toward her acting weak and pathetic to let them underestimate her. Then in the future she can use the excuse that she was heartbroken and regretted that she was weak so she worked hard to be strong.

Grandpa Qiao was expecting something like this will happen someday but his heartache seeing her state. He always wanted for his granddaughter to realize Gui Han and Qiao Hua's character and he figured that based on her stubborness the only way for her to perceive was to experience it.

Like they say, 'Experience is the best teacher but a fool will learn from no other.'

In her previous life, she went through the same betrayal but still forgave and believed them. She was a fool. No one will learn unless they accept the truth and she refuse to see truth until the day she died. Finally, she finally accepted everything and begin to face the truth, no more hiding, no more running.

"Master Gui, I think it's better if we end the children's engagement." Grandpa Qiao looked at Grandpa Gui solemly. "Also the cooperation between the our families."

Everybody was surprised by the sudden suggestion, ending a cooperation means severing ties with each other. Even if something like this was to happen to them they wouldn't make this choice as businessmen who only want to see profits not losses.

Grandpa Gui finally intervened. "Qiao Jin, are you sure? You're giving up two decade friendship of our families for your adopted granddaughter?" Grandpa Gui was waiting for his answer but he gave him silence. Silence means yes.

Grandpa Gui didn't bother to say anything but turned around walking toward the exit. Grandma Gui and Mrs. Gui followed him, as women married to the Gui Family they don't have the authority to defy him.

While Mr. Gui and Mr. Qiao wanted to stop them, they are businessmen so they understand the importance of this matter.

Qiao Ning Xi was surprised but also anxious because if both family severe ties then her plans would be useless.

"Grandpa Gui! Please sto,p my grandfather was just agitated and worried for my sake. Can you please talk it through?"

Qiao Ning Xi ran toward him and blocked their path. Grandpa Gui stop and looked at her then he glanced at Grandpa Qiao. Seeing his actions, Qiao Ning Xi now went to her grandfather trying to persuade him.

"Grandpa Qiao, please take back your words. I know you care about me but if you do this I would be filled with guilt." Grandpa Qiao looked at her hesitating.

"Ning Xi..."

"Grandpa It's okay, I'm okay. Let's just break the engagement since Hua Hua like Brother Han let them be together. If we severe ties then I'll be ruining the Qiao Family and Hua Hua's happiness." She hold her grandfather's arm trying to calm him down.

"But it's her fault so why should you give way?" Hearing this she bit her lips and avoid her grandfather's gaze.

"It is not Hua Hua's fault, it's mine." Gui Han holding Qiao Hua's hand walked toward to them.

"This engagement was between the two families, but I didn't expect that I was engage with Qiao Ning Xi. Compared to Qiao Hua she is nothing, Qiao Hua is outstanding so how could I not like her? is it her fault for being outstanding?" He glance to other people trying to persuade them.

Everyone thought that it makes sense because he would benefit more if he was with Qiao Hua than with Qiao Ning Xi, except for Leng Shaoming and Cai Zhenghao who sincerely care for her. "So you would rather lie to everyone? If we didn't accidentaly discover it, I bet you would hide it as long as you can. Can you imagine how hurt she would be?"

Everyone turned their heads toward Cai Zhenghao, after listening to his statement they looked at him curiously, guessing who he was and what's his connection with Qiao Ning Xi.

"That's why I said it was my fault, I not only wronged Qiao Ning Xi but also Qiao Hua for hiding it. I'm sorry, Grandpa Qiao, Grandpa Gui for disappointing you." Gui Han kneeled and knowtow toward to the Gui and Qiao Family.

Leng Shaoming's lips couldn't help but to twitch. He should also apologize to Qiao Ning Xi but he didn't even mention her!

"Grandpa, Grandma, mom, dad and sister I'm also sorry for hiding it. I was afraid sister would hate me." Qiao Hua also kneeled and knowtow. The Qiao and Gui forgave them and didn't let them to kneel for long. Afterall this will embarrassed their family more.

While everybody say it's okay, Qiao Ning Xi just stared at them silently. People thought that her silence means she didn't want to forgive them.

"Sister, would you please forgive me?"

Everyone who were watching them stared at her waiting for an answer. "Yes and no." They looked at her confused.

"Yes, I forgive you for being with my fiance but No, I do not forgive you for betraying me. First, you lied to everyone that I pushed you then I found out that you are with Brother Han. We are sisters but that doesn't mean I will endure and give you everything I have. We are still sisters but my trust and faith toward you are all gone." She looked at Qiao Hua expressionless then turned to the guests. She exude a strong and cold aura that no one could disregard.

"I'm sorry everyone for letting you witness these scenes. I'm still shock with this unexpected revelation. I'll take my leave first, I wish you would enjoy the rest of the party." She turned around and left them dumbfounded.

Everyone came here for the banquet but didn't expect that they would be able to watch a good show. Everyone thought that the Gui made a right choice except those few who noticed that the aura Qiao Ning Xi exude wasn't a coincidence or an accident but it shows her true nature.