Gui Han's Birthday (1)

After taking the test the five of them left right away. It would be suspicious if they went missing for a long time.

The moment they appeared on the living room, Leng Shaoming ran towards them. "Unfair! Where did the two of you go?"

"Why are you still up? Didn't you told me earlier that you were tired? That's the reason why I took over greeting the guests and letting you rest." Cai Zhenghao snickered. Leng Shaoming was speechless.

"Why do you care?! Ning Xi and I are going to play." He went beside Qiao Ning Xi and dragged her to the computer in the living room.

There are 4 computers in the living room, 4 sofas and one large tv.

Seeing that they are gonna start playing, Cai Zhenghao sat to the other computer and logged into the game. While Father Cai, Grandpa Cai and Steal left the children alone to have fun.

They played the game all night.

Next day was Monday so everyone woke up early since they still have to go to school. They rode a cabin cruise ship again to leave the Island and went to school. She already left a message to Grandpa Qiao that she will be back later, she'll go to school first.

Qiao Ning Xi didn't bring her books but she brought an empty notebook and a pen. Half an hour before the first class she received a message from Grandpa Qiao.

Grandpa Qiao <6:26 am>

[Ning Xi, today is Gui Han's birthday. We'll be attending his party, I know you're not comfortable with him especially after what happened so it's fine if you don't come but still, I'm just informing you. If you want to come its alright, I already prepared a dress for you.]

Qiao Ning Xi totally forgot that today was Gui Han's birthday. She took her other phone then read today's event.

She found out that in her previous life, they celebrated Gui Han's birthday by throwing a simple party for close friends and them. But this time they host a banquet, which is totally different from before.

She smiled after realizing why it was different.

Before, she forgave them but people still consider those two as adulterers but now that the engagement between hers and his was broken and replaced by Qiao Hua, they didn't need to hide anymore.

"I'm leaving." She told the two guys and they gave her a 'why' look.

"It's Gui Han's birthday and there's a party."

Hearing her reason both of them gave her a complex look. They wanted to ask her why does she need to go but she didn't give them time to ask and left.


Qiao Manor

"Dad! Can we talk about this later?" Father Qiao look at Grandpa Qiao who was waiting for his answer.

"You better give me your answer after the party. Remember, I gave you two choices but if you choose that mistress of yours and her child then I wouldn't pass the title to you. I would pass it to your son. You should think about it carefully." Grandpa Qiao said then left.

Qiao Ning Xi was able to witness this scene when she came back to the Qiao Manor. She was standing outside the house while looking through the window. She didn't know that Grandpa Qiao made Father Qiao choose between his love and the head title. That's why she was quite surprised.

She can already guess Father Qiao's decision. In her previous and current life, Father Qiao never changed. He is still obsessed with the head title or more specifically, he is obsessed with wealth and power.

Qiao Ning Xi was planning to enter the door when she noticed a person peeking through the kitchen door. She chuckled after recognizing the person which is Qiao Hua. Qiao Hua's expression was ugly, full of rage.

She started biting her nails which Qiao Ning Xi enjoy watching. Qiao Hua have these habits that when she's panicking, she bites her nails, while when she's pissed, she clentched her hands.

When Father Qiao left, Qiao Hua also left and Qiao Ning Xi went inside.



"Mom! Mom!"

Wei Ya, who was watching the television was surprised after hearing the ruckus and the continues knocks her daughter is making.

"Why are you here? Aren't you going to Gui Han's birthday party?" She asked after opening the door. Qiao Hua didn't answer her but walked inside and closed the door.

Wei Ya was displeased after seeing her daughter's action full of eagerness and panicking. She was about to reprimand her but Qiao Hua interrupted her.

"Mom! Grandpa made dad to choose between us and Su Min and her son!" Qiao Hua said.

Compared to Qiao Hua who was panicking, Wei Ya was happy after hearing this news and couldn't understand why her daughter was acting like that. She is sure that Father Qiao will choose her over Su Min.

"Don't worry. Your father will choose us over them." Wei Ya said trying to reassure Qiao Hua but Qiao Hua didn't believed her and told her about Qiao Jun becoming the head if her father choose her mom and her.

Hearing this Wei Ya who was rejoicing earlier instantly felt a huge anxiety. She also understood Father Qiao, if it weren't for the head title he wouldn't abandoned her to marry Mother Qiao in the first place.

"Mom what should we do?! Grandpa said that after the party dad needs to make a decision!" Qiao Hua was really panicking, she was afraid to lose everything. Being Father Qiao's daughter was the only thing that can help them escape poverty and reach power and wealth. It was alright if they just prevent her mother to go near her and Father Qiao but if they also abandon her then she wouldn't be able to take it.

Wei Ya also understood her daughter's fear and thinking and couldn't help but to get mad. "You should worry about your mother. Even if they plan to abandon you, they can't since you are Gui Han's fiance. You should be glad that you managed to snatch him from that so called sister of yours and you should be ---"

She suddenly stop when an idea pop up in her mind. Qiao Hua, who was waiting for her mother to continue, looked up and saw her mother's eyes lighting up and mouth curling.

"Is your father going to attend Gui Han's birthday party?"

"Yes." Qiao Hua was curious but still answered.

"Then do you have an extra invitation?" Wei Ya held Qiao Hua's shoulder and Qiao Hua could clearly see her mother's eyes full of schemes.

"I don't have but if you want, I can ask Brother Han." After thinking about it she answered.

"Good, later I'm going to attend the party to." Wei Ya immediately got up and looked through her phone contacts. Since she needs to attend, she also needs to have an appropriate clothes to wear.

"I understand but why are you going to attend. We need to solve--" Qiao Hua was stopped but Wei Ya.

"Attending the party will help us to solve that problem."

Wei Ya explained her plan to Qiao Hua and made sure that everything will go to plan.

While the two were discussing their scheme, Qiao Ning Xi was getting ready for the party. She also noticed that Qiao Hua left the house and she could guess where Qiao Hua went.


Gui Manor

3 pm

"Welcome." Mother Gui greeted us.

Currently, everyone from the Qiao Family including Wei Ya has arrived. The Qiao Family were putted on spotlight as soon as they entered while Wei Ya didn't go with them.

The others didn't know that Wei Ya was attending the party so Qiao Jing was surprised to see her. The others haven't notice her yet except for Qiao Ning Xi who wasn't surprised at all.

"Brother Han! Happy Birthday!"

Gui Han who was talking with his friend stopped when he heard Qiao Hua's voice and turned around. He saw Qiao Hua running towards him smiling lovely while holding a gift. He didn't know why but he felt that pink bubbles were appearing around her.

When Qiao Hua stumbled, Gui Han got his senses back and caught her. It was a romantic scene that the female guests who noticed it couldn't help but to squeal.

Qiao Ning Xi saw this and was planning to ignore it but she suddenly heard whispers about her.

"Pity. I bet the other daughter of Qiao regretted that she didn't took care of her fiance."

"You mean ex-fiance."

"Well, even if she did. We can't say that Gui Han will treat like that."

"Gui Han is usually cold but really warm towards Qiao Hua."

"Ugh. I envy her."

"But in the end, the sister of Qiao Hua is really useless."

"Atleast I'm not those cowards who talks behind other people's back." Qiao Ning Xi said when she passed by them and continued walking, ignoring their glares and complains.

"What are you doing here?!" Qiao Ning Xi stopped and looked towards the direction where she heard the loud but not that loud voice. She saw Grandpa Qiao pointing his finger to someone while Grandma Qiao, Mother Qiao and Qiao Hua were beside them.

She smirked after recognizing the person, who else, of course it's Wei Ya.