Gui Han's Birthday (2)

"Why are you here?!" Grandpa Qiao's voice attracted some of the guests' attention and this includes Qiao Ning Xi's.

"Grandpa please calm down." Qiao Hua immediately walked towards Grandpa Qiao after receiving Wei Ya's signal.

"You--You allowed her to come here?" Grandpa Qiao was sure that he was right after seeing that Qiao Hua wasn't surprised to see her mother. He was fumming with anger after seeing his son's mistress but still tried to calm himself down since this is not his territory.

"Old master Qiao, Mrs. Qiao, I'm sorry for coming here. I know you don't like me but I want to meet my daughter's boyfriend, no, fiance and also greet him a happy birthday. Can I?" Wei Ya said while looking to them beggingly.

Father Qiao saw this and immediately stood up for them. "Dad, let her stay afterall she is still Qiao Hua's mother and she really cares for her daughter."

Since Father Qiao already said it, Grandpa Qiao couldn't oppose it. Wei Ya was happy to see it but how could Qiao Ning Xi just let it go easily.

"Father, if Hua Hua's mother really cared for Hua Hua then why did she left her in the orphanage? I don't understand." Qiao Ning Xi calmly said.

The three frowned after hearing her words. They couldn't just answer her recklessly afterall there are other guests beside them. One wrong word and it can bring them down.

After thinking about it, Wei Ya answered. "I actually regretted it. The day after I left her in the orphanage, I went there again to retrieve her but the director said that they transfered the children to other orphanage and Hua Hua was included. I tried to find her but I couldn't. Luckily, I found her after receiving some information."

The other guests found her answer believable but Qiao Ning Xi naturally found some loops.

"What information have you received? Are you sure that you really haven't found Hua Hua afterall If I'm not wrong, the director should have told you which orphanage Hua Hua was transfered. More than 10 years have passed and you weren't able to find her but when she was adopted you suddenly found her. "

She was hinting that Wei Ya suddenly appeared because Qiao Hua was adopted by Qiao Family or a wealthy family not because she cared about her daughter.

When Qiao Ning Xi said that, she didn't realize but Mother Qiao looked at her tenderly. Mother Qiao's impression of Qiao Ning Xi improved a lot, she thought that Qiao Ning Xi was doing that to revenge her.

Qiao Hua was agitated after hearing her words. "How could you embarrass my mom by saying she's here for money? You don't understand it because your mom abandoned you and never looked for you. While me, my mom tried to look for me, are you doing this because you're jealous?"

Everyone were surprised to hear her. Their face turned serious when they heard her emphasizing that Qiao Ning Xi was abandoned. Well, it's true but do you need to say it, it can hurt someone's mentality so she should have thought about it before she said it.

She is basically looking down to orphans but she had forgotten that she used to be one. It would have been fine for her to despise them if she wasn't like them before because this shows that it is easy for her to leave or betray someone even the people she grew up to once she is above them.

Gui Han also realized Qiao Hua's mistake and thought that no one will mind it since it was normal for rich people to look down to orphan but he completely forgot that Qiao Hua used to be one.

He realized the wrong gazes of the guests and unconsciously looked to Wei Ya, who turned pale while thinking for a way to save or correct her daughter's word.

"Grandpa Qiao, I'm sorry that I didn't ask for your opinion first but since I already invited Qiao Hua's mom, it would be disrespectful to ask her go leave, right." Gui Han finally step in and said.

Grandpa Qiao's face changed, Gui Han was basically saying this is Gui Manor not Qiao Manor so why should he ask his opinion before inviting someone.

If Grandpa Qiao still didn't agree, it means that he feels that he is superior than the Gui Family which includes Grandpa Gui and this will turn into a fight between Qiao Family and Gui Family's pride.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable so it's fine to let her stay but please keep an eye on her." Grandpa Qiao said and left. Of course, Qiao Ning Xi, Grandma Qiao, Mother Qiao and Father Qiao followed him.


6 pm

The servants began to serve new cultery for the banquet dinner.

Each table had a cultery the moment they arrived at the banquet but there are still events such as giving blessings, gifts, a charity game and etc. so the Gui Family prepared a buffet that serves as appetizers where they can serve themselves foods. After that would be the banquet dinner.

The Qiao Family was sitting in a round table with 7 chairs and Wei Ya is with them. The next table beside them is the Gui Family's table.

Qiao Ning Xi is sitting between Grandpa Qiao and Mother Qiao, next to Grandpa Qiao is Grandma Qiao, then beside Grandma Qiao is Qiao Hua so basically Father Qiao and Wei Ya is sitting beside each other since Wei Ya is sitting next to Qiao Hua and Father Qiao is sitting beside Mother Qiao.

Seeing the sitting formation Grandpa Qiao is very dissastified and wanted to pull them apart especially when his son stares at his mistress then she will show a shy expression.

"Father, can we exchange seats?" Qiao Ning Xi asked while standing up.

Hearing her suggestion Father Qiao couldn't help but to show a displeased look. If he said no then he bet his father will whip him again so he had no choice but to agree and give up his seat.

After sitting down on Father Qiao's previous seat, Qiao Ning Xi held Mother Qiao's hand then smiled at her. Mother Qiao eyes turn red a little, she wanted to cry and hug Qiao Ning Xi but still endured it.

She mouthed, 'Thank you.'

Wei Ya could clearly see their interaction and under the table she was clenching her hands tightly due to anger but on the outside she was smilling like nothing happens.

After they ate, they drunk wine while Qiao Hua and Qiao Ning Xi were only allowed to drink juice or milk which were prepared for them.

There were also performance such as salsa a latin dance, cha cha a ballroom dance, singing performance and others.

While everyone's attention was on the performance, Father Qiao was surprised after feeling someome touching him under the table. He looked around and saw Wei Ya looking at him and smilling.

Wei Ya looks like she was drunk due to her red face and unfocus eyes.

Father Qiao was staring at her while giving her a what-look when he felt her feet rubbing against his legs. He frowned not because he was dissastified but because of the need to restrain himself.

He saw her smilling at him but saw loneliness in her eyes and he couldn't help but to feel guilty because he knows that due to him ignoring her or hiding to her, she must have felt wrong.

Even though he felt guilty, he was also glad that she still holds him in her heart. The last time they met was more than 10 years ago.

While he was remembering their past, Wei Ya stood up telling Qiao Hua that she was going to the bathroom. He saw her walking while swaying and couldn't help but to worry.

Even though Wei Ya is already a mother, she still looks good and could even easily arouse a man due to her maturity at the same time also because of the innocence she emit.

He felt uneasy leaving her alone so he also excused himself. The others didn't think about it too much including Qiao Ningxi but when she saw Qiao Hua looking at the direction where they left, she felt like something was wrong.


After walking for a while, Father Qiao finally saw Wei Ya sitting outside of the women's bathroom.

Wei Ya heard someone walking towards her and looked up. She saw Father Qiao with a worried look and smiled to him but tears suddenly roll down her face.

Father Qiao panicked seeing her crying and felt guilty towards her. He bend down and hugged her trying to comfort her.

"Don't cry. It hurts here everytime you cry." He pointed at his heart.

Wei Ya sob after hearing him. Father Qiao doesn't want to see her crying so he kissed her. Wei Ya was surprised but respond to his kiss. Seconds had past, their lips finally move away from each other.

"Do you not want me and Hua Hua anymore? Do you not love me?" She asked.

Father Qiao was speechless for a moment and when he was planning to answer her, he noticed someome coming and carried Wei Ya.

"It's not appropriate to talk here." He then carried her princess-style and went inside to the room nearest to them.