Gui Han's Birthday (3)

It's been almost half an hour since Father Qiao and Wei Ya left, Qiao Ning Xi also realized that something was wrong.

Qiao Ning Xi was hesitating whether to go look for them or not. If she look for them it might prevent something from happening or she might help them do something.

She decided to go look for them atleast when something happen, she will be the first one to know but as she was planning to excuse herself from the table a loud shriek was heard.

The shriek immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone were looking where the noise came from and when Qiao Ning Xi glanced at Qiao Hua, she understood that something had already happen.

Qiao Hua was smilling at her, gloating.

"What's wrong?" Mother Gui stood up and asked. Everyone from the Gui Family also stood up and walked towards where the noise came from.

It was completely unexpected to them, Qiao Ning Xi realized that only Wei Ya and Qiao Hua knew about it when she saw the Gui's expressions.

Everyone saw the Gui Family going where the shriek came and others decided to follow and watch the show while others stayed sitted. The Qiao Family is connected to the Gui Family so they also followed.

As they walked near the place they started to hear whispers from the people who first witnessed it.

"Isn't this Mr. Qiao? then is that woman Mrs. Qiao?"

"How rude and shameless can they be? This is someone else's house so how could they do something like this?"

"They're crazy! I think they're too horny to wait until the end of the party!"

"Shit! That woman isn't Su Min!"

"What?! Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I was Su Min's deskmate during collage so how could I be wrong?!"

"So is she his mistress?"

Qiao Ning Xi looked towards Qiao Hua disgustedly. She could already guess what happened coming from those whispers.

'I never expect that they would do something like this. Aren't they afraid of receiving the title of mother-daughter man snatcher?'

When Qiao Ning Xi was thinking how to deal about these mother-daughter she suddenly felt someone holding her hand tightly. It was Mother Qiao, no matter how foolish she was before, she could also guess what happened.

She felt like every step was a step closer to hell. When everyone saw the Gui and Qiao Family coming they opened the path towards the door. The moment they arrived in front of the door they witness something shameless and it was also the moment Mother Qiao's tears finally drop.

"What are you watching?! Get out!" Father Qiao was yelling to the crowd while holding a woman in his arms when the Qiao and Gui Family reached the door.

Qiao Ning Xi was surprised at the same time she kinda expected it. She was surprised because of this incident that didn't happened in her previous life and she had expected them doing something this shameless.

Both Father Qiao and Wei Ya were naked. They were in a bed, their clothes were thrown everywhere, everyone can guess that something must have happened between them.

Father Qiao was completely naked but Wei Ya was covered by a blanket and hugging him trying to cover her face.

"Disgrace! Disgrace! Qiao Jing, you actually dare! From now on, I will never have a son like you!" The first one to react was Grandpa Qiao. The Qiao and Gui Family walked inside.

As they walked inside, they saw how mess their state were, there were kiss marks and nail marks all over their body.

'How intense.'

The Gui Family were also surprised and was planning to intervene but they couldn't since this is a family problem of the Qiao Family. In the end, they could only ask for an explanation and compensation after resolving this situation.

"Dad! Isn't it normal for a man to sleep with the woman he loves?!" Father Qiao panicked after hearing that his father was planning to disown him.

Qiao Ning Xi wanted to laugh after hearing him talked about love.

Father Qiao completely made Grandpa Qiao furious after saying those words. Grandpa Qiao walked towards his son and was planning to scold and beat him when he suddenly had a hard time breathing.

He held his chest and started punching it. He knew he was having a heart attack and glared at Father Qiao, blaming him for being stupid, no, for being a bastard.

"Grandpa is having a heart attack!" Qiao Ning Xi shouted after realizing it. Her heart was pounding due to anxiousness. Everything suddenly became blur to her, all she knows is she couldn't lose her grandpa.

"Call the doctor!" Since this is the Gui Manor, there should be a doctor or personal doctor staying because of the party. The Gui immediately called for the doctor and ambulance.

Grandpa Qiao tried to resist the pain and knelt to the ground then finally collapsed. Qiao Ning Xi ran towards him and held him worriedly.

Not only her, everyone were also worried and nervious while waiting for the doctor and ambulance. Mother Qiao and Grandma Qiao also knelt to the ground with Qiao Ning Xi helplessly waiting for the doctors.

Within three minutes the doctor and ambulance finally came. Luckily, the Gui Family prepared a medical team and ambulance for the party, if something unexpected happens then they're ready.

The medical team carried Grandpa Qiao in a stretcher. Grandpa Gui followed them while Grandma Qiao was hesitating because of the problem Father Qiao and Wei Ya caused but Mother Qiao insisted her to go.

Grandma Gui supported Grandma Qiao and also followed to the ambulance.

The only ones left from the Gui Family were Father Gui, Mother Gui and Gui Han while in the Qiao Family, Mother Qiao, Qiao Ning Xi, Qiao Hua and the two shameless adulterers. Father Qiao and Wei Ya were already dress when Qiao Ning Xi looked at them.

The atmosphere of the room were awkward and niether Father Qiao and Wei Ya spoke. When Qiao Ning Xi was planning to speak, Qiao Hua suddenly rushed towards them and shouted.

"Dad! How could you do something like this to my mom?! Everyone will talk about her. They will scold her, curse her and hurt her. I hate you! I hate you! It's your fault!" Qiao Hua yelled at him while crying and smashing his chest, in fact it doesn't hurt at all.

When Qiao Ning Xi saw that Father Qiao was planning to admit it she spoke. "Why are you blaming father? Father wasn't the only one at fault. Shouldn't you blame your mother too?"

Qiao Hua was happy seeing that Qiao Ning Xi said those but on the outside she looked like she was wronged. Both Father Qiao and Gui Han were planning to interven but were stopped by Wei Ya and Mother Gui.

Wei Ya stopped Father Qiao because she wanted to see the ability of Qiao Ning Xi. While, Mother Gui stopped Gui Han because it wasn't their place to intervene afterall it might happen in their party but it is still the Qiao's family problem. Actually, if she could she would have asked them to stop arguing and solve their problem in their own home not in her house.

"Sister! I know you love father but it is still father's fault. Do you think my mom can resist father? No matter how strong a woman is, a man is always stronger than a woman. " Qiao Hua said. She was basically telling thst Father Qiao forced Wei Ya.

Qiao Ning Xi smirked and answered. "I know that but isn't it a common sense to shout when someone wants to do something to you? If it were you, are you going to let a man touch you without resisting? Don't tell me that she never had a chance to shout or resist. "

Actually, Qiao Ning Xi was really mad not because of their affair but because they endangered Grandpa Qiao's life.

Qiao Hua wanted to refute her but was having a hard time thinking of an excuse. Seeing that her daughter doesn't stand a chance in front of Qiao Ning Xi, Wei Ya stepped in.

Wei Ya knelt in front of Qiao Ning Xi and Mother Qiao and cried beggingly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't blame her and Qiao Jing, it is all my fault."

She was forcing them to forgive her by admitting it was her mistake and crying pitifully. If they didn't forgive her then others will say that Mother Qiao is mean and deliberatingly embarrassing Wei Ya.

Mother Qiao understood her intention but couldn't think of a way out since everything were too much for her. She wouldn't be able to take it if she experience another blow.

She was planning to help her stand up and forgive her but Qiao Ning Xi once again stepped in and slapped Wei Ya.

"I'm glad that you know it is your fault. You ruined their marriage and family, are you happy?" Qiao Ning Xi said and when she saw Wei Ya planning to deny it, she spoke again.

"Are you going to deny it? Didn't you just admitted that it was your fault so you willingly slept with a married man. Aren't you shameless? The Qiao Family adopted your daughter and took care of her but you still want to seduce father and ruin someone's family!" Once again she slapped her.

Everyone were shocked seeing a 12 years old girl slapping someone to the point that they frozed. Qiao Hua wasn't that much surprised and rushed towards Qiao Ning Xi planning to slap her.

"Qiao Ning Xi! How dare you?!" Qiao Hua swung her hand but Qiao Ning caught it and slapped her instead. Even though Qiao Ning Xi is smaller than her, she was stronger than her.

"Qiao Hua did you think I forgot about you sleeping and stealing my fiance? Oh wait, it should be ex-fiance. Now, I see to whom do you learned that from, just like they said, like mother like daughter."