Calling Brother

Qiao Hua frozed when she heard his questions. She knows that he hated those illegitimate children, whose mother stole another woman's husband.

"Brother Han, I'm..." Qiao Hua didn't know what to say. If there were no outsiders she will admitt it but she doesn't think this was the right time to tell them.

Seeing that Qiao Hua couldn't continue her words, Qiao Ning Xi laughed mockingly. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

"Qiao. Ning. Xi. I'm telling you enough. Is it fun embarrassing us?" Father Qiao said while glaring at her. She wanted to answer back but she was stopped by Mother Qiao.

"Ning Xi, let's go. I'm too tired."

Qiao Ning Xi looked at Mother Qiao and sighed. Both of them left leaving the adulterers, Gui Family and the guests who were watching the scandal.


"Ning Xi, thank you for today but could you leave me alone?" Mother Qiao said as they walked inside the Qiao Manor.

Qiao Ning Xi didn't know what to do. She was hesitating whether to leave Mother Qiao alone afterall, she knows that this incident was too much for her (Mother Qiao). People tends to do stupid stuffs after experiencing too much emotions after heartbreaks or betrayals.

At the same time, she wanted to leave and visit Grandpa Qiao. She's still worried about his condition but she knew it is dangerous if she left Mother Qiao alone. She wasn't sure if Mother Qiao can overcome this or not, if she can fight back or if she's strong enough but she do knows that mothers tend to be strong if it's about their children so she made up her mind.

"Fine. But mother promise me that you won't do stupid stuffs. If you want to vent your anger and sadness you can cry all you want but don't you ever hurt yourself. You still have me and Brother Jun. Promise?" Qiao Ning Xi said as she showed her pinky to Mother Qiao.

Mother Qiao helplessly laughed. She understands that Qiao Ning Xi was worried that she might commit suicide or hurt herself but she wasn't thinking about that. She was thinking whether she should divorce Qiao Jing or not. When Qiao Ning Xi mentioned her son, she hesitated more.

"Don't worry. I promise." She said then hooked her pinky to Qiao Ning Xi's pinky then she laughed.

"Mother, are you laughing at me?" Qiao Ning Xi pouted.

"No, No, Of course not." Mother Qiao said then went back to her room.

Qiao Ning Xi was still scared that Mother Qiao might do something so she took her phone then dialed a very familiar number but for the first time in this life.

The call was ringing but the receiver didn't accept the call instead rejected it. Qiao Ning Xi was pissed but still called again then again then again until the receiver accepted it.

"What do you want?" A young man's voice was heard.

"Brothe--" Before she finished her words, the young man shouted.

"Qiao Ning Xi! You might have the 'Qiao' as a surname but I don't recognize you as my sister. I, Qiao Jun, only recognize one sister and that's Qiao Hua not you!" Qiao Jun said over the phone. Qiao Ning Xi felt a short pain in her ear after hearing his loud voice.

Qiao Jun?

Yes. The one she called was Mother Qiao's and Father Qiao's son, Qiao Jun. Actually, in her previous life Qiao Jun wasn't this bad to her atleast he cares a little for her but because of someone's evil whispers, he misunderstood her and sided with Qiao Hua. Well, the main reason why Qiao Jun sided Qiao Hua was because of Mother Qiao since his mother likes Qiao Hua so he thought that Qiao Hua was a nice girl while Qiao Ning Xi, the reason why Qiao Hua always cries whenever he visited was a bully.

He only visited twice during these past years and everytime he visits he would hear bad news about her or outstanding news about Qiao Hua so she really couldn't blame him for prefering Qiao Hua over her.

Qiao Ning Xi laughed, feeling a little degected after realizing that she wouldn't be able to see his face when she told him what happened in this family.


It took her a few seconds before she realized that he just hung up on her. She was really pissed this time, if it weren't for the fact that she's worried about Mother Qiao, she wouldn't want to hear his voice. She called again.

'Qiao Jun, I'm telling you, you better answer my call or else if something happens to your mother don't blame me.'

This time Qiao Jun answered and asked with impatience. "What?!"

After hearing his voice, Qiao Ning Xi was angry to the point that she couldn't speak.

"If you don't have something important to say then I'm going to hung up." Qiao Jun said and was really planning to hang up when something snap in Qiao Ning Xi and she just burst.


After saying those, Qiao Ning Xi catched her breath and was still waiting for a reply from the other side of the call. A few seconds had past and finally he asked her.

"What did you said?"

Qiao Ning Xi sighed then slowly and calmly told him. "I'm here to tell you that your father had a mistress and that mistress gave birth to your sister who is only 2 years younger than you. Then today, we caught them in the act in Gui Han's birthday party. Father angered Grandpa to the point that he was sent to the hospital while mother was shocked then she told me to leave her alone. I was worried about her so I called you. Oh right! Your sister, father and his mistress was still at the Gui Manor but I don't know if or when they're going back home."

At the other side of the call, Qiao Jun was shocked and drop his phone but immediately held it then asked Qiao Ning Xi.

"Are you lying to me?"

"I'm not."

Qiao Ning Xi knows that he needs time before he could accept it all but she needs him to understand and accept everything now!

"That's all I want to say. I'm going to hung up now. Bye---"


"What?" She asked.

"Explain everything what happened over there to me now." He said, no, he ordered. Qiao Ning Xi felt wronged towards his attitude, he's the one who wants to know so shouldn't he be kind but instead he was bossy.

"Why should I?" She rolled her eyes.

"Don't you care about mom?" He said.

"I do but what has that got to do with you?" She mockingly said.

"I'm mom's son so I'm your brother!"

"Heh. Didn't you said Qiao Hua was your only sister? Well, I kinda understand afterall she is your biological sister." She said leaving some clues for him to understand.

"What? Biological sister? Then she's..." He didn't continue because of shock. Imagine your mother doted a little girl who she treated just like her daughter but found out that the little girl is his husband's child with another woman.

"Yes, Yes, Yes. Not only that, she even helped her mom to seduce father and do that shameless thing earlier." She added. Qiao Jun finally lose it and lowered his head.

"Qiao Ning Xi, I'm sorry for my attitude earlier. Please, I beg you to tell me everything that has been happening to mother and the family while I was gone."

Seeing that he changed his attitude so fast for her mother, Qiao Ning Xi explained everything, as in everything starting from her broken engagement to the incident that happened just earlier.

Everything was a bomb to Qiao Jun. He didn't expect that the father, he adored was such a bastard. He understood how much his mother sacrifices and helped his father and his business but his father didn't even felt any guilt after having an affair and a child from other woman.

His Mother, Su Min, is an only child while his grandmother and grandfather from the mother side were also an only child so his mother was the heiress of both family, Su Family and Min Family, that's why she was named 'Su Min'.

After being pregnant with Qiao Jun, his mother was married to the 'Qiao's' but both of Qiao Jun's grandparents disagree and wanted his father to marry in his mother's family. As a man, Qiao Jing (Father Qiao) felt that it was a disgrace so he let them choose either Su Min marry in his family or not marrying. Of course, Su Min picked the former. Qiao Jun understood how much his mother loved his father.

Also, he felt like everything were lies. His father's love, his mother's happiness and the innocence of his so called sister, Qiao Hua. He didn't know how or when did they hung up the call but he decided to go back home. He decided to finish the lessons and projects for this grade so he could go back home without any worries and without making his mother worry about him.