Han Bingbing

"Grandma, how is grandpa?"

Qiao Ning Xi asked Grandma Qiao as she walked through the room where Grandpa Qiao is staying. Grandpa Qiao is still unconscious.

"The doctor said, he's no longer at critical danger but he needs to rest. He might wake up later at night but we aren't sure." Grandma Qiao answered.

She looked at her husband lying on the hospital bed, pale like anytime soon the reaper will take him. The more she looked at him, the wetter her eyes are and finally tears starts to roll down her cheeks.

"What happened after we left?" Grandma Qiao asked.

Qiao Ning Xi was worried that Grandma Qiao wouldn't be able to take it and will make Grandpa Qiao worried after he regain his conscious, if she shared what both of those adulterers did and said so she lied. "I don't know where father is. Mother and I left immediately because it was too much for her. That's also the reason why mother isn't here with me right now. She is resting at her room."

"Stop lying. Tell me the truth so I could ready myself when I face that bastard son of mine." Grandma Qiao said, not believing her one bit.

Qiao Ning Xi hesitated first before finally giving in. "Actually grandma, I think father is planning to divorce mother."

"What?!" Grandma Qiao reacted the way Qiao Ning Xi imagined. She knew that Grandma Qiao wasn't dissapointed at Father Qiao because he was having an affair but was dissapointed because her son chose Wei Ya, a poor woman than Mother Qiao, who has the backing of her mother's and father's rich families.

Just like in the previous life, Grandma Qiao never agree at them having a divorce but when Mother Qiao died because of depression after being plotted on by Wei Ya and Qiao Hua. Grandma Qiao let Wei Ya married into the family.

In her previous life, Wei Ya and Qiao Hua plotted on Mother Qiao. Mother Qiao was caught on having an affair but the truth is, she was fooled by Qiao Hua and was drugged. In the end, Father Qiao issued a divorce to Mother Qiao for having an affair and took it to the court which made Mother Qiao have to compensate Father Qiao with half of her assets.

Mother Qiao could have fought back in the court since Father Qiao also had an affair and an illegitimate daughter but he made her felt guilty and kept on using their son to push her in depression.

While, Qiao Jun didn't have any idea what happened to her mother until he came back after his graduation of high school. He learned that his mother was dead and he couldn't believe that no one has told him. He also found out that his mother had an affair, which he didn't believe.

He also hated his father after finding out that his father had an affair and an illegitimate child and married his mistress after his mother's death but he treated Qiao Hua the opposite, he treated her like a treasure since she was the only person beside his mother when she passed away. Actually, he was fooled, someone sent him a picture with a girl crying while holding Mother Qiao's hand when she died and Qiao Hua acted like she was the girl in the picture. The truth is, the girl was Qiao Ning Xi.

"Grandma, don't get angry it is bad for your health. Well, it's not like father said it but he acted like he didn't care about mother and Qiao Hua also said that father ruined Wei Ya, her mom and he needed to be responsible to her." Qiao Ning Xi explained while slowly ruining Qiao Hua imaged to Grandma Qiao.

"He dare! Ning Xi, tell Su Min that as long as Me and the old man are alive we won't let that woman to marry into our family." Grandma Qiao said and Qiao Ning Xi nodded.

Qiao Ning Xi stayed for a while waiting for the food that she ordered from the favorite restaurant of Grandpa Qiao. She ordered the foods for Grandma Qiao, Grandpa Qiao, Grandpa Gui and Grandma Gui but when she came in the hospital both Grandpa Gui and Grandma Gui already went home.

When the food came, she bid goodbye and left Grandma Qiao and Butler Sam. Actually, she wanted to stay but she suddenly thought that she needed to visit the salon, she owned.

It took her an hour to reach there, luckily it wasn't busy and traffic today or else it might take her 2 hours just to get here since the salon isn't in the center of the city, where the commercial center is also located. The salon is located at the north, the opposite side of the Qiao Manor.

The salon is located at a street that seems like a deserted place but the scenery in front of the salon is a beautiful flower field. This place would have been a hit if it weren't for the broken bridge and the unfinished road construction.

2 years ago, this street was just a flower field until when the government decided to make this street as the second commercial center in H city. As they where constructing the road, the bridge, the only road that connects this street to the center of the H city, was broken. If the bridge is broken then they needed to circle around to reach this street. They used the bridge as an excuse to pause the plan of the second shopping center. Until now the continuation of the unfinished road was still unknown.

In Qiao Ning Xi's previous life, a year later, the new mayor will continue this project which resulted to many businessmen's regret because when they heard the news that this street would be the second shopping center, they immediately bought a land over here but when the project was stop, some waited for a year while some wasn't able to wait so they sold their lands immediately. This was also the reason why the owner of the salon, Qiao Ning Xi bought was indebted.

"Welcome to Pandora's Salon, little girl. Hello. What brings you here?" A young woman walked to Qiao Ning Xi when she entered the salon. The woman is around 17-20 years old, wearing a t-shirt and a jeans.

Qiao Ning Xi didn't know why but somehow she felt offended. It's true that currently, she's in a her 12 years old body but her mental age is already 17 years old.

Qiao Ning Xi didn't know that if you compared her appearance to other kids, she looked like a 9-10 years old kid.

"Sister, where is Sister Bing?" Qiao Ning Xi asked.

The young woman patted her head before answering her. "Wait, let me call Miss Bing for you. Stay here, alright? If you want, you can eat those brownies while waiting." She said as she pointed towards the small table full of brownies.

"Thank you, sister."

The young woman smiled after hearing Qiao Ning Xi's thanks. She knew that the little girl in front of her is quite matured, not like other kids. Even though the little girl looks young but her taste is matured, showing through the little girl's clothes. Though it might look cheep but the style is for women and supposedly not suitable for kids but somehow it suits her. Also, she felt like the little girl in front of her was lacking the childishness for a kid. She was like a kid raised in a strict rich family that needs the children to be matured at a young age but still it was different.

Qiao Ning Xi sat down while staring at the woman returning to the counter and dialing someone on the telephone.

It didn't take a minute before she heard the sound of heels running down the stairs, revealing a luscious woman in her mid 20s.

"Miss Ning! Why didn't you tell you're going to visit?" The woman pouted as she hugged, no, more like cling at Qiao Ning Xi.

Qiao Ning Xi sighed, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh seeing the difference between the look and the personality of the woman.

"Sister Bing, It was also a sudden plan for me so I thought it would be better if I surprise you." She reasoned out. The truth is, she forgot and she's not going tell her.

Han Bingbing, an illegitimate daughter of Han Family in City A, who cut her ties with the Han Family when she turned 18 and tried to do business but unfortunately, her salon was in debt. In Qiao Ning Xi's previous life, this salon was closed down but Han Bingbing didn't sell the land. After that she met and were in a relationship with a poor businessman younger than her. When the second commercial center project in this street was continued, she started her salon again and supported her fiance.

Due to her help, her fiance's business and company got bigger but the sad reality is, you needed a lot of connection for your company to survive. They were almost bankrupt until the Han Family helped them by recognizing Han Bingbing as a family member.

Which idiot would target someone related to a family member of the Han's?