Goodbye to your affair

Someone angrily knock on the door.

"Su Min, get the hell out of there!" Father Qiao knocked on his and Mother Qiao's room. He still couldn't forget or even ignore how the adopted daughter of his humiliated him. He wish they didn't adopt her in the first place.

Along the noise of continues knocking, weep and sobs were also heard.

"Mom, dad, what should I do? Gui Han is avoiding me and after Qiao Ning Xi mentioned it, I saw it. He looked at me with disgust." Qiao Hua sobbed as she hugged her mom, who cares her. Wei Ya wanted to say that Qiao Hua is too weak but her daughter's cry is something that can ignite the anger of Father Qiao so she didn't say anything.

She was right because the moment Father Qiao heard his daughter's cries, the humiliation he felt and the cries made him angrier and starting yelling at Mother Qiao, who's inside the room not opening the door.

"You won't open this freaking door, Su Min? Fine. Then I'll just get the spare keys." He said and left while Qiao Hua and Wei Ya are still in front of Mother Qiao's room.

Yes, the three of them wanted to vent their anger to Mother Qiao or Qiao Ning Xi but when they got home, they were told that Qiao Ning Xi visited the old man so they could only knock on Mother Qiao's door.

Father Qiao asked one of the maids, where's Butler Sam but the maid said that Butler Sam is in the hospital so he had no choice but to find Aunt Meng, the oldest maid in the Qiao Manor and she's the one who takes care of Grandma Qiao even before she married in the Qiao Family.

"Give me the spare key for my room." He demanded, actually the servant that he didn't like the most is Aunt Meng since she only listens to his mother.

Aunt Meng looked at him and couldn't help but to shake her head. She already knew what happened in the party and also knew why he wanted the key. Fortunately, Qiao Ning Xi asked that no one should disturb Mother Qiao after sharing the scandal that happened earlier.

As a woman, she can relate to it afterall her husband cheated on her and blame her because she's busy at work and rarely accompany him.

Qiao Ning Xi predicted that ones they got home and learned that she's not home, they will change their target and vent their anger to Mother Qiao. Originally she wanted the spare key but Aunt Meng didn't give it to her so she used Aunt Meng's betrayal for her to side Mother Qiao.

"I apologize, Master, but I don't have the key. Butler Sam have it."

Father Qiao clenched his fist after hearing her reason. He knew that Butler Sam didn't bring the key to the hospital, even if he did there are two spare keys in each room and she have the other one that was entrusted by his mother.

"Tsk. Stop calling me 'Master' if you won't listen to me like how servants should act." He turned around and left angrily. He wanted to fire the old woman but he knows he can't since his mother treated that old woman like a family.

He grab his hair out of frustration. First, his adopted daughter along with his wife humiliate him then now a servant in his house doesn't obey him. He felt like they were stepping on his pride.

"Dad, did you get the key?" When Qiao Hua saw her dad, she immediately asked but her dad ignored him and continued knocking furiously at the door. Both Wei Ya and Qiao Hua understood that he didn't manage to get the key.

"If you keep acting like that Su Min, I'm telling you. I'm not afraid to divorce you so better behave."

Wei Ya bit her lower lips and clenched her fist after hearing what Father Qiao just said. She's afraid that even after this scandal, she might not be able to convince Father Qiao to divorce Mother Qiao and marry her.

She unconsciously glared at him which Qiao Hua noticed so her daughter tap her to calm herself down. Wei Ya also knew it wasn't the right time for her to show her resentment or any discontent that might cause every plan of them to go to waste.


Inside the room, Mother Qiao had enough of her husband's shamelessness and nonsense to the point that she finds everything he said funny.

The more Mother Qiao thought about how her husband treated her ever since him and his mistress met again, the colder her heart is. After the scandal that happened earlier, she wanted to divorce him but ignored it for her son. However, her thought changes once again after hearing the nonsense and blames that her husband just said.

"Does it mean that if ever I behave myself then you won't meet Wei Ya again or you're going to accept her to the family as a mistress?" Mother Qiao slowly said while opening the door.

The three looked at her bewildered. They don't understand, Mother Qiao looks haggard but there's a tingle fear after realizing the way she looks to people changed. The woman who used to behave like a wife who made her husband her life, now gives off an unfamiliar feeling.

Her eyes are fierce and sharp that everytime she looks at them, it feels like something is piercing. Wei Ya recognized this kind of behavior. She knew that Mother Qiao is desperate and determined about something and that made her feel threatened.

"Are you finally going to say goodbye to your affair?" Mother Qiao's words made them regain their senses.

Father Qiao frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Mother Qiao smiled after hearing his reply, of course, she now understand what Father Qiao is planning to do to Wei Ya.

"Oh, so you're planning on keeping her as your mistress? But guess what, I don't allow it." She looked at them determined, either he leave his mistress or divorce her. She knew it wouldn't be easy to divorce her because he wouldn't be able to get her inheritance and she can ask for compensation for the divorce and his affair.

"Don't worry I'll leave. I don't want to ruin your relationship and I also don't want to be a mistress. Before, I was young and was blinded by love but I won't do something like that again." Wei Ya glared at Mother Qiao and acted like Mother Qiao humiliated her through words.

Qiao Hua understood the situation well so she acted. "Mom, please don't leave me. Stay here with me." Tears began to drop after she spoke. Wei Ya go along with her daughter's act as her daughter lead the act.

"Don't worry Hua Hua, I'll bring you with me. We're going to leave together, alright?" She said with teary eyes and grab her daughter leaving slowly.

"Where are you going?!" Father Qiao caught up with them and stopped them. He clasped Wei Ya's hand tightly, afraid that he might lose her again especially now that he knew that she gave birth to his daughter.

"I'm leaving with my daughter." Wei Ya tried to get his hands off of her, but to no result since she was also faking it.

"Qiao Jing, make yourself clear so I know and they know what to do." Mother Qiao said after calming herself.

Wei Ya stop resisting and looked up towards to Father Qiao. Father Qiao felt guilty as the love of his life and his daughter are looking at him expectantly but he knew that he couldn't divorce Mother Qiao because his father will take everything from him.

"Su Min, as a mother, could you let Wei Ya stay here for Hua Hua?" Father Qiao asked tenderly. He knew that he have to use soft ways to make Mother Qiao give in.

"Hah. No way. It's either I leave or she leave!"


A second after Mother Qiao said that, she felt a hard slap hitting her left cheek. When she looked up, she saw her husband burning hatred through his eyes. She still couldn't believe that right now HER husband is protecting another woman in front of her.

"There's no way Wei Ya will leave and you're also going nowhere! From now on, you're not allowed to take one step out of this house! If you want to leave then kill the f* yourself. Why don't you just die so I and everybody can be happy?! You're such a selfish slut!" He said while grabbing her hair.

Qiao Hua covered her mouth. This was the first time she saw her father got angry like this, she also couldn't believe that he could do such thing. She then became afraid that Gui Han might treat her like this if ever some vixen manage to attract him.

"What are you doing?! Ugh! My heart. Stop him! Hurry!"