Wei Ya left

"Welcome back, Miss Qiao."

Qiao Ning Xi just entered the gate when a maid greeted her. She recognized the maid because the maid is one of her people inside the manor.

Abigail is the daughter of one of the maid in the manor but passed away when she was 14 and coincidentally she manage to offer her a spot inside the manor, in exchange she will work for her.

Qiao Ning Xi immediately realized that something is happening inside the Qiao Manor based on Abigail's actions. She gestured her to continue talking while guiding her inside the house.

Abigail bit her lower lips before continuing. She's timid and emotionally sensitive but she's loyal, that's the reason why Qiao Ning Xi chose her.

"Old Madam is back and she witnessed Master threatening and cursing Madam." Abigail summarized the situation and Qiao Ning Xi understood that Father Qiao threatened Mother Qiao but unexpectedly Grandma Qiao witnessed it.

What a perfect timing!

"Did I teach this?! Just how could I be so unlucky to have a son like you. If only you aren't my only son, I won't care about you!"

Grandma Qiao's voice was heard the moment Qiao Ning Xi stepped inside the house. She couldn't help but to smile and utter a word. "Interesting."

Abigail heard her and felt terrified. She already knew the very first time they met that the little girl in front of her, now her master, is not an ordinary girl. At first, she didn't know why her master chose her and what exactly does she want from her but she now understand that her master needed someone by her side inside this complicated house.

She watched her master changed her aura as she approached the living room where the other family members are.

"Grandma, Mother, what's going on?" Qiao Ning Xi asked as she sat down beside Mother Qiao, who is beside Grandma Qiao.

"It's nothing---"

Grandma Qiao interrupted Mother Qiao and yelled at her.

"Where have you been? Did you know that this woman here used your father to bully your mother? Luckily, I came back at the right time or else, I don't know what would have happened." Grandma Qiao said as she pointed at Wei Ya.

Qiao Ning Xi looked at Wei Ya, Father Qiao and Qiao Hua kneeling on the ground, she smiled feeling the pleasure and satisfaction witnessing their humiliation.

"Grandma, I walked around to calm and clear my mind. Mother, I'm sorry for leaving you alone if only I was with you then nothing would have happened." She said while looking at Mother Qiao full of guilt which only made Mother Qiao feel guilty for her since she also knew that it wasn't Qiao Ning Xi's fault.

Mother Qiao patted her head and said, "Don't worry about that. It wasn't your fault. You must be tired, go to your room and take a rest. Stop worrying, alright, this is an adult's affair."

Mother Qiao thinks that Qiao Ning Xi is unrelated to this problem and even if she is, she doesn't want to involve her since she's still young. While Qiao Hua might be young but she is someone related.

Qiao Ning Xi was quite surprised, she didn't expect Mother Qiao to shoo her off. "Heh."

She looked at Qiao Hua when she heard her laugh, then she encountered Qiao Hua's mocking gaze. She understood why Qiao Hua just gave her that kind of gaze, she was so pissed that she clenched her hands.

Mother Qiao looked at Qiao Ning Xi when she realized that she didn't answer or moved after she told her to go. Mother Qiao saw Qiao Ning Xi lowering her head and clenching her hands.

"Mother, am I an outsider? I know I'm not your biological daughter but..." Qiao Ning Xi said with a voice that sounds like she's gonna cry.

Mother Qiao felt guilty again, she just didn't want to involve her after being indifferent at her for the past few years. She loved and treasured Qiao Hua like her own daughter but she was betrayed while Qiao Ning Xi, her other adopted daughter, was ignored by her. She might have provided her the necessities in living but she didn't give her any care or love which is something that the children desire and need.

She realized she wasn't being mindful enough and forgot to considerate her feelings. Even after how she treated her, she guessed that Qiao Ning Xi still wants to have a mother figure, who will give her love and care. She really regretted treasuring the wrong girl as her daughter.

"No. Of course not. You are my daughter, even if I and your father separate, if you want you can follow me. I still have the Su's and Min's wealth." Mother Qiao immediately replied, she not only used this sentence to reassure Qiao Ning Xi but to also remind others that she still have her parents' wealth and power even though it is being taken care by her adopted brother.

Qiao Ning Xi couldn't believe that she had to act weak again in front of Mother Qiao but she doesn't want Qiao Hua to outdone her.

"What are you talking about?! I already told you that you will always be my only daughter-in-law. Qiao Ning Xi, convince your mother to stay." Grandma Qiao was agitated when she heard that Mother Qiao is planning to separate with Father Qiao.

Wei Ya and Qiao Hua's expression changed. If Grandma Qiao still won't accept her mother then their effort would go to waste.

"Grandma, I can't do anything about that. Father already betrayed and hurt mother, do you think mother will stay after all of this, plus there's still Qiao Hua's mom." She replied which only made Grandma Qiao angry. She wanted her to speak for Father Qiao not degrade him.


"Stop it mom. Even if Qiao Jing and I divorce, you're still my mom and my son's grandmother so don't worry. Of course, I will take Qiao Jun and Qiao Ning Xi with me." Mother Qiao said as she stood up.

"You can't!" -Grandma Qiao

"No way!" -Father Qiao

"Qiao Jun is my son! How could you take him away from me?!" Father Qiao held Mother Qiao's wrist to stop her. Mother Qiao only felt disgusted when he reached his hands on her.

"Exactly! Su Min, don't tell me you're going to let Qiao Jun to be fatherless because of your problem." Grandma Qiao said.

The moment Grandma Qiao mentioned Qiao Jun, Mother Qiao's resolve shaken. Her son is her weakness, the more she thought about it, the more guilty she felt. She felt like because of her selfishness, her son will be fatherless.

Qiao Ning Xi saw through Mother Qiao's thought and argued, "Grandma, it's not like Brother Jun will be fatherless, Father is still alive after all and if ever Mother remarry then won't Brother Jun have two fathers?"

"What do you mean remarry?! You wretched girl stop convincing Su Min to leave!" Grandma Qiao said, raising her cane planning to hit Qiao Ning Xi but she managed to avoid it.

Grandma Qiao really treated Qiao Ning Xi as a jinx for the first time. Before, even if Qiao Hua bad-mouthed her behind her back, Grandma Qiao just treated her as someone beneath her and her granddaughter, Qiao Hua. However, now Qiao Ning Xi only made things worse and harder for them because Mother Qiao manage to get her reasons back with only a few words from her.

"Mom, then what do you want me to do?! Share my husband with another woman? Do you know how much it hurts finding out that your husband had an affair and a child from another woman? How about the pain after seeing your husband and another woman in the same bed after making out?!" Mother Qiao shouted her feelings. Her words and emotions made Grandma Qiao and Father Qiao speechless.

"Qiao Jun, once again, choose whether it's me or her."

Qiao Ning Xi thought that Mother Qiao already decided and have the will to leave Father Qiao but she guessed that Mother Qiao is still expecting something from him, not for her but for their son.

Father Qiao was stupefy and couldn't think properly. He needs Su Min for his career and standing in life but the woman he love is Wei Ya. He knew that he wanted both of them. He looked at both of them hesitating.

Qiao Hua wanted to say something but was stopped by Wei Ya. She understood that this fight is her lose. Father Qiao wouldn't abandon Mother Qiao for her, he wouldn't abandon his ambitions and power for love.

"You don't need to choose. Don't worry, I'll leave. I'm not as foolish as I was 14 years ago. I won't steal someone's husband. I don't want to become a home-wrecker." Wei Ya said slowly while standing up.

Qiao Hua saw her mom having a hard time standing up due to kneeling for so long so she helped her. Father Qiao wanted to help her too but she avoided him.

"Mr. Qiao, I apologize for the troubles and problems I've brought to you and I wanted to thank you for taking care of my daughter. I will now leave with Hua Hua, I wish you a happy life." Wei Ya said, and picking up the luggage that the maids already prepared under Grandma Qiao's command.

"There's no way you're gonna leave with my granddaughter!"

She looked back along with Qiao Hua before asking, "Will you take care of her? How could I be sure that someone won't try to harm her out of jealousy?" She showed them that they aren't trustworthy.

Grandma Qiao understood her words so she glance at Mother Qiao.

"Don't worry I won't mistreat her. I'm not that narrow-minded, the mistake of the parents are not the child's mistake. Plus she's studying at A City that means I won't be able to see her that much." Mother Qiao immediately said.

No matter how she thinks of it, it was really funny. Only a few weeks ago, she boasted and showed everybody the daughter she was most proud of but now that so called daughter of hers, betrayed her along with her husband.

"You can go now or do you want to take it to the court? Who do you think the judge will give Hua Hua's custody? To someone who doesn't even have a fixed job or to us with enough money to raise her up?" Grandma Qiao asked and ordered the maid to guide Wei Ya out.

Qiao Hua wanted to say goodbye to her mom so she followed them while Qiao Ning Xi said that she wanted to accompany Qiao Hua so she also followed them.

Father Qiao wasn't able to utter a word, even after they left the house. It was too much for him but the only thing he can do is to blame the one's at fault, which he thinks is Mother Qiao.

They reached the gate and Qiao Ning Xi ordered the maids to leave. The three of them are the only once left.

"Do you know what's the most funniest thing you've ever said today?" She asked. Qiao Hua and Wei Ya were planning to ignore her but stopped when they heard her question.

"Aren't you gonna ask?"

They didn't speak but glared at her. They would have fought her if only they didn't want to attract other people's attention since the families who live here are wealthy or powerful families so there are always paparazzi or reporters waiting for gossips.

"You said you don't want to become a home-wrecker but aren't you already one?"

The two of the were stunned and humiliated that they didn't realize that she already left.

"I can't take this anymore, mom! Just look at that btch being arrogant!" Qiao Hua said as she throw the bag she's carrying out of frustration.

"Baby, you need to calm down, alright? It's not the end. There is still plan b so all you need to do is to get your reputation back on the right track and outdo her in everything." Wei Ya said as she held her daughter's face calming her down. Qiao Hua calmed down and nodded. How could she forget that there's still plan b.

'Qiao Ning Xi don't be so arrogant because it's not yet the end.'