What Happened

"Grandpa, are you alright?" Qiao Ning Xi immediately asked when she opened the door of her grandpa's ward.

Grandpa Qiao, who was in a deep thought, was surprised to see his granddaughter. He was expecting her to come back tomorrow, so he was still thinking of a way to tell her the situation in the Qiao Family.

"You're back." He said then smiled because he was happy to see her but at the same time, he wanted to reassure her. Since she went here it's either she heard about the news from the Cai or Leng Family, or she found out about it after going back home.

"What's wrong?! Why are you crying?!"

Qiao Ning Xi wasn't able to stop her tears from falling. She was already upset at herself for not expecting Wei Ya and Qiao Hua to have a back-up plan, but when she saw Grandpa Qiao laying in the hospital bed she started to hate herself and those women for being scheming. She knew that because of her carelessness and their scheme, Grandpa Qiao was rushed to the hospital while Mother Qiao is dead.

"Shhh stop crying. Didn't you said you're already a big girl?" Grandpa Qiao hugged her and tried to calm her down.

She heard him and felt wronged. "I'm crying because of you. When I left you were in the hospital and when I came back you're still in the hospital."

Grandpa Qiao saw that she was trying to cheer up the atmosphere, so he chuckled lightly and said, "It's not the same. Look we are in a different hospital." Qiao Ning Xi pouted when she heard his reply and both of them laughed that helped them ease both their minds and emotions.

After a while, Qiao Ning Xi finally asked for everything that happened while she was gone. Grandpa Qiao sighed before telling her everything that happened.

To sum it all, Qiao Hua asked for forgiveness in her mother's place and waited for Father Qiao to come home before revealing that Wei Ya is pregnant, and she begged them to ask for Mother Qiao to leave her mother alone. She also accused Mother Qiao for trying to hurt an unborn baby after learning that her mother is pregnant with Father Qiao's child. Wei Ya is in the hospital because she almost had a miscarriage because of Mother Qiao.

Father Qiao was surprised by the news that the woman he loves and decided to let go was pregnant with his child. Of course, he was happy however he got mad when he learned that Wei Ya is in the hospital because of Su Min trying to hurt both the love of his life and his unborn child.

Su Min didn't admit to their accusation when she came home after receiving a call from the Qiao Family. She did admit that she knew that Wei Ya was pregnant but Wei Ya was the one who looked for her not the other way around. However, she didn't expect that Qiao Hua would show them a video as an evidence, and it was clearly captured that Su Min threatened to kill both the mother and the unborn child by pushing Wei Ya to the wall which made her tummy bumped to the edge of the table hard. Wei Ya then showed a sign of discomfort and pain with her stomach but the other woman or Su Min left her.

Father Qiao and Grandma Qiao immediately got mad at her and house arrested her without investigating properly nor letting Su Min investigate after they realize that she wasn't able to prove herself innocent in this matter.

Meanwhile, Grandpa Qiao was certainly not pleased however he believed that Su Min is still somehow rational and knew that she would not do something like this because she would be at disadvantage once they learned she did this. If not, she would have made sure that no one would find out the truth or show evidence nor prove that she was involved in this matter and he knew that the her maternal and paternal family's power is capable of doing that.

He let them house arrest her because he was still busy dealing with Wei Ya and his or maybe not, grandchild. He could also treat it as a way of protecting Su Min because no one is allowed to go in and out of the room she is staying without his direct permission.

The Qiao Family then visited Wei Ya in the hospital. When Wei Ya saw that Mother Qiao didn't come and heard that she was under house arrest, she was pleased with the result of their plan. Father Qiao was also glad to see her and took care of her along with Grandma Qiao, who keep insisting on letting her name her grandson. However, Grandpa Qiao insisted on letting her take a paternity test to know if it is really his son's child but Wei Ya didn't agree and said she must be in her 7th week pregnancy before she take a test because she doesn't want to take any risk of causing harm to her child. Grandpa Qiao couldn't do anything so he agreed.

After Wei Ya was discharged in the hospital, Grandma Qiao invited her to stay in the Qiao Manor because she doesn't think it's safe for her to live alone especially she's a woman and currently pregnant. Of course, Wei Ya wouldn't miss that opportunity and stayed.

Grandpa Qiao observed that Wei Ya was careful around Father Qiao and Mother Qiao like she knew her place and doesn't plan to take something that doesn't belong to her. She also doesn't show any hatred nor ulterior intent to Mother Qiao, so he left her alone.

Meanwhile, Mother Qiao thought that everyone in the Qiao Family believed that she really did try to murder the unborn child when in fact, she wasn't even there at the scene. They wouldn't listen to her that's why she silently accepted the verbal abuse of her mother-in-law and also the physical abuse of Father Qiao whenever her father-in-law wasn't around. She endured because she knew that her son would be back in a just few days, and she really missed him. And Grandpa Qiao knew about him coming home.

However, few days passed, and Qiao Jun still wasn't back and today when the maid came to Mother Qiao's room calling her for breakfast, she saw Mother Qiao dead, hanging on the ceiling. With her shriek everyone in the house followed the noise and was also shocked at the scene. Grandpa Qiao, who was under stress lately because of the troubles that kept happening was shocked to the point that he had a heart attack and was rushed in the hospital, so he doesn't know what is currently happening back in the Manor.

"Grandpa, did brother know about this news?" Qiao Ning Xi asked along with some other questions, but she didn't ask about Mother Qiao, not because she doesn't care but because she does. She blames herself and scared to ask. Grandpa Qiao was also able to guess that she was afraid and wasn't ready to completely face the truth that's why she didn't ask about Su Min.

"Based on my understanding of my son, he wouldn't dare to tell his son and might even cover up this scandal because he is afraid that his own son will go against him."

Qiao Ning Xi understood the relationship between the father and son with his grandpa's words. Originally, she thought that Qiao Jun is just not that close with his father because she knew he always admired him secretly. His father always reprimand him whenever he slack off and he thought it was because he cared for his future, and how would his father know he is slacking off when they don't meet each other. It could only mean, his father sent someone to look after him which he thought was a form of caring and worrying about him.

However, he didn't know that his father had always despised him because if Mother Qiao didn't become pregnant of him then he would have married Wei Ya. Qiao Jun was talented and intelligent since he was child which gathered envy of others and this includes his father's, so he sent someone to watch his son afraid that someday he might be against him.


Qiao Manor

The moment Qiao Ning Xi stepped out of the car, she already felt something was different. She stared at the gate in front of her before walking in.

After talking with Grandpa Qiao, Qiao Ning Xi decided to go back and see the situation personally. And she also has to deal someone first before she faces off the mother-daughter duo.

As she was walking inside, she saw a girl running down to her as if she was waiting for her to come back, and she is also wearing a black and white dress that shows her place in the house.

"Welcome back, Miss." The girl said while smiling before giving Qiao Ning Xi a bow.

She was waiting for Qiao Ning Xi to say something so she could raise her head but seconds, then a minute had passed but she heard no one and nothing as if the person she just greeted never exist. If it weren't for her seeing the shoes of the person in front of her, she definitely would have thought that she already left.

She was flustered by her current situation. Qiao Ning Xi might have been cold to her and sometimes ignore her before, but she wouldn't pick on someone like this. If ever someone offended her then she would have made sure that person wouldn't appear in front of her again, but she doesn't bully them which is clearly different from her situation.

Has she done anything wrong?


Does she know about that?

No. No. She can't know about it or else it might be over for her.

Being stuck in the same and uncomfortable position, one would feel the tension and tiredness in her body additionally, the idea of Qiao Ning Xi knowing about that sent shiver and terror to her that she started to heavily sweat.

Qiao Ning Xi, who was standing in front of the girl, was only staring at her calmly but if someone looked carefully at her eyes then he could see a cold glint, as if it was an extremely sharp icicle pointing at her.

More than 6 minute had passed when the girl couldn't take it no longer and raised her head at the same time, she looked at her aggrievedly and asked. "Have I done anything wrong for you to do that to me?"

Qiao Ning Xi couldn't help but to laugh lightly when she saw her being shameless. Does she really think she could get away with it when she forgot an important thing?

"Then let me ask you, is betraying me considered wrong?"
