
The girl wearing a white and black dress is the maid that Qiao Ning Xi hired in Qiao Manor to be her eyes and ears whenever she is not around. However, it is clear as daylight that she betrayed her master.

At the very moment Qiao Ning Xi heard about the news, she immediately thought of Abigail because she usually texts or call her whenever something happen inside whether it's a big deal or not, and this time she didn't informed her about these things which is definitely a big deal.

"Pardon?" No words except this came out of Abigail's mouth. She was panicking internally, and she's also badly trembling that anyone can notice her changes. The only thing she could think right now is to feign ignorance and avoid eye contact.

Qiao Ning Xi grabbed her chin and forcefully face it towards her. "You know I don't like those people who act innocent when in fact, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. And do you really think you are one of them?"

Abigail trembled in fear as she looked at the little girl in front of her. She is clearly older than her and usually one would not feel fear facing off against someone a lot shorter than herself. However, there is one thing that she could not deny, that is the girl that she thought is not just an ordinary girl is clearly someone that one cannot underestimate no matter what.

She gives off a feeling that if someone offended her then that person would not have a good ending.

What is more terrifying is the aura that she is currently emitting, that gives her pressure as if it is showing her authority and power.

" Well, you are not one of them. You are just a sheep acting like a wolf, so I advise you to leave unless you want me to make you disappear. This is my first and last warning, Abigail." Qiao Ning Xi threatened Abigail before she let go of her chin and left.

Abigail, who was left alone, felt her knees weaken due to fear and collapsed on the floor that hurt both of her knees and elbows. She is extremely afraid of Qiao Ning Xi, even though she is not sure that Qiao Ning Xi is capable of making her disappear, which is to kill her, she doesn't want to underestimate her.

She is afraid that Qiao Ning Xi would really do it. She could do nothing but to regret it and think about her future. What should she do?


"I'm back!"

Qiao Ning Xi purposely shouted when she got inside. She saw Grandma Qiao, Qiao Hu, and Wei Ya sitting in the living room and watching a drama.

She also saw various of things scattered in the table and on the sofa such as snacks, candle, perfume, blanket, oil, and even vicks. It looks like they were trying to calm their selves down.

"You're back?"

Everyone was surprised to see Qiao Ning Xi, just like Grandpa Qiao they weren't expecting her plus the situation here isn't good. Grandma Qiao was the one who asked her.

Qiao Ning Xi wasn't in the mood to please the old woman in any form, so she directly said. "Yes, I am. Why? Feeling guilty?"

She didn't just say that for Grandma Qiao but also for Wei Ya and Qiao Hua. They were uncomfortable with Qiao Ning Xi's question that they couldn't help but to glare at her. Is she saying that it was their fault for Su Min's death?

Wait. Does she even know what happened to Su Min? And why they are here?

"What? Cat got your tongue? And you, didn't you say that you're going to leave and never come back here because you never want to be a mistress? So why are you here? Oh! Now Mother Qiao is gone, you won't be a mistress anymore. I doubt that you have something to do with her death." Qiao Ning Xi was smiling while she was pointing at Wei Ya.

Qiao Hua and Wei Ya was immediately enraged after hearing her said that. They couldn't afford other people doubting them or being suspicious of them. The moment Qiao Ning Xi came in, they already felt like she was a trouble that will keep on chasing them, and they were right.

Qiao Ning Xi was smirking while watching their reaction, and she couldn't believe at how good they become to keep their facial expression normal especially Qiao Hua, who used to be ticking bomb whenever she provokes her.

"Did you come back to target your Auntie and me? What if because of what you said your Auntie will be emotionally unstable and have a miscarriage, will you be responsible for that?! And me, you didn't even think about me, what would happen if you angered me to death?!"

Grandma Qiao couldn't take it no longer. She doesn't care if there's a reason behind Qiao Ning Xi's attitude. The only thing she knows is that Qiao Ning Xi is insignificant to the family since she's the only one here not related to her. And about the matter of Su Min, it's not like she doesn't care, but she cares more about Wei Ya and her unborn grandson.

Qiao Ning Xi, of course, realized Grandma Qiao's thoughts and opinion about these matters which are biased on Wei Ya, so she knows she couldn't do much about it. "Where is Mother?"

She was talking about Mother Qiao's body, corpse.

A few seconds have passed and no one was answering. Qiao Ning Xi saw Grandma Qiao's reaction as if telling her, you are just a child why should I answer you? Meanwhile, Wei Ya and Qiao Hua were looking at her as if they won something.

Based on their reactions, Qiao Ning Xi realized something. She immediately ran off towards Mother Qiao's room and opened it. However, she was surprised to see that the room was clean as if nothing had happened a few hours ago.

She felt as if hundreds of weights were sitting on her heart. She couldn't believe it. No matter how much they hated her, she didn't expect them to do it without their opinion, they might not consider her since she was just an adopted child however, she believes that Grandpa Qiao and Qiao Jun have the rights to know about the decision before it was made.

She decided to confront them. While walking, she was wishing that they didn't do it.

"Why are you back?" Qiao Hua asked as she smiled at Qiao Ning Xi, but her eyes couldn't hide her contempt towards her. While Wei Ya was silent but she looked at Qiao Ning Xi as if she was worried and curious about her.

"Where is Mother's body?" Qiao Ning Xi asked once again and once again they remain silent. However, they were all staring at her.

"Did you call the police? Do you know that it's illegal to move a corpse purposely even if it's a suicide case without the official statement of the authority? What would happen if people know that you cremated her body without proper investigation and permission!"

Qiao Ning Xi guessed, no, she was quite sure that they cremated Mother Qiao's body. She should have realized it when she didn't saw any other car outside and no officers and investigators inside the Manor asking them. They were basically destroying the evidence.

Qiao Hua was shocked that Qiao Ning Xi was able to guess about them cremating Su Min's body but Wei Ya wasn't that surprised, afterall, she knew that Qiao Ning Xi is a smart girl, really smart that she had no choice but to try not to provoke her too much or completely erase her. While, Grandma Qiao was mad when Qiao Ning Xi mentioned the police and not having a permission.

"Are you saying I don't have any rights here in this house to make a decision and I still need a permission from someone like you?!" Grandma Qiao said as she smack the coffee table to show dominance and at the same time, threatening Qiao Ning Xi to back off.

Qiao Hua trembled as she was startled with Grandma Qiao's action but it was immediately replaced with a slight smile as she tried to make Grandma Qiao's anger worse by saying, "Sister, I know that you are sad that Auntie Su Min is gone afterall, she is the only one that you truly treat as your family but you shouldn't have said that to grandma. If you say such thing again, I must remind you that grandma is my biological grandma so I will fight you to death."

Qiao Ning Xi felt all hairs in her body stood up. She felt really disgusted by Qiao Hua change of attitude. It's been so long that she heard her call her sister that way and now, she no longer call Mother Qiao 'Mom' but 'Auntie Su Min'. What a fake.

Additionally, what she said just made things worse. It only made Qiao Ning Xi looked bad but Qiao Hua being filial. Qiao Ning Xi couldn't believe that Grandma Qiao didn't realized their tricks.

Of course, Qiao Hua contemplated a while before saying that. She knew that her grandma wouldn't side an outsider to fight her biological granddaughter.

"You are not even Su Min's real child nor my own granddaughter, so you should remember your place if you don't want to leave this house." Grandma Qiao gave her a sharp look as she threatened Qiao Ning Xi once again.

Qiao Ning Xi never despise Grandma Qiao before even though she would ignore her presence or discriminate her and compared her to Qiao Hua but this time she felt the intense emotion inside her called, hate.

Qiao Ning Xi chuckled before saying, "Fine. Then I'll leave but don't blame me if something unexpected happen."

Grandma Qiao believed that Qiao Ning Xi doesn't have the courage to actually leave them, afterall, she is an orphan and they are the only one she could rely on. "Then leave, I'll let you keep your allowance and get some of your things before you go. Take it as me being kind to an ungrateful person. You better thank me but I'm sure God would bless me even if you don't."

"Well, I should really thank you." Qiao Ning Xi left to go to her room and get some of her stuffs.

The three women in the living room watched her go. Grandma Qiao still doesn't believe that she would really leave. Meanwhile, Wei Ya and Qiao Hua were glad at this unexpected situation. Their plan really showed an unexpected but better result than what they imagined.

Less than 5 minutes passed and they saw Qiao Ning Xi coming down with a suitcase. They were all watching her as she went straight out of the house, not giving them a look even a glance which only agitated Grandma Qiao.

She actually dared! How dare she?! Then don't comeback!

"Make sure not to let unrelated people come back inside the house!"

Qiao Ning Xi heard Grandma Qiao and she knew she was talking about her. As Qiao Ning Xi was walking out of the gate she realized that she really changed.

If it was before she would have endured it and make a move secretly to get back at them but this time she knew that she could no longer bear having a family relationship with those people that shows her this attitude, even only in the eyes of other people.

Jiang Yichen might have been the cause of her changes. Before she met him, she wasn't expecting much family love to other people, it was enough for her to have Grandpa Qiao loving and caring for her.

But she understood that family is much more important that she had thought before so she decided to call that guy, her brother.