Deja Vu

"Mom, will Qiao Ning Xi just leave like that? I don't believe it." Qiao Huey asked when the moment Grandma Qiao left to get ready to visit her husband.

"Oww! That hurts. Why did you do that?"

Wei Ya warned her daughter by pinching her waist. Although, it looks like they were alone, but that doesn't mean that wall doesn't have ears. It is better to be cautious than to regret it later like the scandal of her daughter and Gui Han that was caught by the hidden camera.

Instead of answering her daughter, Wei Ya stared at her as if she was telling her to shut up, then she got up before saying, "We better get ready and visit your grandpa. We couldn't let Mother visit him alone."

Qiao Hua understood her warnings however she was not in the mood to put up with her grandpa's indifferent gaze and act like an obedient and filial granddaughter, so she was about to complain, but she saw Grandma Qiao.

"Mom, I don't think grandpa would want to see me. He doesn't really like me that much, I think it's better for us to call sister back, so she could visit grandpa in my place. After all, she's also grandpa's granddaughter I'm sure he would prefer seeing her than seeing me." She softly said as she lowered her head, feeling dejected.

Wei Ya knew that Qiao Hua doesn't want to meet her grandfather, just like Grandpa Qiao, she also doesn't like him very much, but she was perplexed when her daughter mentioned calling back Qiao Ning Xia. However, she knew her daughter isn't someone, who would suddenly say that or act like that unless she is acting to be pitiful.

And she wasn't wrong, Grandma Qiao voice was immediately heard.

"Don't bother calling that girl back. She is not my granddaughter, so she is also not Qiao Jin's little girl. Sweetheart, you are our only granddaughter that's why don't say such thing. If other people hear you then they'll say we are bullying our own flesh, and blood." She hugged Qiao Hua when she noticed her granddaughter preventing herself from crying by biting her lower lips.

She decided to teach her husband a lesson if that man, ever bullied her only granddaughter.

After comforting Qiao Hua a bit, they went to the hospital to visit Grandpa Qiao. Since Qiao Hua wasted time acting, and Wei Ya manipulating Grandma Qiao's decision, they weren't able to change their clothes or find an appropriate suit to wear.

The moment they entered the ward, Grandpa Qiao instantly noticed their clothes. Are you sure they were dealing with a suicide case or did they go to a social gathering to introduce a mistress?

Qiao Hua, Wei Ya and Grandma Qiao were wearing a dress, the only difference are, the vibrant color of Qiao Hua's dress, which is clearly not appropriate to wear especially her adopted mother died committing suicide because of her biological mother.

While, Wei Ya is wearing a completely different style and worth of dress compared before Grandpa Qiao was rushed to the hospital, which is just a few hours ago. She is wearing an elegant white dress that is not suitable for her social status.

Wei Ya has always been calm and cautious to her action. However, she wasn't able to stop her greed. The moment they cremated Mother Qiao's body, her desire for everything that Mother Qiao owns grew. That's why she took a dress from Mother Qiao's wardrobe.

If Qiao Ning Xi knew about it, she would feel disgusted and would pray that she will get her karma soon because basically, Wei Ya wasn't able to contain her greed and stole something from a dead person's property.

Meanwhile, Grandma Qiao, who was wearing a light pink earlier changed into a black and white plain dress. Honestly, she didn't expect that Su Min would commit suicide however she was quite relieved that she is dead. For her, Su Min is the obstacle of her son's and unborn grandson's happiness. She completely forgot that she have another grandson, who now lost his mother.

"What are you doing here? I don't remember allowing you to come here!"

Grandpa Qiao believed that everything goes awry the moment his son met his lover once again. That's why he blames her for everything that has been happening around his family especially Su Min's death. Of course, not only Wei Ya, he is also blaming his son for being an asshole and also himself for producing such bastard, and not teaching him properly.

"Grandpa please don't get mad at mom. It's not mom's fault for Auntie Su Min's death and mom had never wished for something like that to happen." Qiao Hua kneeled and crawled towards Grandpa Qiao's side begging and looking at him full of tears.

Seeing Qiao Hua kneeling, Wei Ya also kneeled. You could hear a thud when she knelt and hat induce panic to Grandma Qiao. How could she forget that Wei Ya is pregnant with her grandson?

"What are you doing old man?! Are you purposely making things hard at your grandchildren and their mother, which is also your son's lover for a dead woman?! Don't tell me you have something going on with that dead woman?!" Grandma Qiao was so mad that she said things that she didn't mean and was rude towards a dead person. However, it seems like she cares too little about it that she didn't feel any guilt, or maybe, it's because she is getting older.

Grandpa Qiao rubbed his temple indicating he is stress and doesn't know what to do with his wife.

"Exactly like you said, Lover, she is our son's mistress and look at the way she dress. It doesn't look like she is glad that Su Min is gone. I want to remind you that I would never accept you in the family and whether that baby is my grandson or not, you know it better than anyone." He sarcastically scoffed.


"Mom, it's alright. I understand why dad is acting this way. I know he is just stressed out about what happened, so don't get mad at him." Wei Ya murmured as she stopped Grandma Qiao. Others might say that she did that to score points to the old woman, but it is actually because she is scared that maybe due to Grandma Qiao, she will indirectly offend Grandpa Qiao.

She knows that the authority and power within the family lies with Grandpa Qiao, so she couldn't offend him because she wouldn't be able to enter the house without his permission unless...

He is dead.

Wei Ya was deep in thought, but Qiao Hua was the only one who noticed it because Grandma Qiao continued quarreling with Grandpa Qiao.

Qiao Hua was about to sneakily shake her mother, when suddenly the ward's door opened and she saw a tall and handsome young man walking in.

She smiled unconsciously when she recognized the young man. Out of all the family members' in the Qiao Family, only this man doted her without asking something for return, and she doesn't have to do anything for him to dote on her.

Although, they rarely met, Qiao Jun always give her gifts without her asking and even if he is not around. He would also praise her around Grandpa Qiao and secretly despise Qiao Ning Xi, so how could she not like him. She has always been wishing to have an older brother to dote on her.

"Qiao Jun, you're back! Why didn't you call me?" Grandpa Qiao immediately asked. He wasn't expecting him to come back today. He was more shocked to see him and rather than feeling happy, he is feeling guilty because he doesn't know how to tell him about his mother's situation.

Deja vu?

This was exactly how he felt when Qiao Ning Xi visited her earlier, just a little worse compared before.

Wei Ya also didn't expect to see him. She knew that Father Qiao and Qiao Jun's relationship isn't perfect like how other sees it because she is familiar about Father Qiao's inferiority complex. That's why she was expecting to see him after she settled things here, and she knows that no one would tell him about their family situation but just in case, she made sure that no scandals nor rumors would reach him.

"Grandma, Grandpa, Am I still part of the family? Why did nobody inform me about anything?" Qiao Jun, who was lowering his head since he entered mumbled does word, full of weights. However, the people inside the room were able to hear it loud and clear.

Grandpa Qiao sighed, "Of course, you are. You will always be---"

Qiao Jun didn't let him finish his sentence and said, "I don't believe it. Now, all I want to do is to see my mother's body and tell her everything that I always wanted to tell her."

He then raised his head. As he was raising his head and taking a glance of his father's mistress. Wei Ya felt a chill all over her body especially hearing his next words.

"My mother's body is still intact, right?"


"It's room 302 and the password is 5723. The room on the left is my room while you can use the other room. I don't have any food in my refrigerator, you could buy some in the grocery near there. If you lack money just tell me. Remember that I'm always here whenever you need me."

Qiao Ning Xi smiled, hearing her master's words.

"I will. Master, thank you." She said.

"Alright. I need to go. Take care of yourself and if something happens call me or the Cai Family. They will take care of you, if ever." Steal said before hanging up.

Seeing her master hang up the call, Qiao Ning Xi entered the password in Steal's condominium and went inside.

She was fascinated with the layout of the building and also the interior design of the room. She doesn't expect her master, Steal to prefer western style than Eastern style.

While she was looking around, Qiao Ning Xi received a message.

"I arrived at the hospital, and those mother-daughter duo are also here. Where are you?" - Qiao Jun

After reading the message, Qiao Ning Xi immediately replied. "I am with my friend and her mom allowed me to stay with her. Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself and deal with the situations there first."

After meeting Qiao Jun and explaining things to him, Qiao Ning Xi called Steal if he knows someone in the City H, who would allow her to stay with them for a few days. Luckily, Steal has his own condominium in the city, even though he rarely used it. He only stayed there a few times.

Before calling Steal, Qiao Ning Xi was contemplating whether to ask Leng Shaoming or Cai Zhenghao, but she remembered what happened a few days ago.

She was bothering them too much, and she didn't want them to worry about her again, so she also asked Steal to hide the fact that she left Qiao Manor.

Afterall, it is just temporarily. She will have to go back inside that house for her grandfather and to seek revenge for herself and Mother Qiao.