
"My mother's body is still intact, right?"

Qiao Jun asked as he stared at them with grief. He already knew the answer to that question, he is asking them because he wants to show Grandpa Qiao what is happening around him whenever he is not around. However, his hands couldn't help trembling due to outrage.

"Why aren't you answering?" He tried to calm himself down. If it wasn't for Qiao Ning Xi's advice he would have shouted at them.

Qiao Hua was about to reply him with a lie, that they had someone to take care of Mother Qiao's body. However, Wei Ya understood her daughter and stopped her.

By the way Qiao Jun is looking and asking them, it appears that he knows something, maybe he even knows the truth so they couldn't just lie like that because once Grandpa Qiao learned about that then they are really done. All of their efforts might go to waste.

Luckily they have someone in their side this time. Wei Ya glanced at Grandma Qiao, the person on their side and also the one who agreed to cremate Su Min.

Grandma Qiao noticed Wei Ya's glance, clearly asking for help. She doesn't want to get involved with it because it will look like she is challenging her husband's authority in the house, however she couldn't just let Wei Ya step on a trap especially that she is carrying her grandson.

"Since we were so shocked when we saw your mother hanging to the point that my husband was even rushed to the hospital, I decided to cremate her."

"YOU WHAT?!" Grandpa Qiao exclaimed as he point his finger to Grandma Qiao.

The moment Qiao Jun asked that question, Grandpa Qiao instantly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't expect that his very own wife and the mother-in-law of the deceased would cremate the body without informing him. If she informed him, he would have definitely stopped them.

"I was terrified when I saw that scene. I never wanted to see her again, it feels like she would hunt me. Do you blame me? You were even rushed here due to shock." She reasoned out.

Grandpa Qiao looked at her with cease brow and a wide eye as he slowly shakes his head. He couldn't believe what he just heard. No matter how selfish his wife sometimes, he couldn't believe she would do something like this.

"All you ever think was yourself! Did you even think about Qiao Jun?! He would definitely want to see his mother and spend some more time with her, and you cremated her because you feel like she is going to hunt you? Ha! Now, she would really hunt you after what you did and don't even think about you being exempted."

He scolded them as he glanced at Wei Ya at the last part of his sentence. He wanted to point at them, so they would somehow feel how mad he is, but he felt blood rushing to his brain as he clenched his hands due to anger.

He started having a hard time breathing. He was too stressed out, he wasn't supposed to be too emotional because of his health, but he couldn't control himself and his emotions.

"Ha. Ha." Grandma Qiao noticed his changes and immediately called the nurse.

When the nurse came, he asked the people inside to leave since Grandpa Qiao isn't in his best state, so he needs to rest and have peace.

Wei Ya, Qiao Hua, and Grandma Qiao left, but they noticed that the culprit already left.

Qiao Jun, who was watching Grandpa Qiao scold them left immediately after the nurse came. He knew that they would be forced to leave in just a second. Additionally, he also needs to calm himself down.

Although, he knows that Grandpa Qiao is on his mother's side in this matter, he still couldn't accept it. The moment Wei Ya appeared, he should have shooed her away but no, he didn't and house arrested his mother.

Having the wife and the mistress living in a same roof would always result to a bad ending and look what happened. His mother died without him knowing if it really weren't for Qiao Ning Xi then he would have been kept in the dark.

He's been holding into his tears that the moment he sat on the taxi, he could no longer hold it back and cried. He silently cried on the backseat and when the driver was going to ask him where he was going, he was surprised to see tears flowing down his cheeks.

He didn't make a single noise and that bothered the driver. The driver was afraid that the young lad would ask him to drop him off to a place then the next day, the police would be looking for him to investigate a suicide.

The driver was hesitant to asked him where he is going or not, but Qiao Jun noticed his awkwardness, so he didn't wait for him to ask and said, "To S & M Corporation please."

When the driver heard him, the very first thing that appeared in his mind is this lad jumping off the tall building.

"Boy, if you're mad or sad, the thing you can do is to move on and make yourself happy. Running away or acting recklessly wouldn't result to anything good... And your mother would be sad and worried about you if something happens to you, so you better just go home." The driver tried to comfort him.

Honestly, the driver is somewhat worried about the lad's state and at the same time, he is also worried that this lad's future would affect him if something really happen to him.

Qiao Jun smiled lightly and mumbled, "Yes mom would really worry about me... If she was here.. If she's still alive."

The driver realized the lad's source of grief and decided to give him another advice that could save the lad's life and also his job.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure your mom would want you to live your life to the fullest, full of love and happiness, so you better think more about yourself."

Qiao Jun, who was lowering his head, stared at the driver through the mirror before chuckling then stated.

"How could I be happy if the culprit behind my mom's death is still alive and currently, enjoying what was not hers."

It felt like another bullet penetrated the driver's heart. He could hear his own heart thumping. It seems like this lad isn't planning to commit suicide but to commit murder in the name of revenge for his mom.

This time he was no longer just afraid of him losing his job, he is also afraid that he might lose his life if he said something wrong to the lad. However, he decided to give him a last advice.

"I don't think your mother would be happy to see you full of hatred and seeking revenge against someone, instead of living your life enjoying the good things in the world." His hand clenched into the steering wheel after saying these words.

He felt the lad's eyes on him, but he didn't dare to turn around or glanced back at him. An awkward silence surrounded the taxi, luckily they arrived to his destination.

Qiao Jun paid the taxi fare. And before leaving he thanked the driver and said, "Don't worry, I won't do something reckless instead of living my life happily because I know my mom wouldn't be happy about that."

He then got off the taxi.

The driver stared at the air for a few seconds before sighing, out of relief.

"Maybe, I was just overthinking things." He laughed at himself as he remembered him earlier assuming things.

Qiao Jun glanced at the taxi driving away before he murmured to himself. "She wouldn't be happy to see me wasting my time for revenge.. But I would."

That moment, Qiao Jun was determined to have his revenge against those people, who killed his mom whether directly or indirectly. He doesn't believe that his mom would commit suicide, so he is suspicious of Wei Ya.

Even if Wei Ya didn't kill his mom personally, he would still have his revenge. He wanted to see them dead, but he knew it wasn't worth it to exchange his innocence for something like that. That's why he instead wanted them to live their life as if they are living in hell.

"Young Master Jun, what are you doing here?" A man in his 30s wearing a black suite asked as he saw Qiao Jun entering the building.

"Secretary Wen, I'm here to visit uncle." Qiao Jun replied, tying to hide his emotions. But it seems like he forgot he just cried, so he currently has a flushed cheek and puffy eyes.

The man called Secretary Wen narrowed his eyes as he silently observed the young man in front of him which he respectfully calls 'Young Master Jun' because he is his boss's nephew and one of the two relative his boss only have.

He was doubting himself whether he was dreaming of seeing Qiao Jun here and looking for his boss or someone actually possessed his boss's nephew.. Or perhaps someone is using Qiao Jun's identity.

But none seems like true.

People might think that he is exaggerating, but he knows better than anyone except the people involved that Qiao Jun doesn't like, more like despise his boss. However, his boss cares about Qiao Jun as if he was his son.

One time he even crossed the line and asked his boss if perhaps Qiao Jun is actually his son. He is not, but he was more surprised with his answer. He found out why his boss treated Qiao Jun that well.

However, he still doesn't have any idea why the kid didn't like his uncle when in fact, they were as close as father-son when the lad was really young.

"So?" Qiao Jun raised his eyebrows.

That word brought Secretary Wen back to the reality. He was basically lost in his own thoughts. He was thinking a hundred reasons why Qiao Jun was looking for his boss, but he couldn't assume things, so he answered.

"In his office. You better go to him personally. I need to go, I have so many things to do. Bye." He said and ran away as if a cheetah was chasing him.

Secretary Wen was worried that Qiao Jun would change his mind and ask him for help or something instead. Once he reports it to his boss, he is sure that he would definitely fly into rage.

It was like he stole his boss's only opportunity to see Qiao Jun this year. Maybe, he would even lose his salary for three months, and he couldn't afford any of that. That's why the only solution he thought about is running away.

Qiao Jun stared at the place Secretary Wen was standing earlier before blinking a few times and saying, "He is really weird."

He then rode the elevator to the top floor and if he wasn't wrong, the room in front of him should his uncle's office.

As he was about to knock, the door opened and the person left immediately without even glancing at him.

"Qiao Jun?"