Su Minhao

"Qiao Jun, how surprising. You actually came to me. " He said.

The man in his early 40s, wearing a tailored suit smiled vibrantly at Qiao Jun.

He was really surprised to see his nephew looking for him instead of him looking for his nephew.

Although, their relationship is not that good. He always tries to see him but because Qiao Jun didn't bother to hide that he was avoiding him, Su Min realized that something must have happened between them, so she asked her son, and Qiao Jun just said it was nothing.

"I actually came to you? If it wasn't for the fact that I don't have anyone else, I wouldn't have come looking for you. I can't believe you were waiting for me to ask you for help. It seems like you no longer care about my mother, or maybe you never actually cared about her." Qiao Jun glared at him as he said these words.

The man was perplexed about what his nephew said. Was it because of what he casually said? And that offended him?

Or maybe he was misunderstanding him once again.

He immediately thought of clearing things up, but Qiao Jun stopped him and said, "What? are you going to keep acting like you don't understand what I was saying? Can't you please stop acting like that, you're being immature. As an adult, you should learn how to admit your point instead of pretending you don't know what's going on."

Did Qiao Jun misunderstand his uncle?


He did. Based on what his uncle said earlier, he thought that his uncle knew about his mother's death, which is not true, he doesn't have any idea about it because he promised Su Min to stop bothering them, and he knew that unless he doesn't hear any news about them, he will not forget about them and would keep looking for them.

That's why he isn't updated about their lives. He especially requested to stop receiving news about them. Even Secretary Wen hasn't heard anything about them for a while.

That might be one of the biggest mistakes Su Minhao, Qiao Jun's uncle, did.

"Stop for a minute, alright?" Su Minhao asked, as he starts thinking about the reasons or the possible misunderstanding that Qiao Jun has with him. However, he wasn't sure and realized that the only way to actually find out their misunderstandings is to ask Qiao Jun.

He glanced at Qiao Jun before asking, "First, I want to apologize about what I said earlier and you know I care for your mother because I love her. There might have been a misunderstanding so I would like for you to explain why you think I no longer care about her?"

Qiao Jun furrowed his brows as he didn't believe that his uncle had no idea about what happened to his mother and if he truly had no idea, then it must have been because he no longer cares about him and his mother. Yet Qiao Jun decided to explain it to him, wanting to see if he was lying or not.

"Fine, but I don't believe that you don't know that my mother, which is your sister that you love, died." Qiao Jun found it ridiculous that he had to tell him the news, when in fact he believes that his uncle already knew about it.

He looked at his uncle, then he realized his uncle truly doesn't know about his mother's death.

Su Minhao's eyes were filled with disbelief and sorrow with a hint of regret.

He doesn't want to believe such news, but he believed that Qiao Jun would never lie or make jokes about topics like that related to his mother.

And he regretted not confessing to Su Min about his feelings and letting her distance her and her son to him.

That news brought strong emotional damage to him. For him, if it wasn't for Su Min he wouldn't be here and living. He almost gave up his life when he heard about Su Min getting married but Su Min's parents and Su Min entrusted him their company and inheritance which he was planning to pass to Qiao Jun. He never thought of finding a wife and having a child, not because he believes that he doesn't need it but because the woman he loves is already someone's wife.


Qiao Jun tried to call his uncle but he didn't react or move. He was blankly staring at the floor. He was shocked to hear the news and he knew if he didn't try to calm himself down, maybe his office is already a mess. Staring on the floor is his way to calm himself down. He doesn't hear anything nor see anything except his reflection on the tiled floor.

"Were you serious?" A few minutes have passed before Su Minhao regained himself and looked at Qiao Jun.

Qiao Jun saw the sorrow in his uncle's eyes, even though he wanted to blame his uncle why he didn't protect his mother while he was gone when he told him he loves her, he couldn't.

"Yes, it happened this morning."

The tears that Su Minhao were trying to hold back poured as if all the griefs were turned into tears, an endless grief and endless tears.

"Just this morning?" He asked with his shaking voice. He couldn't help but laugh at himself..

This morning


If only he went looking for her and protecting her then he wouldn't have lost the most precious and important person in his life but that was only a what if.

"What happened?" He no longer cares about his image. He asked his nephew while he was in a messy state, which he wouldn't have done before.

Qiao Jun didn't know how to say it, "I think we should sit first before I tell you everything."

The two of them sat down on the sofa in Su Minhao's office.

It took Qiao Jun half an hour to tell all the events that have been happening to his mother and the Qiao family based on his knowledge and the things that Qiao Ning Xi had told him.

"You're telling me your father had an affair which resulted to you having a half sister that is only 2 years younger than you?" Su Minhao asked, he wasn't sure if what he heard was right. No. It was more like he doesn't want to believe that everything his nephew said was true.


"That Asshole! If I knew he wouldn't treat your mother right, I would have fought for her. I should have, but I didn't, thinking that she would be happy beside him." His eyes darkened due to anger but slowly, his eyes were filled with tears. He covered his face with his palms and cried all his heart out.

He loves her. He loves her more than anything in this world. Likewise, he loves her more than himself. Furthermore, he was willing to give up everything including his happiness for hers. He wanted her but he let her go.

Now, he learned that letting her go was the biggest mistake that he did in his entire life.

After a while, he calmed down and looked at his nephew. He sees the anger and determination in Qiao Jun's eye, he knows what his nephew wants and it's also what he wants.

"Don't worry, I would make sure your mother gets the justice that she deserves. At the same time, I would make sure that they would experience something that would make them wish they were in hell instead."

Qiao Jun saw the light. He didn't expect that he would gain a trustworthy and powerful ally.

"This time I would not disappoint you, Qiao Jun."

"Don't call me Qiao Jun. Uncle, call me Su Jun."


"Brother, where are you staying now?" Qiao Ning Xi asked Qiao Jun over the phone.

"I'm currently staying in my Uncle's place but don't worry, I will go back to the Qiao Manor. I wouldn't let those mother-daughter to steal things that don't belong to them. How about you? When are you planning to come back?" Qiao Jun remembered that Qiao Ning Xi decided to leave the Qiao Manor. He is still worried about her staying out in someone's place.

"Don't worry about me. You better worry about your problems first, I will be busy tomorrow checking the SMERG results and discussing the tournament, If ever I passed." Qiao Ning Xi said before she cut the call.

Tomorrow will be the release of passers in the SMERG competition. If ever she passed, then she needs to get ready immediately since she heard the next round would take place either in City A or in Country C.

However, she is quite sure that she and her two best friends would pass. She is a fool if she doesn't pass after getting another chance to relive her life along with her previous knowledge and experiences.

She remembered something and took out her phone again to dial someone.

The person on the other side of the call answered, "It's been a while, what can I do for you?"

Qiao Ning Xi smiled hearing the woman's seductive voice.
