Memories Sure Are Something

The door lead to nothing but a singular white path leading through endless darkness and once Maddox stepped through the door it closed behind him as if it did not want to let anything else unwanted inside. The only option that he had was to go on forward along the path since he did not want to get lost and although he may still be tethered to his own body he did not want to bring back something that was not his since he did not want any sort of adverse effects. Going forward Maddox was surprised that only a few steps led him to a T intersection in the path meaning he had to choose either right or left. It was peculiar as it seemed as if the paths ahead and behind him were encompassed in darkness preventing someone from seeing their progress.

The right would be right so he choose that direction to head in plus if there were any more turns he could easily find his way back since he was tethered to his body then all he would have to do is simply follow it back. A few steps right lead him to three separate paths moving either to the left, right, or straight ahead for his options. So going straight ahead this time leads Maddox to another door but this one was mildly aged as it looked weathered a bit and seemed to almost be fading.

"So this is how someone's memories are shown to me..." Maddox says to himself as he looks at the door a bit closer to see if there were any sort of visible markings on it to give him some sort of clue to how old this memory was

There are many theories in regards to memories and how they fade from our mind, with psychologists and biologists debating what happens to a specific memory over time. Did after a certain amount of time cause it to completely disappear or was it just a problem of recalling if the brain never truly forgets anything. This was something that was debated since it was difficult with modern-day technology to learn about the intricacies of the brain as there is so much that we do not know about. So Maddox was willing to bet that behind this door that was in front of him would lead to some sort of old memory of the boy whose mind that he had invaded. As for any further specifics of the memories, Maddox would have to check behind the door first to find out how much memory was stored, but old memories were not what he wanted to view as what he wanted would be behind a newer normal-looking door since this guy had been in a coma he should not have been able to create new memories.

Not sure how much time Maddox had he wanted to find what he was looking for as quickly as possible while he moved to search for something along the paths that closely resembled what he was looking for.

Sure enough, after countless twists and turns, finding doors that all had some form of aging on them in an endless abyss that would lead to anyone else losing their way here for eternity Maddox was finally able to find a door that roughly fit what he thought it would look like but it was a bit different than the others he had encountered. While the others he had found were either old and withered by time as well as fading, with some being entirely invisible but still there, this newer door from what he could see of it looked as if it was glitching which was something interesting to see. While the door was just glitching around sometimes completely disappearing or distorting into some sort of incomprehensible form, that looked nothing like a door, it was still solid as Maddox was able to grasp a door handle where one would normally be through the glitches.

It was strange as Maddox pushed open the door so now he was able to see for the first time someone else's memories.

As the door closed behind him after walking through darkness envelopes Maddox's vision with no path being in front of him to walk on this time. However, as he was about to step forward he got the strange sensation of being watched by something in the darkness that seemed to be observing him and what he was going to do.

"Odd... now what?" Maddox states as he could not do anything and leave was not an option until he found what he was looking for

[Input command]

A set of text appears before Maddox causing him to raise an eyebrow at this.

"Fine then where am I?" Maddox asks the strange text since there was nothing around in this dark abyss and not wanting to walk around anymore lead him to ask the text some questions

[Timestamp memories from: 05May49 till 19May49]

'So these are the memories of a total of two weeks not too long ago before the guy fell into a coma'

[Input command]

The set of text changed after a moment back to its default state.

"Show me the warehouse that was being investigated about a week ago," Maddox asks to hope to get something out of this

[Request denied]

"How come?"

[Entitiy: t̸̨̳̫̙͔̥̼̟̹͛̇̆̚č̴̡̼̮̥̘͚̬̙̙̱͎̪͐͊̉͒͜͜a̶̢̡̻̯̦͚̪̩͉̥͎̯͈͔͔͙̯̖̓̋́͆͌͐̉͘̚͝͝͝ş̶̞̖̖̪͎͓͊̉͂̄́͒̊̏̕̚ş̴̣͉̍͒̃̽̋̉̂̉̿̄̎̊͂á̷̧͙̝̥̗̥̬̾̀͂̉̌́͌̕̕͘͝j̸̻̄͆ͅo̸̖̊̋͝ą̷̲̪̳͈͕̪̊͂͂͊͛̽͋͌̒̿͘͠͝͠p̴̡̨͒̽̋̽̔̾́̊̉̚̚s̷̡̧͉̱̣͎͕̯̳̗̃͒̐̑̌͑̐̋͛͂̕͠͝ḑ̸̖̖̙̪͖͓̠̑́͊̇̾͌̄͗͆̈́̕͘͘͜ą̷̨͓̦̜̩̮͇̗̜̠͍̤̻̽͋̌̈́̏́̏̍̃̀̚͝ has marked the memory and cannot be accessed at this time]

"Oh really now?" Maddox says as he draws forth some miasma from his body once more but this time in the hopes of influencing this memory so that he can access it.

Releasing his miasma into his surroundings seemed to be the best bet since he had a feeling he would be unable to touch the floating text so this was the next best option available.

[Access granted to memory]

"Nice" Maddox says as he draws back some of the miasma in his body since he did not want to be kicked out of the memory if that was possible

[Select view mode: First person, third person, or spectator (Be aware that whatever view choice will be final and certain aspects of the memory will be different)]

Seeing the text and its warning led Maddox to choose the spectator option since he did not want to be stuck to the guy in either a first or third-person view and being in the first person would probably be the worst since this is just a memory of this guy then he would be stuck in this guys body while he acted which sounded creepy.

With the spectator mode, an old-fashioned type remote control appeared in his hands, and the reason he said old fashioned was because this remote only had three buttons which were a pause button, fast forward, and reverse. So at least Maddox could view things if need be if there was something that caught his eye within the memory. With that locked in place, Maddox waited patiently for something to happen.

[Select starting point]

"Most recent mission brief," Maddox says since he wants to find out what exactly happened so finding some sort of insight into how things may have gone wrong

It could have been anything from the number of infected to the lack of details in the plan put out in the debrief.

[Loading brief]

Slowly the darkness around Maddox changes and it reveals it so that he sees that he is in a concrete room with only one entrance where the guy whose mind he was in was sitting at a rectangular table with several females seated as well each with a respective weapon nearby them, but no Katherine as of now. There was no indication of what was going on or what had happened to anyone before they came into the room and took their seats to wait for someone supposedly. A few moments of waiting led to a man walking into the room followed by a female assistant who was carrying a projector, laptop, and a few cords. As they entered the room everyone got up and salute the man before signaling them to return to their seats, before the assistant sets up the projector.

Pausing the scene here Maddox takes a look at this man and takes a good look at him and his assistant. The man's features were a bit fuzzy literally as he had no defining features about him that were visible while the assistant seemed to have way too much detail that seemed unreal thus giving Maddox the feeling that this guy whose mind he entered in had been only paying attention to the assistant.

Still, this clarity allowed Maddox to see something better about the man and his assistant as he saw that the assistant's clothing was ruffled, a bit unorganized, and sloppy which for someone important should never be. Looking now at the old man who looked to be in his late fifties was looking at the women in the room and when Maddox resumed and rewinded a few times he saw that this guys gaze was fixated on the woman around him which seemed to stay on every one of them, at their chests mainly. Choosing the spectator route lead to him being able to see everything and move around the memory to view anything that the person remembered with some having more clarity than others showing that his attention was focused more on one object or another.

Spectating also allowed Maddox to phase through everything around him as nothing could interact with him and he could not interact with anything.

So seeing that the lady assistant was the major thing the guy paid attention to Maddox tried looking at this old ass pervert to see what exactly this guy was going to do.

Since this was not a memory of Maddox he could not view any miasma or essence so he had no idea if this white balding white man could wield one of the two energies or had it growing inside him. Hitting play once more lead to the man starting to talk but the man's voice seemed to be muffled a bit as if the guy was not paying attention to the debrief and was only ogling at the assistant who was doing her own thing.

[Fantasy impacting current memory]


"Ah... harder master" A female voice rings out in the room drawing Maddox's view away from the text that just appeared in front of him

Looking at what was in front of him though left Maddox speechless as right now the entire briefing had suddenly transformed into an orgy out of nowhere with the guy whose mind he was in was now naked slamming deep into the rear of the female assistant while on the table. The whole scene had fallen from the grace of God as the other women in the room were all butt-ass naked and satisfying themselves through various ways, while one of them was being fingered by the guy whilst lying on the table and another in a passionate tongue kiss with the guy and rubbing her hands across some clear fantasized abs and pecs.

"The FUCK is this!" Maddox cries out as he had not expected this to appear out of the blue since he knew there was no way in hell that this would just happen out of nowhere in the memory without some reason

[Fantasies in current memory has covered over this section of the original memory thus modifying the memory]

"Fuck me harder!" A cry is let out from one of the ladies causing Maddox to start fuming with anger as he happened to enter the mind of the most sexually depraved guy in the Coalition that he was having this fantasy during a brief

Maddox pauses the fantasy memory before it continues any further since it was getting on his nerves to hear all the moans and grunts with this guy feeling like some rabbit in a fucking heat and pound the shit out the girl on the table.

"Remove the fantasy" Maddox simply says as there will be nothing useful to be gained about this at all unless he wanted to learn this guy's sexual fantasies

[Unable to remove fantasies from current memory]


[The fantasy has been etched deep in the memory and cannot be removed]

"Argh!" Maddox cries out in frustration since he does not want to deal with this right now since he has no idea how much time he has and does not want to try to mess with anything in the memory for fear of messing something up

"Just cut out all fantasies in the memory," Maddox says

[Command not possible as no section of a memory can be cut from the memory and must be viewed in its entirety]


At least Maddox had the option to fast-forward through these scenes with the remote which he hoped would work and would not just get a message from the text saying it was not possible since Maddox had no intention of watching a fucking fantasy porn film.