The Start Of The Disaster

Fast-forwarding from the first fantasy sex scene led to Maddox being pulled along the guy's memory of the place and had to follow the guy since this was a memory then he would only have a view of what he remembers and can see for himself at that time. Being pulled along Maddox followed the guy after the fantasy started and was allowed to see where exactly it was where this meeting took place since he had to leave where ever it was eventually.

It was a bar that had a cellar that once entered could further down a bit into the room that Maddox was just in.

This place seemed to act as some sort of safe house of the Coalition since the place had no customers even though it looked to be neat and a nice place to spend some time at for a drink however since there was no one here except a middle-aged man who acted as the bartender and paid them no mind as they all left. Looking at the name of this place from the outside he makes a mental note to visit to see if there was anything he could gain from there since he had only seen one part of the place and the guy he was viewing it from was not very perceptive. So expecting some details to be omitted since the horny fuck seemed more intent on staring at the ass and breasts of his coworkers than paying attention.

Stuck with no other option Maddox indignantly followed along with the memory while skipping another sexual fantasy while the guy was driving the group, minus the old man and his assistant, to a specific destination in their vehicle.

The fantasy was simple enough and quick since Maddox did not want to see this guy think about getting a blow job while driving from the woman in the passenger seat next to him.

Maddox was honestly disgusted by the character of this guy and if he had no other options then Maddox would have just activated the miasma leech affecting him and then just left him while observing the process.

Still looking at this stuff was completely useless since there was nothing useful for him to find out so he decides to just fast forward till he found what he was looking for. A few minutes of the scenes in the memory playing out with everything zipping by Maddox making him a bit dizzy since most things were a blur most of the time but he was able to find the right place to stop at which was the group moving towards a warehouse where he was expecting things to go down.

"So what's the plan?" The guy asks while placing his hand on the hilt of one of his machetes that were on his hips

"You weren't listening to the brief again huh..." One of the ladies says while shaking her head

"Hehe yeah sorry I was a bit tired and was zoning in and out during the briefing" The guy gives an excuse while Maddox just facepalms since he knew what exactly it was that happened

"Well we are gonna wait for a minute until the site manager shows up and then she can give us an idea of what was going on inside the building," Another lady says giving an idea as to what they were going to be doing

"Okay, then when is she supposed to get here then?"

"Probably a few minutes from now"

'Really... you all are just going to be waiting out there in the open...' Maddox thinks to himself while looking around at the surrounding area

The group was across the street from the warehouse and were standing in the open within a parking lot with the vehicle that they drove in before parked not too far. Granted it was looking pretty late in the night but Maddox was willing to bet that regardless of whatever time it was it would not change anything within the infected inside. What he would have done is not stand out in the open since that could make them easy targets for guns or other long-range weaponry plus they had no idea if any miasma users in the vicinity could cause them all sorts of problems.

Still, since Maddox could not move all he could do was observe what happened as the group just waited for this 'site manager' which Maddox was willing to bet was Katherine since she had yet to appear till now.

A few minutes pass with the members of the group finding something to do with the women just talking amongst themselves and the guy he was stuck with actually taking out his machetes and cleaning them as well as a bit of maintenance on them.

Eventually, the person who Maddox guessed was the 'site manager' finally showed up in the car that Maddox gave away to Katherine so it was indeed her however she was followed by two other coalition females with one of them being Vanessa from before in the hospital. Everyone from the original group was on the alert after the appearance of the three but once confirmed who they were allowed the group to relax and gather around the three newcomers. Seeing Vanessa brought mixed feelings within Maddox since she did threaten to kill him but she was the one who provided the pdf files that he had been studying about the infected recently.

"Welcome everyone," Katherine starts as she surveys the group before her

"I am Katherine the site manager of the surrounding area of the warehouse across the street and these two are my companions Vanessa and Charlotte" Katherine states as she gestures to the two of them

Charlotte had long and flowing black hair with her body like most women of the Coalition looking as if it were crafted by some horny ass god as there was nothing flawless about her hourglass-like figure and medium-sized breasts. Unlike most people in the group who had a European descent, she seemed to have an Asian descent with her skin pigmentation being tanned and her facial features being a bit sharp but not cutting into her beauty.

"Jeez... no wonder this fucking guy is so sexually frustrated..." Maddox says while looking at the guy whose memory he had been viewing this all through

All the women in the group were all breathtaking and Maddox could now see that since this guy was not fantasizing anymore about fucking them all in an orgy. Looking at the women, however, suddenly caused a flare-up in Maddox's miasma for some reason forcing him to the ground as once more his miasma was threatening to transform him into an infected.

There was no pain but there was the feeling of dread as his body undoubtedly was feeling the effects since his consciousness was not there and he was getting dizzy from the feeling of his miasma affecting his body.

Eventually, it receded and Maddox was able to get back up without any problems since his essence undoubtedly kept the miasma in check now.

Still, though it took a little bit longer than last time for the sensation of the change to go meaning that either the miasma was getting difficult to contain via the miasma or that certain emotions or feelings have varying effects on the miasma causing it to flare up or recced.

Looking back up now and being careful to not be caught up in the past Maddox's attention returned to the group who during the time Maddox was on the ground had been exchanging names between everyone. It looked as if everyone had pretty much gone except for the guy as he was just finishing up his self-introduction.

"My main weapons are my machetes and this is my first hunt since joining the Coalition," The guy says

"He is the weakest link of the group..." One of the females mutters out loud prompting a sour face from the guy but he does not say anything

"Now that we have introduced ourselves let me get into the information that I have gathered over the past few days," Katherine says as she takes out a notepad in a front pocket of hers

"First off there are expected to be around fifty goblin type infected with the warehouse with them tunneling in the warehouse floor and creating what I can only assume is a den. Since this is a lair of relatively small size the Coalition have decided to use this place as an experience for our young Jack," Katherine states while looking at the guy

'Jack is a generic name...' Maddox states while looking at the guy

"So are we expecting any mutant goblin type infected?" One of the women from the original group asks

"We don't know, but the only reason you all are here is simply because of the lack of information of the cavern that they have and what could be in there," Vanessa answers while looking around the group to see if there are any other questions

"If there are no more questions we can talk strategy now," Katherine says a few moments later as she puts away the notepad

After a bit of planning, the group decided on a pincer attack with group 1 consisting of Katherine, Vanessa, Charolette, Jack, and two of the women from the original group that Maddox viewed, Group 2 was the remaining women leading to them having around five people in that group.

Group 1 would be going in through the front and the second group would go around the back of the building to hit the enemy hard and in two different places at once so they would have a tougher time fighting back. This would be a good plan if not for the fact that they were discussing it all in the open across the street from the fucking place the infected were in. This plan was doomed to fail since there was no way that this group had not been noticed at all see that they were out in the open of an almost empty parking lot. It was no wonder shit hit the fan and only this one guy was able to get back sort of alive from the 'hunt' as Jack had put it.

Still, since Maddox was stuck with Jacks' view of how things went down led to following Jack as the groups soon split up and the group Jack was in started approaching the warehouse with no particular attempt at staying hidden along the way.

'Who the hell is training these people to hunt' Maddox thinks to himself thinking of a thousand better ways to have done this already from the get-go

Soon the group is at the front sliding doors which had a simple padlock and chain keeping it closed from people entering the warehouse.

With no intention of staying silent Jack is told to open the warehouse doors which he does by coating a machete in essence and cutting off the lock in one swipe and the whole thing falls to the concrete ground with a loud clinking of metal.

"Well done"

"HOW!" Maddox cries out in indignation seeing that stealth is not in their dictionary, thesaurus, and fucking brain cells apparently

Trying not to lose his cool over everything he pauses the entire thing for a moment so he can think about something else for a moment before resuming the show.

The group enter the warehouse and contrary to what Maddox was expecting, with a horde of infected with their weapons at the ready to fight the intruders, there was no one in the warehouse as it seemed. Everyone had their weapons out at this point with Maddox also looking around to see if there is anything that he could see ahead of everyone, but there was no one in the warehouse. This just straight up confused Maddox as there was no way that the infected in here heard them approaching or at least saw them since there were no obvious attempts to any type of sneaking.

The group advanced while being on guard while everyone was scanning the room looking for any infected that might be hiding in the shadows of the place.

There was nothing but crates of varying sizes throughout the warehouse with some being big enough to put a person in and others smaller that they could fit a chair. Seeing the ones big enough to fit people inside made Maddox cautious since the infected could be hiding in them waiting for the right moment to attack. Still, nothing happened even when Jack for some reason decided to check one of the crates that could someone inside that was laying horizontally on the ground.

Something catches Maddox's eye though as he notices something on the crate that looks off which prompts him to rewind a bit before pausing the memory while he goes forward to take a look.

It was a label that said Received: 01May49 on the label with the shipping address being this exact building.

'Wait... is someone not infected helping the ones here?' Maddox questions since crates need to be signed for by someone before it is handed off which meant either there is an infected who could use illusions as well or... there was a human helping the infected to live here