Chapter 3:- Difficult to deal

Anthony was running, thinking what he could do to get out of this situation as 3 people were running after him trying to catch him and he knew if he gets caught then his death is certain. He was running like a madman this time but he didn't know where he was going.

His breath was also starting to swell, then a voice came from behind, hey stop, if you don't stop, we will start firing on you.

Anthony had just heard that he started running faster in fear. No matter what happens, don't stop, stop means death and get rid of these 3 people by any means.

Hey! Brother, this boy is not taking the name of stopping.

I am out of breath, said one of the three fat men.

So what to watch? Start firing. said the other man.

Yes good idea anyway whether he is alive or dead what difference does it make.

Saying this, the three took out their guns and started firing at Anthony, a bullet rapidly exited from the top of Anthony's head while making a sound from the gun.

Anthony who was running like crazy all this time becomes alert. He understands that just running away will not work, he will have to dodge these people to get rid of them, thinking of this, Anthony thinks of entering it from the back gate of any one building at the next turn and only then a bullet comes out touching his arm. The notification pops up on the screen in front of Anthony.

Damage - 7 Body condition - injured,Bleeding

Hp - 15/40

Shit!,Shit!,Shit! no! no! no God!!

Anthony watches all this while running and curses his fate. Why is this happening to me?

1 Hp loss due to bleeding .

Hp - 14/40

What to watch now? Hit the bastard's leg, the tall man says while running.

yes yes both the other people answer yes.

Hey, why is no one showing the back gate? If this continues, today my death is certain.

1 Hp loss due to bleeding

Hp - 13/40


A bullet hits Anthony in the leg and he falls.

Ha,Ha,Ha bullseye the tall man says

A notification pops up as Anthony hits the ground.

Damage - 7

Hp - 6/40

When Anthony was shot in the leg, it felt as if someone tied a truck behind a speeding motorcycle, due to which the motorcycle could not move even an inch.

Aah! Aah! Aah! Anthony was having so much pain in his left leg that he didn't even feel the pain even after doing 8 sets of 10 repetitions of Romanian deadlift with 200 kg. This pain seemed like a bad dream which did not break even after waking up, his blurred vision showed him a door and he got up with all his strength and limping towards that door


Seeing this the three people who had stopped running were surprised because from their experience whenever they have shot a person that person never gets up after falling down on the ground even if it is an adult man, but this boy, who would probably be 13 or 14 years old, not only got up from the ground but ran into the building in front of their eyes. Hey, why are you standing, hold him, if he gets out of hand, the leader will eat us raw.

yes! yes! stuttered the fat man

On the other hand, Anthony moans and enters any room in the building, which is an apartment.

Anthony, who had entered a room, went straight to the kitchen and started looking for turmeric powder in the cupboard. After finding turmeric he applied it on his wound and wrapped it on aluminum foil lying there. Tore the cloth of the arm and tied it somehow on the arm of the left leg and straight arm, only then a notification popped up bleeding stopped.

Hp - 4/40

Then there is a knock on the door of that room. Anthony immediately understands that it is the same people and he goes out through the kitchen window.

At door,

Hey! open the gate or else we will break

Who has the courage to talk to a government man like this, the owner of that room opens the door shouting and goes to the square because three people were standing at the gate with guns.

Where is he? The tall man shouted angrily.

Who the owner of the room stammered.

Hey, the same boy who just entered your room.

Which boy?

The tall man kicks the owner down and all three enter the room.

The trail of blood is going this way. All three enter the kitchen and see that everything is lying around and the kitchen window is open.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,............. The tall man screams loudly.

and jumps out the window

Anthony, who is unable to walk due to his injuries, goes a short distance and hides in a large dustbin and covers himself with the garbage.

Where's the fuckin dog puppy yells tall man

I am tired of this run and run, we stop for a while, the fat man speaks out of breath.

You say all this in front of the leader when I will tell the leader that you let that boy go out of hand.

but i haven't

Shut up! find that boy, otherwise you are out of luck.

Brother, I have an idea, why don't we separate and search for that boy, what do you say, the man of small stature said while giving his idea.

Yes ok, now what can be done. Oye! fatty, you go that way and we both go this way. Okay, tallman spoke.

Ok! The fat man spoke reluctantly, then both of them left the man and went in the other direction. The fat man walks for some distance, then sits on top of a dustbin, and grumbles, takes out a big chocolate from his pocket and starts eating it.

after eating it

Where do I put the packet? Oh yes I am sitting on a dustbin. Anthony who was in the same dustbin at this time his heart beat fast because he knew that if the lid of the dustbin is opened and he is caught then death is certain was cursing. Then Anthony hears the phone ringing yes yes I am looking for him. No, I am not eating.

Anthony understood after hearing the voice that it would be of that man's companions only.

Hey! man cut the phone call only then I will go to find him.

Yes it is OK.

piss, what does he think of himself? When you see him, he keeps showing arrogance.

the man throws away the packet and leaves