Chapter 4:- A Friend

Anthony(Tensai), whose heart was in his mouth, breathes a sigh of relief and slowly opens the lid of the dustbin, comes out and spreads on the ground and says

"narrowly escaping man, i thought, i was done for"

and then a notification pops up in front of him with the sound.

Mission :- Survive accomplish

Mission :- Exp+100, 100 orbs, chest small.

Threshold reach

Exp 100/100

Level up

Level - 2 Exp - 0/200


Name - Willam Anthony Raj

Level - 2 Exp - 0/200

Health 40/40 Body condition - Normal

Strength - 5

Intelligent - 5

Dextity - 5

Agility - 5

Vitatity -5

Free attribute point - 5

HP - 40/40 Accuracy - 0.5%

Ki - 20/20 Evasion - 0.5%

Attack - 9 Physical resistance - 1.25%

Defense - 2.5 Elemental resistance - 2%

Critical rate - 0.75% ?(Recovery)? -1.25%

Critical damage - 1.25% Ki gain - 1%

Attack speed -1.5% Ki loss reduction - 0.75%

Gradually, the pain that had been in Anthony's body since the time he came into this world gradually disappeared, and the wounds and scars from the injuries on his leg and arm also disappeared.

Only his clothes were dirty and torn, except for the clothes, Anthony was in no trouble right now. "I'll have to find a safe place".

Saying this Anthony walks away.

Now Anthony was alert so he was trying to hide through the alleys

that none of those men could see him

While hiding, when he saw the main road, he started taking stock of the place by hiding behind another garbage can.

Just then a hand presses Anthony's shoulder and speaks loudly.

well! so you're hiding here.

Hearing that, Anthony's heart beats faster and he quickly grabs the hand on the shoulder, turns it and releases its clutch and he hears a loud sound.

Hearing this, Anthony looks back to see a black boy standing there holding his hand

bro! you almost broke my hand.

Anthony looks the boy up and down and says sorry softly.

From the boy's face, he did not seem to be one of those people.

Then that boy asks Anthony, "are you alright bro"? I heard that Romanoff and his gang were following you, why are you not saying anything?

the guy was talking nonstop like talking express But when he took the name of Romanoff, Anthony began to think that it was not the name of the man who was trying to catch him.

then he said who Romanoff?

What? The boy stopped while speaking and then said

"bro, how can you forget romanoff?1 minute; Have you lost your memory"?

Hearing this, Anthony thinks and says yes, I have lost my memory.

it means bro you forgot me

"yes" Anthony answers.

means hard disk crash .

"Yes man yes, how many times should I say so", Anthony says angrily.

Ok bro!, I agree that you have forgotten everything.

ok my name is Diallo Roster.

The boy pulls out his hand while saying his name.

"William Anthony Raj" Anthony reveals his name and shakes hands with Diallo.

Yes Yes i know that.

so willy what do you remember?... Diallo asks Anthony.

"my name, breathing and speaking", Anthony says in sarcasm.

Bro, it is confirmed that you are our willy, your habit of joking has not gone even after memory loss, Diallo tells Anthony while laughing.

But bro, how did you lose your memory?

I don't know when I woke up I didn't remember anything except my name Anthony replied

Bro, looking at your condition, I feel that you must have been caught and beaten by Romanoff and his gang, perhaps because of this you must have lost your memory, says Diallo

don't know i don't remember Diallo, Anthony replied.

It's all right, do you remember your home address? Diallo asked.

no, Anthony replied

Hey, I had forgotten, you don't remember anything except your name, speaking and breathing, saying this Diallo started laughing loudly and says I will drop you at your home.

Hearing this, Anthony (Tensei) starts thinking that of course he found the words of this boy named Diallo to be true but he did not want to trust him completely because Anthony (Tensei) in his previous life,

In his initial phase, he was cheated many times by such smiling faces, due to which misgiving had come in his habit, that too when someone behaved excessively.

Anthony was suspicious even after seeing Diallo

Then Diallo took hold of Anthony's hand and said, 'Come on man' and after hearing this, Anthony takes a deep breath and walks away with Diallo.

At same time,

The 3 men who were looking for Anthony stopped their search and returned to the same place

You guys haven't caught that boy, leader shouts

No leader, I had already caught him, but because of this fat ass, he got out of hand, said the tall man.

no no I didn't do any such thing, fat man stammers

Leader, we even fired and it hit that boy's leg too but he still ran away, the man of small stature said.

shut up, you guys can't do anything

What am I afraid of, that boy may become a canker sore.

Now do one thing, clean this place, find out the rest of the friends of this dead body.

what were there names?

Rum and Vam fat man spoke.

Hmmmmm...… Rum and Vam find out about both the bastards.

And there shouldn't even be a stain of blood here understand fatty, saying this the leader leaves.

it's all because of you fat ass, tall man says.

Hey guys, stop fighting and do some work, said the man of short stature.

other side,

Anthony followed Diallo cautiously toward his home.

After about 15 minutes he sees an apartment building called Evergreen Heights in front of which Anthony and Diallo stop and Diallo says

There it is now go inside.

When Anthony looks at Diallo, Diallo understands something and says oh yes brother, I keep forgetting that your hard disk has crashed.

I'll drop you off at your apartment room.

Both go inside and stop in front of apartment room number 301 on the third floor.

Come on brother now I'm going Diallo says

Anthony grabs Diallo's hand

Hey! bro, leave my hand anyway it is hurting because of you Diallo says loudly.

Anthony slowly lets go of Diallo's hand and says softly, brother, I have lost my memory.

So I mean, if the family members asked something, then I will be goner, then ID have to stopped going out, stopped visiting you and all the time the doctor would be there.

When Diallo heard from Anthony's that he will stop roaming with you, he was shocked.

And said brother, I had not even thought of this.

so what to do now

You have to cover for me, Anthony replied

ok ok then leave everything to your brother rang the bell and see your brother's performance diallo said

ding dong

The door opens and a middle aged woman says to anthony what is this condition.

The woman was looking up and down at anthony over and over

Then Anthony gently started holding Diallo's hand.

Diallo understood Anthony's gesture and said hey aunty Anthony had fallen while playing

So that woman doubtingly said, which game was it, in which falling hurt so much and the clothes were also torn.

tell clearly what happened Anthony

I am your mother, you can't hide anything from me

Anthony's head was dizzy hearing Diallo's excuse.

That this was the only excuse he got in all the excuses, this boy deserves a good ass beating but the good thing is that I came to know that what is my relation with this woman.

mother when Diallo and I were playing, then a pack of 5 dogs came from somewhere and only followed me, in order to escape from the pack of dogs, I became in this condition.

Anthony's mother said in bewilderment

Son, are you hurt, have you been bitten somewhere?

Anthony says no they didn't bite me anywhere.

That Diallo had brought some people, fearing them, the dogs ran away.

well Diallo son you did a good job said Anthony's mom

So Diallo smiled and said oh it was my duty and started telling his story again.

Seeing this, Anthony said in his mind, this boy will agree only after getting him killed.

mom let me come in or do all the talking have to be done at the door Anthony said

Oh yes son, I was upset seeing your condition

You come in too Diallo Son Anthony's mom spoke quickly

Stepping in through the door, Anthony sees an old two-room, kitchen, bathroom, and hall, no where near the penthouse of his previous life.

Son you take a bath and put your clothes for washing said Anthony's mother

ok Anthony replied

Willy Come take a shower, I am sitting in your room Diallo said

After 5 minutes, Anthony came out of his bath, wiped his head, went to his room and saw Diallo lying on the bed, using the phone.

Seeing Anthony, he gets up and says, brother, what is your plan now?

What do you mean? anthony says

Hey brother, I mean that you have lost your memory, so how do you get it back?

Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it, see you tomorrow


At school, Anthony says

well you know where the school is Diallo said with a devilish smile.


On this point of Diallo, Anthony said in disgruntled


Let's see you later, if you want to ask something, call me

Diallo laughs Anthony speaks from behind

Hey tell me the address bro.

See you tomorrow morning be ready by 8:00 am Diallo said and left Anthony's room

be ready tomorrow morning and understand

Now the only thing Tensai had to do was where is he and at what time and at what place

What is the basic detail of Anthony because without information he will not be able to remain as Anthony even for 1 day because some one or the other will understand that he is not Anthony but An imposter.

And the first name on this list is Anthony's mother.