Chapter 7: The memories

"Now, how do we get started?"

-Are you sure about this?- Dabria asked in a concerned manner

-Are you worried about me? Seems like you did warm up to me- I teased her

-You- -Dabria then screamed in frustration

-Stop flirting- Ace complained - Are you sure human? I don't mind waiting a bit longer-

-What are the pros and cons then?- I asked

- The pros is that we will both share a part of our abilities and boost each talent, with your mana capacity, it will be very hard for you to do level up, maxing out our bond will speed it up- The cat answered before continuing -The cons is to show each other's past memories and thoughts-

-So after this, you won't be able to read my private thought and access my memories?-

-I won't be able to, I can only look in your past ones, though you can show a bit of your memories if you want to, but you are able to alter how much I see-

-Fine, but just know, you'll be very surprised about what I am-

-I'm interested to find out.-

Ace then jump on my right should and use to paw to place on the tattoo while injecting magic into it, the tattoo then change its color to black.

-Is it weird if I said I'm suddenly drowsy- I said while yawning

-I don't know, this is my first time doing this- the cat replied while also yawning

-Well you'll be seeing each other's memories in your dreams, don't worry, you guys will wake up when breakfast is ready-Dabria said-Well I'm also getting my beauty sleep, good night-

I then fell asleep. I saw all of Ace's memories, from the moment he was born to the moment he met me. I saw his parents being sacrificed to a magic bear because his group hunted in the bear's territory, and his parents were given to the bear as an apology because they were weak, Ace was angry but he couldn't do anything, when he was 2 years old, he then left his group due to anger, the group wanted him to stay, because unlike some of the cats which evolved to use magic, he was born with magical prowess. He lived near human villages through his journey and learned the language through observing them, but deep down he wanted revenge, so he journeyed to find the same bear his group angered.

6 months later in his journey, he hunted a couple fish in a nearby river, because he was very hungry, as he was eating his catch, a group of coyotes approached him and take some of his catches while ganging up on him, Ace was again very angry, it reminded him of when his parents was pressured to leave him to die because they were weak, he didn't want to be weak, so he attacked them but he could win, so he ran, he ran then that's when he meet us, he jumped on my head to use it as a boost to jump on the branch of a nearby tree where he is sure that the coyotes can't reach him. I fell and he fell with me, and then all the memories came to an end when he fell asleep on my bed.

I woke up when the sun was just up. I am currently very groggy and especially very hungry.

-Any of you guys up yet?- I asked

-I'm still on bed getting my beauty sleep, he should be asleep a while longer, your 19 years of memories is longer compared to him, he'll wake up by lunch time at latest- Dabria answered in the morning silence

-I can't imagine how long I'll need sleep when we share our past memories-

-Hey! I'm very young by gods standard- she pouted

-So you're a thousand years old?-

-No, I'm not THAT old-

"Can you 2 stop flirting so early in the morning" a familiar voice retorted

-We do not flirt- Dabria grumbled

"Well was it interesting?" I said while smiling

-Very Interesting- The cat replied in my head - I thought my life was unusual. A selfish reincarnate who retained his memories-

-Yours was interesting too, despite your calm looks, you are hiding a very good amount of anger-

-Your previous world was very interesting, especially after knowing what happened to you before you decided to work in a regular office job, I can see why you are also an outcast like me.- Ace said amused - As for your very few abilities that you hid from others, it seems that they transferred to this world too, and it seems like I received one of your ability-

-They transferred here with me? They'll be useful, so which one did you get?- I said while smiling

-Wait he does other things before being a shut in?- Dabria asked curious

-You didn't observe the world when you observed the interesting human?- Ace asked


-You will know when you experience his memories, but all I can tell you now is that he lived in an area where no one is as special like him-

"So which one did you get?" I asked out loud this time amused when I find out my abilities were transferred here

"Ferocity" The cat replied

"Really fits your deep hidden anger" I said even more amused "Tell you what Ace, if that bear is still alive, I will help you get your revenge" I then hold my hand out

"I'm really glad that I accepted your deal Perseus" Ace then use his paw and shook my hand

-I feel like I'm being left out- Dabria grumbled

-You'll get your turn- Me and Ace said simultaneously

-Great, after sharing memories, you 2 are very similar, I now have to deal with 2 idiots-


"You 2 must be really hungry today" my dad said as he was looking at me and Ace devouring our breakfast, we both were hungry especially after maxing out our bond. It seems like those magic coyote's pelt was going to sell for a lot, we are having a small porkchops, some scrambled eggs and toast made by my dad, Ace is having some pork steak that has been cut into smaller pieces. John also joined us for breakfast.

"Kid, you named your cat yet?" John said as he finished his piece of toast

"His name is Ace" I replied

"Considering you're 3 years old, I thought, you'll go for silly names like Bob or claws or something"

-John knows you very well- Dabria chuckled

"Those are good names for a cat" I said defensively

"No it's not" The 3 adults said in unison

John then added "Well at least we know that you thought about it, why did you decide on Ace?"

"When I saw that he dodge the trap while running, I knew that he was smart, so I named him Ace, so that in the future he will be like his name and ace in everything" I replied "He seems to like it too"

"Have you got any plans for today?" my mom asked

"Me and Ace will go outside to play today"

-Why- both Dabria and Ace asked

-We need to do some exercise and train our stamina-

-Right, if it's like those novels, we're bound to make some enemies, raining will do us a lot of good- Ace replied as he agreed with me

-I can't believe I have to deal with 2 of you idiots- Dabria sighed

"That's wonderful, but make sure you don't talk to strangers, run back home or run to those knights for help in case of danger"

Despite not being owned by any kingdom, the closest kingdom, Artia sends down a few knights to protect this village while collecting some protection fees, people don't really mind since they help keep the beast and some bandits away.

"Oh and don't go disturb John today unless dire emergency, He got a date today" My mom said amused

"The kid don't need to know that" John said while furiously blushing

"Who are you dating Uncle John?" I asked while pretending to be innocent, but deep down I just wanted to tease him

"The baker, Olivia, wait why am I telling you this" John asked

I just laughed


-Seems like my mana capacity expanded a bit after maxing up our bond-

-I can tell by your look that you plan to train in the forest- Ace replied

-Of course it's the best way to gain experience at the same time-

-And by the looks of it, you also plan on teasing John on your way back- Dabria chimed in


-You don't plan on making another friend your age other than Ace?-


-After what you been through, I would understand, people are very hard to trust, you never know when they'll betray you and stab you in the back- Ace said while nodding his head

-Well shall we get started?- I asked


We then enter the forest when we are sure no one is looking