Chapter 22: Planning the trip

"Big bro, your eyes are so cool" Oliver said

"It's very pretty" Emily said

"Kid's let's go out now, we don't want to disturb him, he's very tired" Olivia ushered the kids out

"It looks like as if I just got possessed or something" I exclaimed as I looked in the mirror

-If my eyes were red instead, with my light brown skin and white hair, I would have looked like a stereotypical demon lord-

-Looking through your memories, you are right- Dabria agreed

-Me and Siege broke through to light red, our mana capacity got even larger, even if our learning speed is faster, the mana capacity got bigger than our speed could catch up, you are still stuck at dark orange- Ace said

-Are you hungry?- Siege asked


-I'll ask Olivia to make something, I'll watch her kids and make sure they are away from trouble- Siege then went out of the room

I then got bombarded with questions

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Maybe both your eyes changing instead of one is some unknown disease"

"Is there any type of support you need right now?"

-It's good having a loving family-

-Your past life is like something that comes out of those novels you read- Dabria commented

-When I think about it, yeah, I was an orphan then died and reincarnated into another world, though I wish I died a more cliché death-

Olivia then walked in with a tray of food

"Siege told me you were hungry, so I borrowed your kitchen to make something"

I then wolfed the food down.

"Well it's good if you're alright, but man we should get you checked out, first white hair then now purple eyes" dad said amazed

"Are you sure he's even your son? you guys can do the resonance magic using your blood, it doesn't require an attribute" Eliza said

"If that was the case, it'll be easy to explain but it's a requirement for healers to do that after the baby is born, I did it already, he's definitely my brother's son" John said

"Yeah I didn't have any flings even before Axel, most thought I was too scary" Mom said

"Yeah...hehehe" dad laughed nervously

"Well I never heard a bond that would make someone have their eyes change colors, Ellie have you?" Luke asked

"No, I haven't" she answered

I met Ellie a few times but she's nice, she works as a clerk somewhere I don't really remember.

"Well since he's awake, might as well plan for that trip to Acira" Luke said

"It's not really Acira, we're planning to visit the mountain a bit further north, we'll visit Acira along the way though" Ellie corrected

Siege ears perked up

-Well that's a surprise, do you want to go Siege? I can stay back with you if you like-

-It'll be no problem, I'll be fine- Siege replied quietly

-Dabria as a goddess, did you see the memory of Siege and Ace that I experienced?-

-No, I saw everyone of your dreams but those- Dabria replied -Is he from the mountains?-

-Yep, he might even meet a surviving member of his pack-

-I look forward to it- Ace joined in

"We should do the trip after he takes his exam, it is in a couple of months." Olivia suggested

"Yeah it is coming up" Mom nodded

"Well he can skip the written one if I vouch for him, since I'm a mage acknowledged by the kingdom, he just have to pass the battle exam" John said

"He's planning to do the 1 battle test right? That's going to be hard" Eliza said concerned

"Well lucky we brought the best D-rank weapons and armor with us, quite a pain to put on the carriage, he can use those to participate in the exam, and register his 2 bonds as his accessories" Luke suggested

And after that they continue to discuss about the trip

"So a 3 week trip if he pass and a 4 week trip if he fail, we're agreeing on that?" Eliza asked

"He may be a genius

The adults seemed to agree with each other.

-Well tell them what you're planning- Dabria said

-What plans?- Siege asked

-Yeah tell us- Ace said

"Mom, dad can I ask for a favor?" I asked my parents

They then turn to me

"What is it lil buddy?" Dad asked

"2 weeks before the test, can I walk to Artia instead?"

-I plan to do some training and exploring along the way-

-That sounds fun- Ace nodded

-I'll just follow your decision- Siege replied

"It should take 4 days at most, but I plan to spend a week building up my physical training with Ace and Siege"

The adults looked concerned.

"Can one of us accompany you?" Mom asked

"I would prefer if it's just me, Ace and Siege"

"Well you tend to get into trouble every time we take our eyes off" Olivia commented

"Yeah thanks to you training in the forest, you usually spot criminals and take care of them by yourself, only to report it to us later for us to take care of their corpse" Dad added

"The knights are somewhat amazed at your work ethic" John complimented

"That's because big bro is the strongest" Oliver joined in

"Yeah with him around, no bad guys will hurt us" Emily chimed in

Mom sighed and said "2 promises have to be made"

"Ok, I'm listening" I replied

"First, we will make you equip our B-rank weapons, but make sure to return back to us by the time you arrive at Artia"

-Fair enough- Dabria said

"Second, even if you see some roadside bandits, I want you to run, even if you can defeat them, you have no idea how anxious I become every time I hear from you that you fought and defeated some thugs"

"Might give us a heart attack and a early death if you keep doing what you do" Dad added "Make sure to contact us using your amulet, especially if you need help, we can hire a team to go and help you"

"And call us everyday" Mom finished

-We're definitely breaking the 2nd promise aren't we?- Dabria said

-Big time- I answered

-Might be because of the bond, but you understand us super well now- Ace said

"Well we better update his identification card and register for the test for now" John said

"We can use this token the Baron gave me a few years ago, we don't need to pay for the registration fee with this" I handed Uncle John the token

-You can easily afford the fee you know- Dabria said

-Hey it's one gold coin, that's enough to buy a small house-

-For your future plans of be a slacker?-

-Yep, it'll be a long way from the slacker life I desire though-

-Don't worry, with us here, that's possible- Ace cheered


"Well it's time for our adventure"

"If you're even one day late, I'm getting a rescue party, doesn't matter even if you call us and say that you're okay, so be sure to come on time" Mom reminded

"Yeah and return those equipments to us, B-rank enchanted weapons are very expensive you know" Dad added

"We'll be waiting for you in Artia" Oliver said

"Train so you can beat those guys at the test" Emily added

After we say our farewell, I headed off.

-Well Dabria, can you accompany us in your mortal form?- I asked

-I can, why?- she replied

-Well since you're part of our squad it'll be fun if we all hangout together-

-It'll be fun, we got a whole week to ourselves- Ace chimed in


She then appeared in front of us making the same entrance as last time

"Well let's get going" She urged and taking the lead