Chapter 37: A day out

It is Saturday, I got permission to go out to the city, we were in the capital so, it'll take a while to reach Eliza, so we are shopping for our groceries while we are heading in that direction.

-Let's buy extras, we can store them in the storage anyways, I want to make lot of foods-

-We haven't gotten a chance to taste your cooking yet, so make us a lot of food- Diana replied

-Might as well make it a feast then, Dabria should join us in her human form-

-I should?- Dabria replied

-Please?- Diana pleaded

-Fine- Dabria grumbled

Damon bought us enough supplies to last normal people for at least 3 weeks, most were stored in his and my spatial storage.

"Why are you buying so many things, can't you just eat the stuff from the cafeteria?" Eleanor asked

She was accompanied by Luke, Albert has to meet with his family for something, so she decided to accompany me today because she was bored. She also wore a hood to hide her face.

"Don't you have other friends that you can hang out with?"

"I do, but I decided to go with you because you have no other friends" She replied

She accompanied me all the way to the Iron's workshop, I can't warp myself yet, only a couple small items like a book.

"Ah you've come, is it your day off?" Luke greeted

"I get till evening"

"I thought it was you from that voice, who's the fancy noble?" Eliza asked

"He's my bodyguard"

"Since when did you have one?"

"Since you can't supervise me all the time, I thought I'll get one to protect me and keep me out of trouble" I shrugged

"I'm Damon Silver, nice to finally meet you, I've heard many things about you" Damon introduced

"You're using his family name, you 2 must be close, I hope he says good things about me"

-Oh many good things- Dabria grumbled

-Too many- Diana agreed

"You should use your amulet to call your family kid, we're all planning to visit the capital during the founding day's festival" Luke said

"Your family doesn't know about your new bodyguard yet?" Eleanor asked

"Not yet"

Eliza and Eleanor then started their talk, and Damon was talking with Luke

I called my family.

"Well it's good that you haven't gotten into too much trouble, is that your new bodyguard you've hired behind you?" Mom asked


"Introduce us when we're at the festival" Dad said "Can't believe you got yourself a new bond too and this time it's a bird"

"John's kids will love the bird, but yeah make sure to introduce us, and does the princess mind if we wear our usual clothing, or do we have to dress in something nice?" Mom asked

"It's fine, just wear your usual clothes"

"Well you should start heading back to school, we don't want you to get into trouble"

"Say hi to John and Olivia for me"

"Of course dear, we'll make sure to do that"

We walked out and walked back to the capital. But then I sensed something.

-We're being followed-

-I can smell their scent, they've been on our trail probably since the workshop- Siege replied

-We can't fight them with people around- Diana said

-Warn Eleanor first- Dabria said

"Eleanor" I whispered

"What?" She also whispered

"We're being followed"

"Oh crap"

"Just signal Balor and follow me and Damon, if you get the chance run for help"

We then walked into an alleyway where there were no recording devices.

-It's the same footsteps, they've arrived- Ace said

There was about 5 man before several more came behind them

-About 20 in total- Damon commented

"Hehehe, it seems like you're cornered" A guy said

"And we got a princess too, we get to do whatever we want right boss?" another one added

Balor took out his sword

"Ah that knight can't be older than 20, can't believe we got paid so much for this" The boss said "We were ordered to get the boy dead or alive, as for his accomplice, we get to do whatever we want"

"We should party after this" A guy cheered

"Well, apparently it'll be easier to kill the boy, as for the princess, she'll sell higher if she's a virgin, so make sure she stays that way" The boss ordered "Unless of course, that kid already took it" he pointed his knife at me

-His knife got the crest of the red sword- Diana commented

-This isn't any ordinary group, the boss is a mid purple core, but he doesn't really have a lot of equipments on him- Dabria said

-Probably he thought he didn't need it against Perseus- Damon said

-It's probably from the same marquis, that green haired guy-

-Well we should kill them right?- Ace asked

-Of course, leave none alive-

I then warped the knife in his hands into mine and throw in to one of the thugs and hit the guy squarely in the head.

"I just got a poison rune on that knife too" the boss shouted "KILL THEM"

Siege, Ace, Me and Damon charged in, I called Dream Eater into my hands too.

Balor also joined in. Eleanor was preparing spells in the back to help us.

It wasn't long before we took them down. I put Dream Eater away after I was sure all of them were dead. I also kept the poisonous knife just for evidence later on

-Why does cliché things always happen to us, it's like we're just some sort of characters in a novel- I complained

| *Cough* |

"Let's get out of here, before their reinforcement comes back" I said

We ran, Eleanor and Balor followed.

"Princess, we should split up with the boy" Balor suggested

"What?! Why?!" she retorted

"They're after him, not us, if we split up, his bodyguard can handle the fights and we can go get help"

"Great idea" I agreed

-She's a liability anyway, she didn't even kill any of those guys back there-

-Yeah she use spells only strong enough to knock them out, we'll be better on our own- Siege agreed

"I'm not going to wait for your approval, Damon let's go" I said

Me and Damon then split up with them before she can give any replies

-The patrol knights can't do anything against these red swords, our goal should just be to reach the academy-

"Then we better hurry" Damon said as he got faster

We already past the outskirts and arriving in the capital, we then dashed toward the academy and took a shortcut to not get interrupted by random civilians during our run.

We were close but then the green haired noble appeared in front of us

"Hey now, where are you heading?" he mocked

"You don't have any of your your goons with you this time"

"Why not stay and have a chat?"

"I don't have the time Ryan Willy Nerd"

We then tried to dash past him but a few guys appeared, they all got the red sword crest on their uniforms

"Now now" A burly man says tapping his hammer that he's holding in his hand "The young master want to chat over tea, it'll be rude to deny his request"

I then used my amulet and use the recording feature to record what is happening.

"You can an expensive one, you probably stole it from my fellow noble" He then turned his head to the burly man "We should help return it, shouldn't we?"

"You heard him, kill the boy!" The burly man ordered

-This stupid cliché scenarios! I just wanted a peaceful day out, damn that stupid side character!-

We then readied ourselves to intercept the attacks