Chapter 60: Team chemistry (2)

2 other teams are getting their turn after ours, we were moved to the side, where the students can get healed. Lucas was the first to woke up.

"Hey that was no fair" he complained

"Nope, it's not, unless I warped you all outside the stage or if I warp your crystal then I'm in the clear"

"Damn your big brain" he cursed

"Sorry about that Eleanor" Albert apologized

"You sure caught us by surprise" she groaned as she got up "I didn't even had a chance to attack, you definitely caught us by surprise, where are the other 3?"

"Haven't woken up yet, but they'll get up soon enough"


3rd person view

"Interesting, he already mastered it" the headmaster laughed

"I just taught this today, it I only taught to open 2 at once" professor Williams said

"I heard he said that he practiced during the break, probably after he saw you did it" professor Steel replied "I even ask his team to battle a few more, even though they didn't use the same tactic, they've easily won, that kid as a rogue is the worst problem anyone has to face, professor White, you've done our school a great favor"

"No need to thank me" she replied "I saw the recordings, he can use spatial magic, warp and he is highly intelligent, it was right for us to give him the captain's position"

"The captain's position is really just to show off, the actual people in command are us professors" Professor Blue said "It seems with Perseus, we can easily steal the spotlight for this year"

"I'm looking forward to this year's competition" the headmaster smiled "Albert also has great potential and his family is now more than loyal after we've promoted their household to the rank of a count, we've done good this year"


1st person view

We were training again today to improve ourselves, we're also resting right now.

"So all of you are in the obstacle course too?"

"Well I'm not" Albert answered "I am in the close combat and break the crystal"

"The rest of us are" Liam replied "I also compete in 3, long range combat, obstacle course and break the crystal"

"Well I participate in the same thing, hope I'll get to kick your ass in the finals, Raven" Elliot said

"There can only be one winner after all" Liam replied

"What about you, Caleb?"

"Same as you, obstacle course, break the crystal and close combat, but this time I'm going to win the obstacle course and get my revenge" Caleb laughs "The goddess will be watching and I have to perform my best"

-Well technically she would- Diana said

-I doubt she'll be too happy, she's uncomfortable with believers like him, I usually tell her just to ignore them- Dabria said

"Well, this time, I'll be sure to properly win and not stray off the path"


"That's a lot of C-rank equipments you're asking kid" Luke said over our call

"I'm going to need a few, I'll probably break one every few minutes. I got the tickets for you , so you guys won't need to pay for the seats"

"Thanks, I've heard your business will be responsible for the food there as well" Eliza said

"Yep, uncle John can hook you guys up with free meals as long as he's there, I also got an exclusive black card that gives me free things as well. Damon and my bonds will join you guys in the audience till close combat where I will need them"

"Can I have Ace please?" Eliza asked "I haven't played with him in a while"

"Of course"

"How are the shoes?" she asked

"Great, but I only wear them outside of school since it's not part of the uniform, my robe is allowed though"

"Sorry it took longer than expected, I needed a lot of materials for it, it's my first S-class item, lucky your teachers kept their word, I got the money"

"What's the first event?" Luke asked

"The obstacle course, it's apparently going to be a marathon, then it's the long range combat, close combat and finally destroy the crystal as the finisher"

"That does sound like fun" Luke nodded "We'll have all your equipments ready by then, we'll also get a chance to meet that old guy you've been talking about"

"Well there's that, but be careful"

I then told him about the warning that I got from Urie Chester

"Be prepared to run if anything happens"

"You've already told your parents?" Luke asked

"Yeah, they will wear light armor underneath and stock A-rank armor in those spatial rings I gave them, just in case anything happens"

"Well we'll do too, but we're going to enjoy seeing you wiping the floors with those guys, but you be careful too, Gloria's nobles don't like us commoners after the uprising years ago" Eliza warned

"Don't worry, I'll warp away if anything happens"


We were now taking attendance before heading into a warp gate, my family and friends are already there, and the headmaster apparently also provided them accommodations and everything

-Seems like my family will enjoy their trip-

-We've heard your calls, they were more than happy- Dabria replied

"Seems like everyone is here" the headmaster said "Behave when we're there, the king will also come to watch our performances"

Then a small group of spatial mage open a perfectly shaped warp gate, it was round and not as distorted.

-I'll reach their level someday- Ace said

We all then entered the gate and reappeared inside a luxurious building

"This will be where we are going to train and staying for the next few days" the headmaster said "Your families will be staying nearby, they can also come watch you train and you can visit them in your free time, some are already waiting outside but please find your room first, we'll be providing you with your keys"

We then all got our keys and went to find our rooms, it was a 2 bedroom suite, both with king sized beds, there was a living room decorated with a lot of expensive materials and even the bathrooms were big.

"I like this already, we'll also get a buffet later, I like this a lot"

"I bet even your parents will get jealous" Damon said before going to test the bed "This dragon is going to get a really good night rest"

Diana also transformed into her human form and test it out.

"I'm going to sleep here in my human form too then, you humans sure make interesting things" Diana said

-Dabria, you wanna sleep with me in your human form too?-

-Fat chance, in this realm, my bed is much more comfortable than yours, and I'm certainly not going to sleep in the same bed as you- she replied

-Well I tried-

Diana and Damon took one room, Me, Ace and Siege took the other.

"Let's put down our stuff we don't need and meet our family, after that we can enjoy the buffet, Siege can get all the steaks he wants"

-That sounds nice- Siege replied

We then left the building we were in to find everyone waiting at the front

"Big bro!" the twins shouted in unison as they ran to hug me

"Hey guys"

"Here are the equipments" Luke tossed over a spatial ring

I caught it

"You guys enjoyed the city yet?"

"Ellie is still pestering me to buy a lot of souvenirs, so yes" Luke answered

"Well we've never been her before, so we need all we can get" Ellie replied

"I won't be able to join you guys the next couple of days, I'll be riddled with training"

"That's fine honey" mom hugged me "We plan on going to watch you train anyway"

"Yeah, we've already came here a couple days before you, so we'll go support you instead" dad said

"AH You've finally arrived" someone shouted

-Oh no- Siege exclaimed

"It is my honor and privilege to meet you and your family" Jake Walker bowed "My name is Jake Walker, a pleasure to meet you"

"So he's the guy huh" Eliza observed

"Yep, and this is where this whole trip goes downhill"