Chapter 61: Worshipped

"Ah nice to see you again" I tried to smile

"Your beast is planning a trip to come back here again anyway, so for now let me guide you to our church" Jake smiled

"That does sounds wonderful" Mom said "You have time right?"


-Let's get this over with-

-Well your family looks like they want to go, it's not like you can deny the request- Diana said

"Hey-oh" Lucas came over with the others but he then saw Jake

"Guys join us, we're about to go the church of Dabria"

-I'm not going to suffer through this alone-

"You have that face, where you want us to suffer with you" Eleanor commented

"I have a face like that?"

-Yeah you have this weird smile- Ace said

-Weird and creepy- Dabria added

"Shall we go?" Jake said


We then all went to the church. It was huge, and all the knights were in shiny white armor. And a few of the people over there then looked over at me.

"Isn't he the one Sir Jake talked about?"

"Yeah the reincarnation of Nova"

People were whispering all sort of things about me

"Well you were right, these guys all got a screw loose" Eliza said

We then went to the church and it front of it was a statue of Dabria.

-You're way hotter than that statue-

-Please keep those thoughts to yourself- Dabria replied

-He's right, but I would've phrased it better- Diana comforted

I then went inside the church, the moment I step inside, my presence started to change and it become bigger. The rest of my group stared towards me.

-Your presence feels a bit more...divine- Damon commented

-That's because of his bond with me, after bonding with me, his status and ranking would be even higher than that of a saint- Dabria said

| Author's note: I'm using saint for both female and male now |

-Albert would probably experience the same effects if he enters one of Helena's churches, but he can't shut off the presence like me-

I used my ability 'Presence' to alter my presence and lower it just to that of an average person.

-It still feels a bit off- Ace said

-Yeah it's similar but not the same- Siege added

-Yeah it feels calmer than your usual presence- Diana added

I turned around to find Jake kneeling and praying and so were the other followers and knights.

"I knew I wasn't wrong" he cried "Please bless us"

"We didn't give birth to a reincarnation did we?" Dad asked

"Please don't make this worse than it already is"

"This is kinda funny" Eliza giggled

"Yeah, maybe we can get more customers if we tell everyone that Perseus is our regular" Luke suggested

"Do we have to kneel now too" Lucas asked


"Pleased to be in your presence, your magnificent one" Eleanor bowed

"This is revenge isn't it"

"No course not, I would never plot revenge against a being like you" she smiled

"Yep it is, guys please get up" I said to the Dabria's followers

I took a lot of convincing to get them up but it was chaos.

-How big is your influence in Gloria, Dabria?- Diana asked

-Quite big- Dabria answered

"What's with all the ruckus? Oh Jake why are you here, old friend?" an old guy asked by the entrance of the church

He was wearing white armor lined with black colored metal, and it was also decorated with symbols of butterflies.

-His armor is even more decorated than Jake's, his status is higher-

-He's stronger too- Damon added

"Ah Richard, come and introduce yourself to him" Jake ushered him in

"Oh him, he's the one? I can barely feel his presence" Richard said

"Can you please do what you did again?" Jake asked

I turned off 'Presence' with a sigh

"Holy- You're right, please forgive me for my my rudeness earlier, I didn't know you were trying to hide yourself" he bowed

"Um yeah, it's alright, you can stop bowing now"

-Does your church have saints?- Siege asked

-Yes, but unlike other churches, mine are voted between bishops- Dabria answered -My brother used to appoint people, but I don't, my followers just pick who they think has the best connection to me, usually it would go to the ones with the most presence since they pray to me a lot-

"I'm Richard Oswald, the grand commander of the holy knights, please let me guide you to meet the saint, with you here, the prophecy will finally be fulfilled" Richard said

"What prophecy?"

"Before Nova left, he told the saint of that time to guard a piece of treasure, and only to reveal it to the one whose presence is more divine than the saint" Richard replied "He even told us that he wanted to live among us after he retires as god, you've finally returned"

-I like your brother more already, but his followers are crazy-

-We would have a problem if you don't- Dabria replied

"Will I make it back in time before curfew if I go?"

"Of course sir"

"Can my family and friends go too?"

"Yes sir, anything you wish"

"I told you I wasn't crazy" Jake said

"Well guys, let's go get ourselves some treasure"

"Man hanging out with you have interesting consequences" Lucas said

-Interesting and fun- Ace added

"Well I doubt anyone else would experience anything like what we did" Cecily said

"Well Aenon and Albert, it'll be your turn next"

"We will make sure to prepare ourselves" Aenon chuckled

"Thanks for the advice" Albert replied

"The saint is nearby, please wait here as I get her, Jake prepare the snacks and make sure they are comfortable" Richard said as he ran out

"Big bro is a god" Oliver said excitedly

"Yeah, no wonder he's so strong" Emily added

"Let's not bother him too much now" Olivia calmed them down

"Well my nephew is a god, I don't think my day is going to get any weirder" John mumbled

"You think you got it weird, I've just found out I've given birth to a god John" mom replied

"Guys let's not change the subjects, my day is only going to redeem itself with this treasure"

We waited a while and Richard return with a woman who looked to be in her mid 30s, 165cm tall, green eyes and brown hair, she is wearing a black and white robe decorated with butterflies.

"Let me rest" she panted "That was a far distance"

"You need to get out and exercise more" Richard replied "Come on"

She then walked to me, I turned off 'Presence' again before they had to ask me to do it again, but I quickly turned it off before the followers have no more tears to cry.

"You guys got good cookies, could use a bit more chocolate chips though"

"You've finally returned" she cried "You've answered our prayers"

-Not this again- Ace said

-Tell me about it-