Chapter 70: Easy win

"Seems like I got unnecessarily famous, but I'll give you a chance to surrender"

"Fat chance, I'll fight, and we'll crush you" he replied, both of them stepping into the ring

"Ready...Start!" The referee announced

-I'll take care of the lizard- Siege said running off to fight Julius' bond

"No sight" Julius casted "Dull senses" and my sight went blank with my other senses dulled

"You should know that several long range spells and debuffs spells are allowed for close combat, this is going to be an easier victory than the one with your vice captain" he said "You shouldn't be able to see for an hour, but don't worry, I'll end it quick"

"Wow, I really can't see, nice, but that won't stop me"

I then charge in his direction charged myself with wind and lightning magic, I heard his chuckle as he tried to dodge my kick to his head but then I warped sideways on top of his head and managed to kick him in the face, I then proceed to beat him up, knocking a few teeth out of him. Julius tried to fight back using curse magic to surround his hands and feet, but it was useless as I still beat him to a pulp

"How can you still see?!" He shouted "I can still sense my curse on you"

"I can't, I just learned how to fight without using my eyes"

-Even if he dulled your senses, it won't work, your senses were greatly enhanced due to your bond with magic beasts- Dabria commented

-My regeneration skills can't heal away this curse can't it-

-Your regeneration isn't like mine so no- Diana explained -Your, regeneration speed is fast, but it lack some properties to make it the same, it will be if you use phoenix robe mixed in with your regeneration-

-Don't worry, I'll use it-

As I replied to Diana a robe of blue flames appeared on my body.

"Ah it's nice being able to see again"

-You doing good there, Siege?-

-Yes, I'm finishing up on my side, the lizard is very clumsy- Siege replied

"What the fuck is that?" Julius shouted

"You should know that healing magic is allowed in close combat, don't you know the rules?"

"Healing magic with the fire attribute? That's impossible!" he shouted

"I like doing the impossible, now surrender, I don't want any more of your dirty blood on my fist"

"I'll never give up!" Julius screamed "I'll never go down without a fight

"Then I should've stopped talking and knock you out"

It wasn't long till me and Siege beat them up till the referee stopped us and gave us the win.

As I head back, I met Elliot on the way

"Yo I got revenge for you"

"Thanks but man his face was a mess" Elliot replied "Save your energy for break the crystal, that one is the most important event after all"

"Don't worry, I will"

I then proceeded to win all my other matches and made it all the way to the finals


3rd person view

Caleb uniform and breastplate was torn and destroyed, his body was healed several time, but hew was mentally exhausted

"You're good" Caleb panted "And here I thought that I'll finally manage to redeem myself by winning this one, but you'll lose against our little captain, Emil"

Emil was a guy 176cm tall, black hair and yellow eyes, his uniform has a crest of a peacock.

"I can beat that Albert guy and you, I doubt it'll be any different, though you both did give me a bit of a challenge, you 2 were my hardest fights, I had to heal myself so many times" Emil replied "Though if it was regular combat without rules, you 2 would beat me quite easily"

Caleb and Emil charged at each other again until Caleb finally fell and Emil got announced as the winner


"Copy magic, a magic that requires no attribute, amazing" Anthony Magus said "Albert would have beaten him if they had a fight again, how's Perseus doing?"

"He trains everyday, he should stand a chance" Professor Williams answered

"Good, but he already made it to the finals which is great whether he wins or lose, is professor Steel helping him with his training?"

"Yes, I believe that is the case, but I believe that Perseus mostly trains with his bonds and bodyguard in private" professor Williams replied

"That's good, any news from the scouts?"

"No signs of any danger of sorts sir, some have already started to believe that the warning was fake"

"Well, tell them to keep looking, we'll stop once the competition for the seniors end" the headmaster ordered


1st person view

"Copy magic, the ability to copy any magic he sees, cool"

"The downside is that he can't use it at full power right away, it'll take him time to master it, he had to chant a few of mine" Caleb replied

"I almost had him too" Albert sulked "I was caught off guard, I shouldn't have let my guard down"

"You wouldn't lose if it were a regular fight" Aenon comforted "You should be able to easily get him next time"

"Any other weaknesses?"

"Well, the other weakness is that, not all of the spell he copies are as strong as the original, his mana capacity has a factor in it, it can either be stronger or weaker than the original" Albert answered

"His mana capacity isn't as large as yours and Albert" Aenon whispered

"You should've had him easy then Albert"

"Well I got over confident after winning a lot, I won't make the same mistake again sorry" Albert looked embarrassed


It was the day of the finals and me and Emil finally met face to face

"On one side w have the vice captain of the junior team of Peacock Academy, Emil Thomas!" The announcer introduced and started to introduce me too

"Ah Emil, I've heard a lot about you, maybe I should visit peacock academy someday"

"I've heard a lot about you too, I tried to copy your fire healing magic, but it didn't work, so I'll make sure to injure you till you use it again" Emil replied "Copying that would help me a lot"

"Well, let's see about that"