Chapter 85: Protagonist gone wild

"That does sound like a good kingdom to live in and with the money rolling in, we can retire there easily" Dad said

"And if the academies are also around the same level, our kids shouldn't have a problem being raised there" Olivia added

"That would only be possible if Perseus can solve their ongoing problem" Mom argued "We already got updated on your situation, but please retreat if you can't handle it, from the sounds of it, the kingdom already prepared for the worst in case you can't solve their problem, so prioritize your safety"

"I will, worst case scenario, I'll warp away to safety, I have plans to do some investigating tomorrow "

-Tell them about the incident with the queen- Dabria suggested

-Great idea- Ace smiled

-You have to shut his mouth, he won't go down without a fight- Siege cautioned

-I'll handle it, Diana, take care of it- Damon then used his hands to close my mouth

He then use his strength to pull me away as Diana was telling them about my embarrassing incident, Damon only let me go when Diana finished, my family was laughing on the other side

"No wonder he was so adamant for us to live there" John nodded

"Take that Perseus, this is revenge for all those time you teased us" Olivia giggled

"Now it feels like my duty to teach you how to flirt with women son" Dad said smugly "Firs-"

"Please don't" Mom holding onto her stomach "Look at his face, it's so red, this expensive communication amulet with video call was so worth it"

"I hate you all"

This is the first time in this life that I felt defeated. I'm never making such a stupid mistake ever again


The next day, after breakfast, we were sent to the throne room where Cordelia apparently gave us blessings for us to be able to breathe underwater.

"I don't feel any different" Jake said

"You will see when you go underwater, you will be able to breathe under it" the queen replied "Usually it's done by priest but you all will have an exception and granted the ability by royalty, here's the list"

We then got handed a paper with a short list of names, no more than 20.

"That's not a lot as I thought" I looked over the list "We'll split into 2 groups then, Jake, you go with Damon and Siege, Professor Emma will come with me, we'll warp back here if anything happens, ask them what they were doing the few days before the Leviathan attack, if they seem suspicious note them down"

We were then given golden badges from the queen in case, anyone question our authorities, we then headed off to investigate

"Professor Emma, you'll be good cop, I'll be bad cop, Ace and Diana will be our cute supports, they will charm the nobles into giving us answers"

-I worry about Siege and Damon, the nobles would wet their pants- Diana said

-Jake is there, those nobles should live...hopefully-

"How are you going to be bad cop? I mean no offense, I doubt they will take a child seriously" professor Emma pointed out

"You remember all those time my presence was big and scary, I'll use that to scare them if necessary"

"You might kill me in the process" she argued

"You'll be fine, at most you'll get a nosebleed and splitting headache, besides I'll do if only I had to"

-I'm counting on you to keep her safe-

-Yes, I'll focus on making sure she lives- Dabria replied

We had mostly smooth interrogations, by smooth I mean, occasionally threatening their whole family, until we met one troublesome noble, we were in his living sitting on the sofas and interviewing him. He was an old guy, long grey beard and wears a monocle.

"The princess is over her head if she thinks she can get 2 nobodies to interrogate me" the man shouted

"She's currently the stand-in queen, so I think you should treat her with more respect if I were you"

"She wouldn't be a queen any longer if this kingdom goes to shit" he replied loudly

"Mr. Mart, we understand your frustration, but we need answers" Professor Emma tried to calm him down "What were you doing the few days before the leviathan attack?"

"What?! You think I angered our guardian or something?! What? do you think a great person like me will steal or something?!" he retorted

-We got our guy, we never mentioned the possibility of anyone angering the leviathan or stealing anything, so he knows what's up-

-So you found one on your side as well?- Damon asked

-So there's others?-

-2 on mine, I written their name down, we are just waiting for you- he replied

-Ok wait for us then, he's our last guy-

"It seems that we are not welcomed, if so we will take our leave" I got up and so did professor Emma, she got the message

We then got up to leave and I warped us back to the palace. And we discussed our next course of action.

"So 3 of the nobles seemed to have stolen something, but we have no clue to what it is" Jake pondered "They are working together, but currently we can't get them to admit what they did"

"Hopefully one of them will feel guilty enough and turned themselves in, but the leviathan is attacking tomorrow, I can hold it for a short while, but underwater even if we can breathe, the leviathan would over power me very quickly" Damon said

"Well I can put it to sleep for a while when it attacks, we'll have 20 hours at most to solve this problem"

"What do you mean put the leviathan to sleep? Our spells or any pills would be weak against a black core beast" Professor Emma argued

"Don't worry, I got that part covered"

I summoned Dream Eater and it was now in its sheath on my waist

"What an amazing ability, a sword worthy to be wield by a magnificent person" Jake complimented


"So the heads of the Mart family, Util family and Nour family are the suspects, at least we now have a clue" Cordelia said before ordering her soldiers "Make sure to watch them and make sure none of them escape, use spatial disruption tools to make sure they don't warp away, gather them in the Mart family house, Grand commander Louis, accompany us, we will have to make a personal visit"


"What are you wearing?" Cordelia asked with a look of interest

"It's comfortable, and why are you wearing armor, you have guards here that can ensure your safety"

We were in front of the Mart family's house, I was wearing my usual clothing, plot armor as a black hoodie, white t-shirt, khaki pants and white socks with Dream Eater on my waist. She was wearing and blue and gold armor with a long sword on her waist with her hair tied up in a pony tail

"Well it's just in case they retaliate, they apparently brought their own guards, but your look isn't bad, after this is over, we can maybe some some more time together and get to know each other more" she winked

-You have a chance- Diana said -Don't waste it

"Let's just get this over with" I rolled my eyes and went in

We sat at the opposite couch surrounded by the royal guards, on the other side, the 3 family, one fat blonde woman whose from the Util family, a fat bald guy in fancy clothing from the Nour family and the old man in the monocle in the center which was the head of the Mart family.

"We told you we have nothing to do with it" Nour complained

"Yeah, you might be a stand-in queen, but there are limits to what you can do girl!" Util added

-I want to eat them alive- Siege snarled

-Don't worry, I'll handle this, Dabria, protect everyone on our side-

-Go for it- she said

"Say how many people do you 3 reckon me and my bonds can kill before your guards and everyone else can help you?"

"What are-" Mart tried to shout but was silenced

I then activated 'Presence' and smiled as the 3 and their guards looked at me in fear, several of their guards then passed out, some placed their hands on their sword and tried to retaliate but also passed out as they got close. The 3 nobles were bleeding from their nose and their mouth, I deactivated it and they were still bleeding profusely as they also fainted.

Siege and Damon then shot several volleys of ice cold water at their faces, they woke up and cowered

"I bet you all won't even be able to leave a scratch" I laughed

"Wh-what do you want?" Util stuttered as she tried to stop her nose from bleeding

"Tell me, what did you guys steal?"

"An egg! We stole an egg from its nest and several other treasures!" Nour screamed

"And why did you steal it?"

"We thought we can train a new born leviathan to do our bidding, with a leviathan and prized treasures on our side, we can usurp the throne, pl-please don't kill us" he cried

"How do we get them back?"

"It'll take us 2 hours at most, we got several people hiding it throughout the kingdom and at our secret base" he replied

"There you go, we got our answers, my queen" I smiled and turned towards Cordelia, her and her knights were staring at me in shock

the grand commander shuddered in fear

Cordelia thought

"I'm not your queen yet, but we'll see" she smiled "Everyone arre-"

We then sensed quick movements heading towards us, it had a huge presence. We ran outside and above the kingdom that was surrounded by water, above us was a giant leviathan

-The head alone is as big as my whole body- Damon said

"It seems like my presence got it to attack us early, fun, now who's up to fight a leviathan"