Chapter 93: Monster

3rd person view

"You're being more cooperative than we thought" Craig Steel said to Leona whose head was only facing downwards "I hate torture, I don't know what the kid did, but it worked magnificently"

"You should get rid of the kid." Leona replied shakily "That kid's a monster!"

"Heh, you're not the first one to say that" Craig chuckled "His nickname in our school is the laughing demon"

"No, you should've seen him when he drunk my blood, he...enjoyed it"

"Well, he knows blood magic, he need to control your blood somehow, besides you're not the only ones who wants him gone, some nobles half hoped that you will eliminate him and his dragon, they think that he's a threat"

"That's not what I meant!" she shouted as she stared at him in the eyes "He looked like he genuinely like what he was doing, he drank my blood like those bloodsucking vampires"

"Nice try, you won't be able to lie your way out of this. Besides, he's human, we tested his blood many times, we know him more than you lot do, hope you enjoy your last days, your public execution in set in 3 days" Craig then left the interrogation room and reported everything to the king and the headmaster.


1st person view

-I don't know if I should interrupt your date, so I'm joining the others, bye now.- Dabria said as she then went silent.

"Your attire is strange, you know, even by your parent's standards" Cordelia said

I wore a black shirt which was plot armor in disguise, jeans that were an S-rank armor and black sneakers. She was wearing her blue armor, hair tied up in a pony tail with a sword on her waist, we were walking through the market place in the capital looking for something to buy.

"Do you talk with them a lot?"

"Of course" she nodded "I hang out with them when I'm not in the castle, so just curious, why did you guys want a regular cottage? Surely the sum of money you got from the 3 banished nobles could've bought a bigger one and the house we provided you would have been much better"

"It'll be hard to clean, the houses you provide are too big, besides a house like ours is more cozier and comfortable that way"

"You think too much, we can always provide you maids and servants" she replied

"My family likes to be busy, even my 2 younger cousins"

"Your family is refreshing, you might have noticed already, the people here are scared of my authority, your family are the only ones that treats me normally" she smiled "Your family are adapting to our kingdom very quickly, I thought that they'll at least freak out a bit at seeing like vampires walking around

"We're weird that way, too bad I can't bring the wyverns. For now, I hope my 2 younger cousins will get strong enough to pass into the academy in the future"

"Well if they inherit your family genes, they might"

We then gone to meet Eliza and Luke who were both in the royal forge.

"What brings you guys here?" Eliza wiped sweats of her forehead

"I just wanted to check on you both, how are you 2 doing?"

"We're doing pretty good" Luke replied as he was hammering "Give me 2 months and I'll get the title of forgemaster in no time"

"You 2 should head back to your date" Eliza advised

"I just wanted to get to know the people who crafted Perseus' equipments" Cordelia replied "Do you think you can craft a sword, one of the same caliber like his?"

"We didn't craft that one" Eliza shook her head

"So how did you get it?" Cordelia asked

"Try and wield it, then you'll understand" Eliza answered for me

I then stabbed it to the floor, Cordelia and the other smiths in their couldn't even lift it up

"I heard from Eliza that your sword was unwieldable, I didn't believe it at first, but now..." An old smith shook his head

"I told you master, I don't lie that often" Eliza said

"Where do you want to go next, Cordelia?"

"Do you mind a spar?" she asked

"Sure, why not?"


We were in a private training ground inside the palace, where me and Cordelia was about to spar.

"Are you sure that you want me to use full gear? My equipments are very strong you know" I asked as I was stretching

"I was personally trained by well known mages and knights, so yes I'm sure" She replied "Do you mind if I go first?"

"Sure" I shrugged

She then short a burst stream of water, which I defended by intercepting it with a warp gate that redirected it back at her, she then crushed a warp crystal to warp above my head slashing down, when I used my sword to block it

"Luckily you're still 13, so your reach is not as long as mine" She says as she jumped back

"Well hopefully you can use my current short height to your advantage, because you will need it"

We then fought back and forth, shooting spells or engaging in close combat, and in a cliché protagonist fashion, I managed to pushed her against the ground

"You're stronger than I thought" She chuckled "Besides, isn't this the part where you're supposed to kiss me?"

"Well this is where usually a person will walk through that door and sees whatever we're doing" I pointed out "In fact, I can hear footsteps coming right now"

"Oh you got good ears then," she replied "Because I can't"

I then got up and gave her a hand which she took, as I pulled her up, she then rushed forward to pull into a kiss on the lips, the door then bursts opened.

"Daughter, I need you fo-" the king then saw us "Ah please pardon me and continue what you 2 were doing"

He then closes the door, I heard his footsteps running away as Cordelia let me go.

"I'm going to get in trouble with your parents, aren't I?"

"Well let's hope not" she giggled